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Messages - slothbear

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Denbighshire Lookup Requests / Re: is this the end
« on: Saturday 23 December 17 21:52 GMT (UK)  »
thank you heather for making me feel welcome to roots chat.

i think i may need as much help as you can give me.
i havent got much to go on realy,only the transcript book for llandegla i have BMD from
what i no from the booklet is-

robert roberts and mary roberts was the father of--
 david born 1787,who moved to llandderfel.
robert was a carpenter.
they also had jane 1776
                      godfrey 1778
                      robert 1780
                      jane1784   (another jane)??
                      david ( above 1787)
 also there is another robert and mary roberts,he was a wheelwright
they had a edward 1769
                  john 1771
                  robert 1773
could this be the same robert roberts the carpenter,as a few years earlyer he could of been a wheelwright?
there are 2 janes and 2 robert i think the first time they were named they may of died in childhood.?

for a burial record of the father robert,i have a few dates-
1788 ( it does say carpenter by the name) i think this could be the right date,so its oct 9th 1788
and mary his wife
1798 (it does say widow)
the marriage date u give me could be right,but it would of ment that they had 3 children before thay were marryed?
i think you are right looking in other villages so -
i think i just need a few dates,that are right and to do with robert and mary,then i can focus and get on my way again.
sorry for going on,i realy have enjoyed researching my tree,but i am struggling and not enjoying it as much.
thank you again

Denbighshire / Re: Llandegla burial records
« on: Saturday 23 December 17 21:03 GMT (UK)  »
He was married to a Mary ? But the names are so common I can't guess to which marriage it would be .
That's why I though the actual church record it's self may have give a age of death .
Apparently there was an inquest into his death ( a roots chat member found many years ago )
I took the reference number to Ruthin record office but to my dissipointment it said nothing .

As far as I know he had children in llandegla , the last one born in 1787 , who is my descendent .
Other children were born approx two years apart before that date . Under Robert Roberts and Mary with is occupation a carpenter , but then there is Robert roberts and Mary going further back having more children again approx two years apart under the occupation of a wheelwright I am thinking it's the same family .
No abode is given for both so does that mean the actually lived in llandegla ?
I was recommended to try apprentice records as he was a carpenter , but don't really know where to search for this or how ..

Denbighshire / Re: Llandegla burial records
« on: Saturday 23 December 17 20:40 GMT (UK)  »
I wrote to the church many years ago and the reply I had was that there was writing to the record of Robert roberts burial , but they were unable to read the writing and tell me what it said ?
Ok I will have the page you have in question , I will be something else to add to my family tree file . I will PM you .. thank you
I will have a look for wills but the name is quit common do you think I will struggle to find the right one . .

Denbighshire / Re: Llandegla burial records
« on: Saturday 23 December 17 20:23 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you gadget for your help , it is very kind of you .
I think it will just be the information I already have so you don't have to send me anything thank you very much though .
So to get the burial place in the actual cematary of llandegla , I would have to visit the church and ask someone there , I am also thinking there could be an age of burial on there records they will have ?

Denbighshire / Re: Llandegla burial records
« on: Saturday 23 December 17 20:03 GMT (UK)  »
That's strange you have the right information but a different place , why is this do you think .

Denbighshire / Re: Llandegla burial records
« on: Saturday 23 December 17 20:01 GMT (UK)  »
His death is recorded in the green booklet , llandegla parish register volume 3 , baptisms, marriages , and burials 1777- 1812 .
It's recorded  1788 October 9th . Robert roberts he was a carpenter ..
I think the actual church records give where in church yard he may be buried and maybe how old he was when he died which would be great to find out .
Thank you

Denbighshire / Re: Llandegla burial records
« on: Saturday 23 December 17 19:28 GMT (UK)  »
I have the green parish register book with his death in Oct 9th 1788 .
Was just wondering if the burial record was online anywhere so I maybe can have his age and where he has been buried , as there is no headstone .
I did contact the church many years ago and the reply was the writting was to bad to understand .
But maybe there are others that can figure a few dates out and words on it , if it was online .
Thank you for your help . 

Denbighshire / Llandegla burial records
« on: Saturday 23 December 17 12:02 GMT (UK)  »
I am just wondering is there any records online that show the records of burials and where they are in llandegla church yard .
Or would I still need to contact the church .
I did this several years ago but the reply was the handwriting was to bad to understand .
I am looking for Robert roberts who died 1788 .

Denbighshire / Re: Looking for William Seth
« on: Monday 18 December 17 22:38 GMT (UK)  »
Ok thank you for all your fantastic help and advice .

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