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Messages - avj

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 16 [17]
Norfolk / Re: Norfolk Surname Interests
« on: Wednesday 04 May 05 17:15 BST (UK)  »
Hi Ros,

I have some Norfolk Howletts in my wifes' family.

I don't as yet have many details since I've only recently had the details from her Mother. (I'm relatively new at this game!).

The latest  Howlett I have  is Kathleen Clara b 1902 who married a Walter Carver (b 13/3/1898)

I have brief details of Kathleen's Parents Albert (b 1867) and Clara Maria Prior (b 8/5/1876).

This is one of those strands I hadn't yet had the time to research.



The Lighter Side / Re: occupations
« on: Tuesday 03 May 05 22:39 BST (UK)  »
Well I've just found someone in Norwich who was a 'Feather Cleaner'.

Talk about a ticklish job....


The Lighter Side / Looking for ale!
« on: Saturday 30 April 05 23:18 BST (UK)  »

I've discovered that my Great Great GrandMother (Anne Webster) was publican of the Royal Oak Inn, Halfpenny Greeen, Staffordshire, in the 1870's.

What I want to know is what beer would they have served?

Did they brew their own or did they get it from a brewery and if so which one.

And finally,would I be likely to get a free pint on the strength of the family connection?  ;D



The Lighter Side / Re: A place called what..!.!.!
« on: Friday 29 April 05 09:04 BST (UK)  »
How about

Druggers End, Worcestershire
Nempnett-Thrubwell, Somerset  (I've really got to get the T-shirt!)
Ready Token, Glocs
Wyre Piddle, Worcs


Canada Lookup Requests Completed / Re: Jordin in Saskatchewan
« on: Friday 22 April 05 14:35 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Sue,

Found him (and his servant !)

Funny how they keep a census of the livestock as well as the people. :)

Many thanks for your help


Canada Lookup Requests Completed / Jordin in Saskatchewan...COMPLETED
« on: Tuesday 19 April 05 22:17 BST (UK)  »

Can anyone point me to details of John Jordin, who emigrated from Staffordshire to Canada around 1905?

He was born about 1880 and I have a land grant record for Saskatchewan which I believe relates to him dated Dec 1907.

Any other details about his arrival and any other family would be welcome.

Many thanks,

Adrian Jordin

Shropshire Lookup Requests / census lookup - Annie Webster's family
« on: Tuesday 19 April 05 21:55 BST (UK)  »

Could someone help identify some family memebers of Annie Webster, please.

She was born 1856 in Claverly, Shropshire and married John Jordin in Dec 1879 in Birmingham.

I'd like to find details of parents and/or siblings so if some could check the 1871 census (or any other records for that matter) it would be much appreiated.

I am assuming that the early part of her life was in Shropshire even though she married in Birmingham and lived her married life in Staffordshire.

Many thanks

Adrian Jordin

Worcestershire Lookup Requests / Re: worcestershire 1891/1901 Cooper
« on: Tuesday 05 April 05 23:31 BST (UK)  »
Blimey, didn't expect a reply this quick... :o

However, I think Your first reply might be on the right track.

Elizabeth Cooper (Lizzie?) certainly had sisters Edith and Nellie but also Lily, Phyllis and a brother Lionel. Lionel was a coal miner at Highley, Shropshire.

And the dates are looking about right.

Now what about Lavinia's husband, what had happened to him?

I guess I'll go back to aged relatives to see if this jogs any memories while I see if anyone finds anything else.

Many thanks

Worcestershire Lookup Requests / worcestershire 1891/1901 Cooper
« on: Tuesday 05 April 05 21:32 BST (UK)  »

Can someone help out with some dates, please.
I know most of the names but can't find dates for them for some reason.

Im looking for the Cooper family living in Kidderminster in Worcs.
I know of Elizabeth Cooper who married Herbert Thomas Hobbs probably c1910-1920.
Elizabeth Cooper's father was F John Cooper who married Lavinia (maiden name unknown), who was born in Scotland, I believe. Probably married around the 1880s.

Any info would be welcome, but particularly dates.

Many thanks,

Adrian Jordin

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