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Topics - Patsy Beech

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Armed Forces / Frank Keeff Coldstream Guards & Worcestershire Regiment
« on: Sunday 12 October 14 16:28 BST (UK)  »
Hi RootsChatters,
I need some help please in finding details about Frank Keeff, and I am having difficulty as his surname has various spellings!

My starting point is the marriage certificate for Frank Keeff to Ivy Kate Cuff on 13th March 1917. On the certificate he is 28 years old and his occupation is Private, Coldstream Guards, address The Barracks Caterham. He records his father as Thomas Keeff, Engineer.

With that information I searched the medal records and found him both as 8124 Private, Coldstream Guards, and Private 47917 Worcestershire Regiment.

I then tried to find his birth certificate and sent for Frank Keeffe who was born 22nd March 1884, 9 Manchester Street, Kensington Town. No father on the certificate, but mother Annie Keeffe, Laundress (which was a very common occupation in that area). Now this is a bit older than than I would have expected from the age given on the marriage certificate, and of course there is no father named Thomas so there is doubt if these two certificates relate to the same Frank!

What would be really useful is a service record (full of good information!) because without some clues of birth or census returns I have come to a full stop. The only census return I have found is for 1891 at St. Mary's Orphanage in Heston and Isleworth RG12/1025 where there is a Frank Keefe aged 7, born Middlesex St. Pancras. Do you think this is yet another Frank or does he belong to the birth certificate, marriage certificate or neither?

All suggestions very gratefully received.

Dublin / Ledgerwood Family
« on: Saturday 19 July 14 23:31 BST (UK)  »
Hi Folk,

This is a bit of a long shot, but I was hoping that someone could find me a record of a marriage and a  birth in Dublin.

Charles Edward Ledgerwood, born c1863 in Pett, East Sussex, married a Rosina Amelia (surname unknown) born c1873 Maida Vale. The marriage would be somewhere around 1894 and as their first daughter Gladys Maud Ledgerwood was born in Dublin c1895 I thought the marriage might have also taken place in Dublin. This information has been taken from census returns, but I have been unable to trace a marriage for this Charles and Rosina or birth for Gladys.

To complicate matters even further when Gladys married in 1915 (ending March qtr. Woolwich 1d 1821) she married a Charles Ledgerwood.

Glady's siblings were Charles Edward Ledgerwood born c1899 Aldershot. Leonard H. Ledgerwood born c1903 Chatham. Cyril Algernon Ledgerwood born c1904 Chatham. Alfred James Ledgerwood born c1907 Eltham, Kent & Leslie William Ledgerwood born c1908 Eltham, Kent. Some of those places have strong military connections so do you think there could be a possibility of needing to search military records?

All help greatly appreciated.

Durham / West Rainton
« on: Sunday 22 June 14 02:13 BST (UK)  »
Hello Again,

It is several years since I last did any family searching, and I am struggling to put all my information bits and pieces into some sort of sense!!! I am planning to visit West Rainton in the coming weeks and would like to know where to look for certain places that are mentioned on census returns and family certificates, can you help please?

My great, great grandfather, John Thompson, was crushed by tubs and killed whilst working at the Adventure Pit on 18th August 1872. Would this pit have been located down Adventure Lane, West Rainton?

On the 1891 census my Great grandfather, also called John Thompson, was living with his family at Andersons Row. I think this row was part of several rows of houses built by the Londonderry family for the miners, and therefore long since demolished. Any idea just what stands on the site now?

On the 1901 census (RG13/4693 Folio 76 page 23) my great grandfather John Thompson and family are living at 8 South Street. Now the top of the page has ALL of the following recorded Civil Parish - Newbottle (part of), Ecclesiastical Parish Chilton Moor, Rural District Houghton-le-Spring, Town or village Dubmire, so the question is this really West Rainton after all or is it Fence Houses?
The next entry on the census page is for number 9 South Street, followed by Brittania Inn, landlord Philip Clark. Now on the Hetton Local History website there are some memories recorded of "The Township of West Rainton" and the person writing is on a 'walk about' visiting the many locations of pubs that had been in the village previously. 

"The next public house was the Brittania which stood on the opposite side of the road to the present Leamside Junior mixed school. This public house was demolished and council houses built on the site in 1950."

Now looking at a modern day map of where South Street is a where the school is now located there appears to be quite a distance not just one dwelling. So has number 8 South Street moved since 1901, or has the school moved? Or should I be in Fence Houses, and if Fence Houses where is South Street? I can't find it on a map!

On the subject of schools I understand that the original school built by the Marchioness of Londonderry still stands, and has an inscription over the door, but it has been converted into a private house. Could anyone tell me in which street to look for it? My granddad Charles Herbert Thompson must have attended school there (he was born October 1887 at 97 Freehold, West Rainton) and it must have given him a good solid education because he went to work for a timber merchants in London as a shipping clerk.

Finally I have a marriage record of my great, great grandparents George Curry & Elizabeth Purvis  which took place on 14th May 1836 from the George Bell transcripts available on the Internet, but can I find a copy of the marriage in West Rainton where I think the ceremony took place? It was their daughter Mary Ann Curry, born Nags Head, West Rainton April 1844 and who grew up to married John Thompson and be my great grandparents. I believe The Naggs Head was on ground between the A690 and Lambton View - is that correct?

