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Messages - choc_lamington

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Australia / Re: Murder Mystery
« on: Friday 27 April 12 17:28 BST (UK)  »
thank you  :)

Australia / Re: Murder Mystery
« on: Friday 27 April 12 16:29 BST (UK)  »
Thanks again for all your help guys, youo've cleared up a considerable amount of info for me. I can see why the family (my grandmother in particular) never wanted to talk about it. It makes me wonder why he was the way he was, because clearly, something was not right.
Grandma mentioned the possibilty of his state of mind returning from war, but wouldn't the papers have suggested something like that when he was handed down the guilty verdict?
I guess it's just something I may never know.
Let's hope it's not hereditary (sp?) lol

Cheers guys!

ETA: Wait. Just found it :)


Service    Australian Army

Date of Birth    30 March 1910
Place of Birth    KALGOORLIE, WA
Date of Enlistment    14 August 1941
Locality on Enlistment    KILKENNY, SA
Place of Enlistment    HINDMARSH, SA
Next of Kin    REED, MARTHA
Date of Discharge    12 November 1945
Posting at Discharge    1 BATTALION VDC

Europe / Re: Finland/Sweden- The Åland Islands
« on: Friday 27 April 12 14:45 BST (UK)  »
I did read that, thank you! :)
It's so strange, but I think he was really passionate about it. I wish I could have met him, but alas, I have to live through memories.
Thanks for you help.

Australia / Re: Murder Mystery
« on: Friday 27 April 12 14:40 BST (UK)  »
Wow! What a quick response!

Thank you so much guys! I can't believe how fast you all were. I'm at work, so wil have to look more deeply into this when I get home in an hour or so! Thanks again!

This is spot on!

Stace  ;D

Europe / Re: Finland/Sweden- The Åland Islands
« on: Friday 27 April 12 13:43 BST (UK)  »
I'm so sorry, its been about a year since I've been  able to get back on here! (long story!)

Thank you everyone for the help provided. I'll get onto these new tips and questions straight away! :)

Thanks again!  ;D

Australia / Murder Mystery
« on: Friday 27 April 12 13:06 BST (UK)  »
I was wondering if someone could give me the heads up when it comes to looking for truth in Family Myths, especially those regarding murder, when I have very little information to go by.

My grandmother passed away in September 2011 and a couple of months before she died, she had told me that her uncle had apparently poisoned her grandmother, that he wasn't quite right in the head, but no body in the family talked about it.

My great great grandmother's name was Martha Reed (nee Staveley) married to a Henry Joseph Reed and her son was Cybil (John) Reed. My great grandmother was Annie Florence Reed (I believe she was a twin) whom died in Port Lincoln, South Australia in the early 1990's.

This is all the information I have to go on and as you can see I have very little and it's a bit of a nightmare. I'm not scared of a bit of hard work, but am lost as to where to start (when I have already tried sites like Mundia & Ancestry).

I'm going to head to the State Library in the next week or so, but any help to point me in a more useful direction would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!


I have on hand for the moment a copy of the "Pink Lake" cemetery burials index from Yorketown, South Australia dated 1874 - 1996. If it can be of use to anyone, please don't hesitate to ask for a look-up.

Europe / Re: Finland/Sweden- The Åland Islands
« on: Monday 17 January 11 11:48 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you! I gave it a quick browse the other day, but struggled finding my way around because of the language difference.... I think my brain melted! lol But I will give it another go,

Cheers :)

Europe / Finland/Sweden- The Åland Islands
« on: Friday 14 January 11 11:38 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all,

I've been helped pretty massively by a few special people around this place since I started out only 3 months ago, of which I cannot express how grateful I am, however, I've come to a bit of brick wall with one of my family members, and it feels like I'm never going to get anywhere researching his family back in Finland.

I'm looking for more information on my Great Grandfather and his life before arriving in Australia.

John (Yohan) Mikael Karlsson

Born: 12 May 1906 Holmöarna(?), Åland Islands, Finland
Died: 1974 South Australia
Married: 1928 Eilleen Emily Catherine Clarke
Naturalised: 5/12/1939: Reg No 6820 - Karlsson eventually turned to Carlson

Arrived From France On The Herzogin Cecilie, A Windjamer From Mariehamn, Åland, where He jumped Ship in Port Lincoln, South Australia  (1925/1926?)

Occupation: Boat Builder (from what I've been told)
Notes: He was missing one hand (I was told he lost it at the age of 14 picking up shells from WW1)

His Father's name was Yohan Arthur Karlsson and his mother's name was Alina Sophia (maiden name unknown)

Ethel Karlsson
Hjordis Karlsson
Mary Karlsson
Roy Karlsson

I've been told that Alina Sophia was living in Mariehamn, Åland Islands, upon her death. Also, because the Åland Islands are governed by Finland, but the culture, traditions and language were Swedish, and apparently to his dying day my great grandfather stubbornly insisted he was Swedish, not Finnish.

This is all I know, and I've been trying with my limited (due to my lack of experience) knowledge to find out more about his side of the family. If anyone could suggest any websites, or offer any help regarding this family, I would be extremely grateful.


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