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Messages - LDaw

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Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / 1881 census, only one word needed
« on: Monday 31 December 18 14:36 GMT (UK)  »
Sorry, I tried to do an attachment but the file is too large.  I don't know how to reduce it on an iPad.

1881 census.  John Burr of Washingborough.  His name is on the tenth line down.  He's followed by his wife, Mary, and son, Charles.  His granddaughter Eliza is the entry I'm interested in.  What's the word after "Eliza"?

(I've not yet tracked down which of his children Eliza belonged to.  My Ancestry subscription has lapsed so that bit will need to wait for now.)

I've been looking for any connection between an acquired aunt.  It turns out she was probably a blood relative.

(In case it helps, citation is RG11/3236/40 p 17)


Lincolnshire / Re: memory tricks
« on: Monday 26 November 18 10:52 GMT (UK)  »
I did find that article but the Lincoln factory mentioned was for armoured vehicles and the bombing was Grantham.

Thanks anyway.

I also forgot to include the following in my original post -

Were Anderson shelters or those steel table shelters common in Lincoln city?  (Another relative lived in the city and has no recollection of anyone she knew having either.)

Lincolnshire / Re: The village of Coleby is confusing Me.
« on: Monday 26 November 18 10:43 GMT (UK)  »
Blind Lane is still there and still goes by that name.  It’s behind the church.  The Bell Inn is on Blind Lane.

Lincolnshire / Re: The village of Coleby is confusing Me.
« on: Monday 26 November 18 09:25 GMT (UK)  »
Arthurk - thanks for that map website.  I've taken a look and it looks like it's going to be very useful.

Lincolnshire / memory tricks
« on: Monday 26 November 18 09:23 GMT (UK)  »
I know our memories can play tricks on us so I'm checking for evidence to back up a relative's recollections.

These particular memories relate to World War 2 and Lincoln.

Was there a convalescent home for servicemen in Lincoln?

Was there a munitions' factory in Lincoln?  (I've only found reference to 20 around the country and none are close to Lincoln.)

Were there any incidents that led to a group of schoolgirls being killed (10+, due to a bomb dropping?).

I've been trawling through the newspaper archives and haven't found anything that fits in with the recollection.


Census and Resource Discussion / Re: British Newspaper Archive - tips sought
« on: Saturday 27 October 18 15:40 BST (UK)  »
I'd bet there will be "Pay" entries listed as "Day" too.

Address search for 948 Rochester Way brings up times and loads of horse races (luckily these are both easily to filter out visually).

Census and Resource Discussion / Re: British Newspaper Archive - tips sought
« on: Friday 26 October 18 23:46 BST (UK)  »
Mark - some of those successes must have been very heartening over such a long period of time (the highway robbery looks fascinating).

I'm also wondering how common it was for families to put notices in the press for births, deaths and marriages.  The part of the family I'm researching at the moment I keep drawing a blank for.  I find it odd that an aunt and uncle in another city would place a death notice for their nephew (1944, killed in action) yet I've found no notice from his parents or wife.

Census and Resource Discussion / Re: British Newspaper Archive - tips sought
« on: Wednesday 24 October 18 23:19 BST (UK)  »
I’ve re-tried using “waiter” and “Hughes”, it brings up other mis-read Walters so that’s a very useful tip.  Thanks.

Unfortunately, Hughes is quite a common surname so just using that hasn’t reaped any rewards so far.

More tips welcomed.

Census and Resource Discussion / British Newspaper Archive - tips sought
« on: Wednesday 24 October 18 21:37 BST (UK)  »
I have read the tips on the website itself.

Can anyone here suggest where I'm going wrong?

Specific example, Lincolnshire Echo on 16/10/1944 had a family notice saying, "Hughes. -Walter, reported killed in action during September, the dearly loved nephew of Mr and Mrs Allen, 38 John Street,"

I discovered it as I searched under "38 John Street".  When I look up under "Walter" and "Hughes" it doesn't trace this item.

This might be the reason I'm not finding death notices for other people.  I just can't spot where I might be going wrong.  Even if I leave all the trace options open (all areas and all article types) it only brings up the death notice when I input the address.

Any ideas?

(As an aside, putting in the address has brought up the odd interesting advert for eras prior to popular phone ownership.)


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