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Messages - Elsa-Mary

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Australia / SAMUEL GILLESPIE--Please help!!
« on: Wednesday 17 December 14 20:01 GMT (UK)  »
 :) Hello Oz-or should I say gday??-from Brittany in France

I have very little info at present about Samuel Gillespie--born 1914 I believe in N Ireland,parents Thomas and Alice Macklin.
His grandaughter has contacted me to see if I could find out if he was still alive or not.
She has been told he emigrated to Oz about 1966/8- --sorry guys I do not at this moment know any more,and I have no idea how to trace family in Oz
Samuel had left his uk family- by that time -and it is believed had another relationship (not sure if he married again.
Thank You

Lancashire / Re: A Robinson Pawnbroker
« on: Monday 24 November 14 20:49 GMT (UK)  »
I have been  been able to confirm , that Dorothy Olive  Robinson nee Davies,  had been married before to a Robinson!!! and  there were  children from that marriage

Thanks for the other info---seems that Herbert ( Alexanders brother who he took care of ) who I 'm told had some disability.
has disappeared,if he was still alive at Alexander;s death in 1958 it would have been an awful lot for Dorothy to manage with babies .

Lancashire / Re: A Robinson Pawnbroker
« on: Friday 21 November 14 18:14 GMT (UK)  »
 :) Does it not !!

Yes I am informed she must have been fertile !!!-as to Ancestry--sadly I cannot afford the premiums-although I do know a Williams--hopefully  2nd cousin? have a tree,but I cannot access any of that.
Bless you--you are indeed very kind


Lancashire / Re: A Robinson Pawnbroker
« on: Friday 21 November 14 17:38 GMT (UK)  »
 :)Well --thanks --Plot thickens 8) It seems Ms Davies--had been married before to!!!!  A-- Robinson-!!very convenient !! this I have only just been told !!
Must of made life a little easier being able  to confirm being a Robinson  !!
Love the way----life has these twists and turns --hoping all this WILL lead to Alexanders burial place.
Again Thanks

Lancashire / Re: A Robinson Pawnbroker
« on: Friday 21 November 14 10:10 GMT (UK)  »
 :o Wow-have you a crystal ball??

To be honest I had no idea of her date of birth or death-!!
-I  assumed she had taken granpa's surname -for respectability!--Alexander was still married to Ellen (BOYLE).
This gives me  such hope that all this info you have very kindly passed on-may lead to finding his final resting place. Thank You

Lancashire / Re: A Robinson Pawnbroker
« on: Thursday 20 November 14 19:58 GMT (UK)  »
 :)fOUND SOME MORE INFO!-on Alexander Robinson--had a disabled? brother Herbert! and 3 children Alexander J,   Rosemary,   and Margaret-believed to have married a Heath in 1970?.
I am totally jiggered here-obviously Alexander died 1958-no idea where his resting place is-tried Allerton and Toxteth--would dearly love to know this above all-so next time I am in UK--AS ALWAYS visit my favourite  city!!! I could  place some flowers there for a  real hero! ( Police) ,and gentleman--who cared for his disabled brother-when no-one else would.
Would anyone know about this pawnshop at all?
Maybe some of the children are alive?-but I doubt if Herbert is--so sorry have no more info.
I am 67 yrs old--so time is also running out for me to find     my old Granpa !!xx

Lancashire / Re: Burial info PLEASE
« on: Wednesday 19 November 14 09:56 GMT (UK)  »
 :) Thank You All ,so much.

I have briefly checked the Allerton site -zilch-although there maybe some of his second family buried there,but I do not have their names.

All I do know  for sure-is his partners first names Dorothy Olive  registered his death , AND AS  his estate went to my Grandmother--as his widow  ,almost impossible to trace any of that family.

As it is, have the hugest brickwall with his early life as a Policeman?? in N Ireland --again no records!!!!!--I believe maybe available 2021/22--  when you are my age--I want it before I meet him!! ::)

Lancashire / Re: Burial info PLEASE
« on: Tuesday 18 November 14 23:28 GMT (UK)  »
 :)Thank You,

Ellen Robinson was my grandmother.

I believe he was buried in Liverpool ,which would be the closest cemetaries to Waldgrave Rd-sorry I do not know the areas of Liverpool.
Many Thanks

Lancashire / Burial info PLEASE
« on: Tuesday 18 November 14 21:22 GMT (UK)  »
 :) :) Hello-- from Brittany in France.

I am totally stumped!! huge brickwall--re my grandfathers grave-burial place.
Alexander Harold Robinson--died 20 June 1958-( born approx 1896 N Ireland )in Brownlow hill hospital.
Anyone have a clue where he might have been buried??
He was born in N Ireland--and married   in Presbyterian church--so COI I expect--BUT lived with Dorothy Olive?  in Liverpool  AND HAD FURTHER children

Only other info I CAN GIVE- he had  run a pawnshop business in old Swan-- and have just the address of that-no other info  regarding that sadly.
Many Thanks for any help

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