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Messages - MaecW

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Devon / Re: Capt. James Clarke of Sid Abbey
« on: Tuesday 02 May 23 13:38 BST (UK)  »
Good Morning
For foreigners up North like myself  Sid Abbey is between Sidmouth and Salcombe.
James Clarke was born 1788 and buried at Salcombe  15.4.1845

Just a small clarification. Salcombe is the well-known port in the South Hams area and is some sixty km as the crow flies from Sidmouth.
Salcombe Regis is a small village slightly to the East of Sidmouth.
Sid Abbey is on the outskirts of Sidmouth on the way to Sidford and can be found on Google maps.

Heraldry Crests and Coats of Arms / Re: The Meaning of Heraldic Devices
« on: Wednesday 19 April 23 05:50 BST (UK)  »
In English/Scots/Welsh/Irish heraldry it is not common for Devices to have any particular meaning apart from the occasional punning allusion.
Continental heraldry also varies in practice and, in this instance, Hungary seems to be quite distinct.
I found the site provided a good introduction.
There doesn't seem to be an equivalent to the Heraldry Society but the following site looks useful :
I hope this is some help


Worcestershire / Re: pugh surname
« on: Wednesday 12 April 23 07:26 BST (UK)  »
I suspect the mention of race is because the details are taken from an LDS site, not from the original register. Whilst the British recorders had no interest in race it was of much more importance to family historians in the USA.

Westmorland / Re: Westmorland Parish Records on line.
« on: Thursday 16 March 23 04:52 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you both for your thoughts. You both refer to Record offices but I am reasonably sure that the controlling authority for Parish Records is the Bishop of the appropriate diocese. Most of whom have been happy to release records, but a few had reservations perhaps related to the LDS origins of Family Search.
On looking again at some of the Kendal records on FS I note that they are accompanied by a note as follows :
"To view these images do one of the following:

    Access the site at a FamilySearch center.
    Access the site at a FamilySearch affiliate library."

This suggests they are available on fiche, but regrettably much of Westmorland is not.
It is not clear whether this is because they have yet to be processed or that there is some other obstacle.
More waiting required !

Westmorland / Westmorland Parish Records on line.
« on: Wednesday 15 March 23 02:52 GMT (UK)  »
I have a feeling I've asked this before, maybe several years ago, without success but things change so it is worth asking again.
Are any of the actual Westmorland PRs available to view on line ? The other counties I have been researching in have all had their PRs and/or BTs online either with Ancestry or Family Search, but not Westmorland.  A few oddments do appear on FindMyPast but not a large selection.
Family Search do have these records, which have been made searchable in a transcript form but attempts to view the originals result in a message : "Access the site at a FamilySearch center.
Access the site at a FamilySearch affiliate library." 

If the originals are not available is there some particular reason why not (diocesan objection, perhaps ? ) or is it just a matter of waiting for somebody to process them ?

The Lighter Side / Re: WHAT IS THE POINT? by "Fed Up"
« on: Tuesday 14 March 23 01:54 GMT (UK)  »

 What is the point of posting a tree on-line if it is inaccurate and without sources ?

To my mind, knowing what is not a good lead, or path to follow, is just as valuable as knowing a correct one. It eliminates hours and days of work for no benefit. 


Agreed. But how do you know it is not a good lead or path without checking it out, which is made more difficult by having no sources ?

The Lighter Side / Re: WHAT IS THE POINT? by "Fed Up"
« on: Monday 13 March 23 03:42 GMT (UK)  »
It "might" be wrong but it is not very common as these are official documents which people usually take care to try to get right. On the other hand far too many on-line trees are just quick compilations by people who have little understanding of even the most basic checks and have cobbled together various strands of information without looking for supporting evidence. They remind me of the Victorian period "family historians" who created a supposed history by taking a few names and then doing a quick trawl through the local parish records for similar names without actually checking whether they were related.
A quick check of twenty on-line trees containing one of my G-grandfathers and his descendants , all of whom I have well documented, shows sixteen of them contain errors : Wrong marriage, wrong children, wrong birthplace, children to wrong parents, wrong death  etc.  Mostly things that are easily checked by reference to PRs and Civil Registration.
What is particularly galling is that so many do not post their sources so it is not possible to check the validity of their entries.

(And a question for Erato here : what is the point of posting a tree on-line if it is inaccurate and without sources ?)

Having said that, I have found that trees posted by serious investigators can be of great help in tracing ancestors by pointing in new directions. I have recently gone back another three generations on one line after a tip from an on-line tree that had picked up a misspelling in the formal records that I had missed.

Norfolk / Re: Coote – Northwold, Norfolk – 1780 to 1810
« on: Friday 10 March 23 22:36 GMT (UK)  »
Many thanks, lli,

I had missed the Admon, and allowed myself to get confused by the Cootes.

You have provided exactly the sort of argument I needed to accept the connection; in particular "the Hewen perspective" is pretty convincing. You gave some background there with reference to other legal documents which suggests you have access not available online ? Or is it just a question of knowing what to look for ?
I did discover the Baron Court records for the Manor of Hovell & Dagneys in Northwold covering this period but must admit that the script and formal language defeated me !
I also have photos of the gravestones of both Joseph and Jane from FindaGrave(?) but they are too encrusted to read clearly and I don't have the facility to "photoshop" them. If somebody could do this for me I would be most grateful.
Thank you again for your logical exposition.


Norfolk / Re: Coote – Northwold, Norfolk – 1780 to 1810
« on: Friday 10 March 23 12:59 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you all for your replies.

Unfortunately, and I may not have made myself clear, I already have most of the information you have offered. What I am trying to establish is : Is the Ann Coote, nee Hewen, given as the mother of the six children (I had missed Jane !) born between 1798 and 1810  in Northwold the same person as the Jane Hewen who married a Joseph Coote in Methwold in 1798 ?
Apart from the mark on the Methwold marriage record which lli1133 has noted and which could read “ann” but might also be Jane's “Mark”, there seems to be no evidence that these are the same person. If “Ann” was a family or pet name for Jane it seems odd that the Vicar used the name in the Baptismal records but not at the time of her burial in 1843, nor does it show on her gravestone.

I feel it would be wrong to just assume that Jane and Ann are the same person without some sort of confirming evidence.  Granted that the dates seem to fit but, as I said in my first post, there were several Joseph Coote around Norfolk/Suffolk at the time so a second pair is possible.

Ah ! The joys of Family History !


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