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Topics - Midnight_rambler

Pages: [1]
Kent / Chilton Orchard?
« on: Monday 10 January 11 06:13 GMT (UK)  »
I'm researching potential Romany ancestry, and in so doing, trying to decipher a few census addresses. In the 1871 census, some of my family is recorded to be living in Chilton Orchard, Sittingbourne... anyone know anything about this location? Is it really an orchard, or the name for a particular area?

Travelling People / List of living sites?
« on: Friday 07 January 11 05:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all,

Is there any list of historic caravan (or other gypsy/traveler) living sites out there? Or modern day traveler sites that have been around since the 19th century?

I'm trying to read between the lines on the census records, and find some clues from the addresses. Are there any street/location names in the Milton/Sittingbourne area I should be aware of? (Taynham too...and Finchley, Middlesex.)

I noticed a few well known gypsy sites include "lane" in the title-- is that a pattern or just common in England? (I've a few ancestors located on streets like "Love Lane", "Water Lane," etc.) (Some of them also lived temporarily in a Blacksmiths shop.)

Thank you!


Kent / Harriet SMITH, nee MITCHELL
« on: Thursday 19 August 10 00:39 BST (UK)  »
Hello folks.

Looking for information on Harriet Smith, nee Mitchell. Not sure of birth date or location, but census records indicate they might be the same as her husband, George Smith (b. 1812 St Mary, Hoo.)

They lived in Hoo for the 1841 census and Finchley for the 1851 census. George died some time between the 1851 census and 1860, for that is the year she remarried (to Richard KENNETT, and relocated to Milton by Sittingbourne.)

Her father's name is James MITCHELL, and any info or documents regarding her birth, marriage to George Smith, etc. would be most helpful! (As would any information on this Mitchell family.)

Thank you!


Travelling People / George Smith (heeelp!)
« on: Friday 15 May 09 16:58 BST (UK)  »
I've been up against this dead end for George Smith for months. I've found him in the 1841 and 1851 English censuses, but his wife and kids had left him by the 1861 census, so I have nothing to track him by. (There are, obviously, thousands and thousands of George Smiths.)

Your guys' brilliant research skills/help would be so much appreciated...I want to find him in the 1861+ censuses, or at least a death record if he died between 1851 and 1861, but so far, nothing!

Here is what I have:

Born 1812 St. Mary Hoo, Kent
Married to Harriet (Or Harriot) (Maidden name unknown)
Residence 1841: St. Mary Hoo, Kent
Residence 1851: Finchley, Middlesex (in a blacksmith shop)
Profession: agricultural labourer
Children: George Smith (b. 1839), Stephen Smith (1841), Edward Smith (1845), Emma Smith (1847), Alfred Smith (1850.)

In the 1851 census, they had a boarder, Richard Kennett, and in the 1861 census, Harriet had married him and moved to Milton by Sittingbourne. The kids that moved with them (at least Stephen, Edward, Emma) changed their last names to Kennett. And George is nowhere to be found!! (Nor his son, George Jr.)

Any info on him or the younger George would be so so appreciated.

London and Middlesex / Finchley - Blacksmith Shop (~1851)
« on: Monday 23 February 09 00:54 GMT (UK)  »
Does anyone know anything about a blacksmith shop in Finchley mid 19th century? It's cited as one of my ancestor's residence in the 1851 census. The script is difficult to read, but it looks like it says "known as W. Bafe's Blacksmith Shop." A different member here wondered if it said W. Bass.

Also - does anyone know anything about the history of the Bald-faced Stag Pub? It started out as the Jolly Blacksmiths in the 1730s, and sold illicit beer, but there doesn't seem to be info between then and the name change (which I think happened in 1890.)

(I'm trying to determine whether there is a connection between "known as a blacksmith shop" and illicit beer sellers by that name.)

Travelling People / George Smith (Hoo, Kent & Finchley)
« on: Sunday 22 February 09 05:03 GMT (UK)  »
I'm looking for info on George Smith (b. 1812 in St. Mary's Hoo.) He married Harriet Smith (not sure when), and their first child (also George Smith) was born 1839 St. Mary's. In the 1851 census, though, they live in Finchley (Whetstone.) Other kids: Steven Smith, Emma Smith

I can't read the writing too well, but their living location says something like "known as W. Bafe blacksmith shop." Anyone have any ideas on what Bafe could be? (I might have read it wrong.) (Or what it might mean if he lives at a Blacksmiths shop, but he's not a blacksmith?) (He's an agricultural labourer.)

