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Topics - Mart 'n' Al

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Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Crowdsourcing the analysis of our ethnicity estimate
« on: Wednesday 05 February 20 15:08 GMT (UK)  »
Mine have just been revised. Yet again. The main surprise is that while showing a lot of UK subregions, I supposedly have no London ethnicity. My research shows that I have extensive ancestry over 250 years in London. The fact that my ethnicity estimates exclude, London seem to me to suggest that these estimates are based on findings from longer ago than 250 years. I look forward to any comments.

Interestingly one of the sub regions included in my estimate includes Suffolk, where I do believe that I have ancestry going back to pre 1840.


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / A DNA oddity
« on: Monday 03 February 20 17:14 GMT (UK)  »
I received the following:

"Did you know that you can filter your matches at MyHeritage by the 42 available ethnicity categories? Directions: (1) Go to DNA Overview at MyHeritage; (2) Scroll down the page to "Ethnicities"; on the right-hand side is the number of matches for that category; (3) click on an ethnicity to see these matches. Note that a match must have 10% or more of that ethnicity to be shown in the list. Also, the order of the ethnicities in your DNA Overview are based first on your own ethnicity results, and after that on the number of matches."

I tried this and got the expected breakdown showing that I have numerous UK kin, quite a few Scandas, but also 6 cousins with at least 10% 2 Eskimo, 4 Mongolian genes.  I think I will optimistically try to make contact.


The Common Room / King's Own Boys' Summer Camp Langton Matravers Dorset 1948
« on: Tuesday 28 January 20 13:43 GMT (UK)  »
On an optimistic whim today I thought I would go through the many pages of a very large family bible just in case I found anything of interest. There is nothing on the inside cover such as a detailed family tree...

However in Leviticus chapter 19 ("Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind. You shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed, neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee... ) I found a leaflet mentioning this summer camp. King's Own Boys' Summer Camp Langton Matravers Dorset 1948.  It includes details of the planned schedule, meals, rations including permission to bring jam and 2 ounces of tea which must be handed in to the Cook tent. It also includes travelling arrangements, pocket money rules, medical arrangements and personal kit required. Sporting events include "Halo and orderly competitions" . Can anyone comment on that?

I wonder if anybody else here here knows anything about this event. I would guess it was attended by my Alice's father.

There is also a 3 Cent Maltese airmail stamp.

My search continues...   I hope you will all be getting out your family bibles and doing likewise this afternoon.

Update 14:40 It seems this camp was known to the family, and it is known that the small boy who attended in 1948 was rebuked by his mother on returning home for not having used many items from the full supply of clean underwear during the week!


The Lighter Side / Do you have recent Belgian royal ancestry?
« on: Monday 27 January 20 22:48 GMT (UK)  »
Belgium's ex-King Albert II admits fathering child after DNA test.


The Common Room / The 2020 US census has started
« on: Wednesday 22 January 20 10:36 GMT (UK)  »

Northumberland / Golden Age of Northumbria
« on: Saturday 18 January 20 13:29 GMT (UK)  »

The Lighter Side / BBC news - hyphens in names
« on: Wednesday 15 January 20 09:16 GMT (UK)  »
An interesting article.

To hyphenate or not hyphenate?


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / BBC radio 4
« on: Thursday 02 January 20 16:43 GMT (UK)  »
The hidden history in our DNA -
Part 1 - Sex and Disease
Part 2 - Travel and Culture, BBC Inside Science.

In the second of a two-part special, Adam Rutherford and UCL geneticist Lucy van Dorp explore the last 50-100 thousand years of human evolutionary history, visible in our DNA.


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Who Do you think you are DNA lectures
« on: Saturday 28 December 19 13:32 GMT (UK)  »
I just came across this link, to numerous lectures which will be of interest to anyone in this section of RootsChat.

Be aware, though, that some of them are up to 5 years old and obviously the technology has changed a lot.


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