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Messages - Chef_Hendrix

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Good afternoon,

I have this photo in my collection of a young boy and I think his younger brother, I believe it to have come from my Mums side of the family, possibly the Halls as that is the only part of our family who have any connections to Ashington.

Is anyone able to date it for me or know anything about the studio?

Thank you


It could be Chillingham School if the photos dated between 1914-1925, and South Charlton school if earlier than that.

I wonder if it is the cast for a school play.
In which case, I wonder if it’s reported in a newspaper.

I hadn't considered that, thank you, i'll try searching down that avenue.


Thank you both, what age do you estimate the children to be?

I also noticed on this photo and no. 4 in my posts, that some of the children have their hands on or around the shoulders of children in front of them. It reminds me of my old school photos with my Brother and its something I used to do as the older brother. Do you think this is the case here and they are potentially related or just a random act?

That would be good, it's often quite  helpful when dating.
I love your photos.

Hi Carol,

All done! Thank you, I have quite a few old family photos, but these ones stood out from the rest.


The 1890s  is about right for this one late decade I would say. It's always a good idea to post the whole photo including the back where possible as it helps with dating.

Hi Carol, thank you, shame I can't name them!

I will go back and update my other posts with the reverse of the photos. Not much point with this one though, as its a picture I took on my phone of a picture which had also been photoed and then printed out on plain paper with the detail of " South Charlton 1890s" wrote on the back recently(ish!)

Last one!

This picture is not great and is a photo of a photo, not sure where the original is but from the same family as the photos in my other posts

It has "South Charlton 1890s" written in biro on the back and so could potentially show my Great Grandad Thomas Renner and his brothers David and Robert and sisters Isabella, Margaret and Ann who were all born between 1884 and 1886 who were living at South Charlton, near Alnwick from birth until 1911 where they moved to Chillingham, near Wooler.

My Great Great Grandad also had a brother living at South Charlton and he had 4 children the same age as my Great Grandad and his siblings so potentially upto 10 ancestors in this photo!



Good Morning,

Could anyone please help in dating this old school photo. it looks a bit older than the photos in my other two posts and is a bit smaller at 4x2.5 inches. Again it's on a cardboard type backing with no clues as to who is on it or when taken other than it came from my Grandad.

If it's post 1911 the picture could have been taken around the Wooler area of Northumberland, and prior to this would be around South Charlton/Rock area, near Alnwick.

Thanks again everyone


I think maybe start a new thread for each, Gaz  :)

Thanks Gadget, will do!

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