Travelling People / CHAPELL/ROSSITER? - Milton, Sittingbourne
« on: Saturday 31 January 09 00:38 GMT (UK)  »
Okay so... My great great grandfather is James Chapell, born 1842 in Milton, Sittingbourne. He married Emma Smith/Kennett in 1867. His father is William Chapell, born 1802. (I think in West Malling, though this isn't absolute fact.) His mother is Sarah Sillis, born 1813 in Sittingbourne. (William and Sarah married 1830 in Gillingham.) William Chapell's father is another William Chapell, whose wife's name is Elizabeth.

I am researching a possible connection with my Milton Chapells, and a woman named Mary Chapell, born 1819 Milton, who married Richard Rossiter (born 1813 Sittingbourne) in  1837. Both Richard Rossiter and the Chapells I mentioned earlier worked in the brickfields + as mariners. I want to find out if there is a connection between Mary Ann and James/William/ a sibling, cousin, etc. But the records needed are too early. Does anyone have any information on this? (Access to parish records, etc?)

I am interested in anything regarding William's siblings (ie William and Elizabeth's children), or the latter William's parents, etc.

Travelling People / Census keywords? Tips?
« on: Tuesday 27 January 09 06:20 GMT (UK)  »

I'm trying to investigate possible Romany roots, to establish if the family hearsay is legitimate. (You may know this if you read my Kennett/Smith post.)

I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for words that may be on census records, etc. for traveler households? I've heard that often their household location will be somewhere a parking lot, etc. Anything more specific that you guys have found?

Also, any specific professions or titles I should look out for? (I've heard "hawker" is used...anything else?)

Do you find that travelers tend to live with large groups of people? Or is it mostly single families? (Or does it vary.)

Essentially, I'm looking for anything that might demonstrate whether my family does or does not have Romany roots.

Travelling People / One person, two last names? (KENNETT and SMITH)
« on: Sunday 25 January 09 05:45 GMT (UK)  »
Hi everyone!

This is my first post, so bear with my newbie-isms. :)

I am trying to research the allegedly Romany side of my family. (I say alleged because it had always been a family rumour more than anything...) Anyway, when my father started researching our family tree, he found something peculiar. The wife of my great great great (I think?) grandfather appears to have two last names. (On the marriage certificate of her son, John Chapell, her maidden name is listed as Emma Kennett, but on John's birth certificate, she's listed as Emma Smith.) Because of the sheer volume of names, my dad started researching a different line...and I picked up where he left off.

Anyway, we wondered if Emma were married I traced her in census records down from 1901 to 1861. From 1871-1901 she has her married name (Emma Chapell), and in 1861, she's listed as Emma Kennett (14 years old and living as a servant in a family of Coopers, interestingly enough...[I am aware that both Smith and Cooper are common English traveler names.]) 14 seems a little young for a first marriage...even in the mid-nineteenth century, though of course it's possible. Is it also possible that she used two last names? Was this practiced by travelers?

It creates a problem, because I can't find any earlier records! She would be around 4 in the 1851 census, but no one really seems to match. (Her birth place for the other census records - Boxley, Kent - had been consistent...but I know we can't always rely on birthplace accuracy, thanks to the million parishes, districts, etc. one could list...not to mention the fact there is also a Bexley, Kent, which adds to the confusion.) (Plus I don't know if I am looking for a Smith or a Kennett.) I have no idea what her parents' names are...this information would be exceedingly helpful.

Also, the Cooper family connection is interesting beause the head of the household (Alfred Cooper) is 23...which struck me as young. His wife, Eliza, is 22. I looked at the 1851 census for Alfred, and it shows he was a servant to a different family. (So it seems odd that a 23 year old former-servant would employ a servant himself.)

Anyway! I am rambling, now. Apologies for the length of this post. Any tips on where to proceed next would be very appreciated! Of interest: Emma's husband, James Chapell, wore an earring and called birds to him. Of course that means very little...except for the fact that I have a heap of unrelated and circumstantial evidence that seems to point to the possibility of Romany heritage. Anyway, again, any advice/comments would be wonderful!


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