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Topics - elaine447

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 11
Scotland / 1921 census
« on: Wednesday 14 December 22 20:14 GMT (UK)  »
So annoyed  with Scotlands people,
my families seem to be last on the page
it is costing me 12 credits as I have to pay 6 credits for each page,,sorry rant over  ;D

Renfrewshire / inverclyde intimations
« on: Thursday 08 September 16 18:47 BST (UK)  »
Why cant they just leave things alone when they work,
instead of searching names AB to AY
they have changed it to search by year 1800- 1825
really ??? a lot of people dont know what year they are looking for,
whereas  they at least knew a name, now you have to look through all names for
those years to see if yours is on it,
I lasted all of two minutes before I got fed up

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / witnesses name please
« on: Saturday 05 May 12 22:55 BST (UK)  »
can anyone read the second witnesses name on this cert for me please
I do have an Idea of what it is but would like to get other opinions

Renfrewshire / looking for a marriage or deaths of these people
« on: Wednesday 25 January 12 02:01 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for a marriage for a Sarah Jane Dallas to someone called Byrne
this would have been a second marriage for Sarah Jane her first was to a
Solomon Given in Scotland in 1907,
according to her son's marriage cert 1932 in Scotland his father was deceased and Sarah Jane was now Byrne
I have looked on Scotlands people and cannot find a marriage or a death for her or Solomon
Sarah Jane was born 1884 and Solomon 1883
I am not 100% sure that any of this took place in Ireland just hoping as I cant see them in


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / cant make out mothers name
« on: Wednesday 21 September 11 01:05 BST (UK)  »
I am posting this on behalf of another Rootschatter called mclaughlan
He is trying to find out the maiden surname of the mother of the bride
I have attached a copy to his post

Technical Help / problem on Scotlands People (Complete)
« on: Friday 12 August 11 00:33 BST (UK)  »
I have been trying to view a birth cert
but keep getting an Adobe error message that say's
this file is damaged and could not be repaired

I am not sure if I should contact SP or it is an Adobe issue
as I can view all other certs I have downloaded
has anyone experience this before
any help appreciated

Renfrewshire / Inverclyde council Watt Library
« on: Friday 20 May 11 20:21 BST (UK)  »
Inverclyde council Watt Library have a few new links for research
Deaths by Accident
Deaths by Cholera
Deaths by consumption
Deaths by murder
Deaths by Suicide
and Deaths at sea
all can be accessed by the link above

Ireland / looking for a Marriage for a Hugh Blair
« on: Monday 09 May 11 14:51 BST (UK)  »
wondering if someone could see if they can locate
a marriage between Hugh Blair born around 1874
and Margaret West born around 1875
I have searched Scotlands People site as their son married in Port Glasgow(no luck)
and I think I have found the right couple in the 1901 census in Port Glasgow
but just gives birthplace as Ireland
Thank you

United States of America / a marriage in Ohio
« on: Friday 18 February 11 13:14 GMT (UK)  »
Sorry if this is in the wrong place
I am trying to find info about a marriage between an
Ann Dibbs and Patrick Carrol
found on Family search pilot site the marriage took place
29th December 1868
what I am trying to find out is if this is the same Ann Dibbs who
emigrated from Scotland the same year
I dont know if this info would be on a marriage cert
and if so how do I go about sending for the cert
I can't find a death for her to see if it would name her parents

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