I will keep my fingers crossed that someone can help me find these places, but don't be surprised if you see a lost soul wandering about West Rainton!!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

The Common Room / Calling Urquharts Worldwide
« on: Sunday 21 October 12 15:29 BST (UK)  »
It is with great sadness that I have to tell you our Clan Chief, Kenneth Trist Urquhart of Urquhart has passed away in New Orleans. There is a memorial service being planned for 28th December 2012 in New Orleans and it is hoped that something can be arranged in Cromarty, Scotland.

The Chief worked constantly to bring together Urquharts worldwide, and through the Clan Urquhart Association and its Newsletter many Urquharts from around the world have published their family tree research and requests for help. Kenneth's knowledge of Clan Urquhart was vast and his diligent research will be sadly missed. Kenneth's second son William will take over the duties of Clan Chief.

If you have not joined the Clan Urquhart Association may I suggest that you give it consideration as it has proved so useful to many in the past, and it would provide a fitting tribute to Kenneth to continue his work of building and recording the history of the Urquharts. The Commissioner of Clan Urquhart for the United Kingdom is A.R. Adam Urquhart CA, Glasgow, but there are other contacts for those around the world and a Goggle search should help you find the web pages. Please be patient as these may not be up-dated just yet as this is a difficult time for the family.

Gatherings such as being part of the International Gathering of Clans, Edinburgh, 2009 have taken place previously and I can't tell you how proud you feel marching with the clan along the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. These events have been organised successfully by Mary Virginia, Kenneth's wife, who has always given her constant support to Kenneth and the Clan.

I send our sincere condolences to Mary Virginia and all the family.


Durham / Wedding Photo South Shields 1934
« on: Friday 27 July 12 17:42 BST (UK)  »
Hi Folk,

I have just been having a browse around on eBay (South Shields page) and came across a wedding photo taken at Speed Photo Company, Ocean Road on 17th April 1934. Absolutely no idea of who they are, but knowing how precious my own family photos are it would be great if someone recognised the bride and groom to add to their collection. I think the person selling it will close the auction at 20:30 on Sunday evening 29th July - so not long to have a look. I hope it finds the right home.


Durham / Yellowley - Newlands - Gregson - Place - Ryle
« on: Monday 06 June 11 00:31 BST (UK)  »
Hi Folk,

I have just been having a look at the South Shields page on eBay searching for postcards to illustrate the old family tree when I noticed an interesting 1861 document for sale.

It seems to be all about a Jane Yellowley, wife (or widow) of William Yellowley who was giving up the rights to some property in South Shields. Other names mentioned were Ann & Robert Newlands, Isabel & John Ryle, Mary & John Gregson, and Ann Elizabeth & John Place. Now with a name like Yellowley what do you do but go straight to the 1861 census, and sure enough there she is living with her daughter and son-in-law Ann & Robert Newlands in Bradford House, which is a drapers shop. I think from the census description it could have been in Green Street.

I did a search of this website for the name Yellowley and only found 4 posts connected to the name and none of them very recent. Anyway I thought someone just might be searching for family tree information, hence this post. I do hope the document finds the right home.

Happy Searching,

Durham / Milkes Burn - any idea where?
« on: Tuesday 02 November 10 18:04 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Folk,

I am trying to establish the birth record for Jane Oliver, and I know from the 1901 census RG13/4666 folio 189, page 37, where she is aged 20 and living with her husband James Blackwood and her in-laws at 8 Old Rows, Collierley, Dipton she gives her places of birth as Milkes Burn.

In 1911 James & Jane Blackwood are still living in Dipton with their children, and once again her place of birth is recorded as Milkes Burn. Now doing a 'Google' search has not proved very successful, and my road atlas has also drawn a blank so has anyone ever heard of such a place as MILKES BURN? Has it been swallowed up by another village or town?

Best Wishes, Patsy

Durham / South Shields Trolleybuses
« on: Tuesday 19 October 10 00:19 BST (UK)  »
Hi Folks,

I have just bought a book, "South Shields Trolleybuses" by Stephen Lockwood and find the whole book very interesting taking several trips down memory lane around the old town. However there is one picture in particular that interests me taken by J.S. King and I would really like to buy a 'proper' copy.

I sent an email to the publishers, Middleton Press, but they don't keep the photos, and they suggested that I scan the photo in the book as I only want it for private use to attach to my family tree, and not for publication. This would result in a loss of quality, so does anyone know how I can contact the person with the original who I am guessing is the photographer J.S. King? The book was published in 2007, but the photograph was taken in 1963.


Durham / Westoe Parade - South Shields
« on: Saturday 16 October 10 19:24 BST (UK)  »
Hi RootsChatters,

Today I went to a postcard fair and spent too much cash!!! However I did find some postcards I was searching for to add to the family tree. One postcard was of Westoe Parade, South Shields, and so once back home it was straight to the Alan Godfrey Maps, as I thought it would be easy to pinpoint where it was/is, but no such luck  - or do I just need new reading glasses?

By doing a Google search I found a website for South Shields High School for Boys which has details of school entrants for the years around 1900 (Very interesting website) and among the boys who went to the school were several who lived in Westoe Parade. These were Henry Russell, Frederick William Thornton, Herbert Dewer Thorton, Richard Dupear, George William Lash & George Matthew Lackland Logie. Most of the fathers were Master Mariners except for Richard Dupear, his guardian was Hugh Brown, draper. As at that time it was a fee paying school I am guessing the families were comfortably well off, and therefore Westoe Parade would be in a 'good area' but which area?

All help appreciated & Many Thanks, Patsy

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