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Messages - rowanali

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Armed Forces / Re: Black Water? Ireland? Highland Cyclist Battalion??
« on: Saturday 23 March 19 09:40 GMT (UK)  »
Yes, of course it is Black Watch - how did I not work that out myself. Thanks for all the help - had no idea about Chinese labour corps or the cycling battalions but I do now. 
Helpful to to get details about Roberts birth (and no his mother wasn’t Irish)
Thanks to all

Armed Forces / Re: Black Water? Ireland? Highland Cyclist Battalion??
« on: Friday 22 March 19 12:36 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, thanks, yes, I had found the birth reg'd in Belfast, its just that on one census (when he was a child) the parents have said he was born in Donegal.  If they were in Ireland with army perhaps any children born were registered in Belfast (something to do with army?). 
Would Black Water have been a flashpoint?  Or were they just positioned randomly around the country? 

Armed Forces / Black Water? Ireland? Highland Cyclist Battalion??
« on: Friday 22 March 19 12:21 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, I have mention of Black Water on a record of a Donald Munro (b1864) who was born in Tomintoul, Scotland.  He joined the 42nd Royal Highlanders and the record is sketchy, but Black Water may be in Ireland as I know his son Robert Henry Munro was born there in 1886 (probably either Belfast or Donegal!)  He was a soldier prior to having children with the Royal Highlanders and then moved to Aberlady and was a policeman for a couple of decades.  He then seemed to split from his family and moved to Edinburgh to work on the trams, but in 1915 he joins up again (which is the record I have looked at which mentions prior service at Black Water).  Did search on google and alarmingly it took me to a modern mercenary website!  Any help with where he might have been in Ireland would be appreciated.  Rather oddly, the record also seems to record him being a member of the Highland Cyclist Battalion - is that a real thing?

Banffshire / Re: Stuarts stonemasons Tomintoul.
« on: Saturday 09 March 19 15:50 GMT (UK)  »
Actually James Kelman seems to be described as meal Miller of Ruthven Mill or as living at Glenlivet - used interchangeably.  I thought it was a Ruthven further away but looks like it was Ruthven, Kirkmichael. 

Banffshire / Re: Stuarts stonemasons Tomintoul.
« on: Thursday 07 March 19 19:26 GMT (UK)  »
Just throwing this into the mix.  Maybe relevant, or not...

I have a James Kelman and his wife Jane Gordon (Jean) and a few kids living at Glenlochy (Abernethy) and James was definitely a Miller by trade.  So there must have been a mill there, so possibly a residence of some sort near the burn where the Mill was?  This was in 1841 (although they are listed as Helman, rather than Kelman which made them very tricky to find!).

Angus (Forfarshire) / Re: Morgan Academy, Dundee
« on: Monday 04 March 19 18:05 GMT (UK)  »
A bit late to be replying, but I have class photos taken at the Morgan from about 1935 (5 years old) to  1945/6 (as 15 year olds).  If these dates fit I can try to find the photos and scan and post/email.

Banffshire / Re: Stoneavaich - Glenconlas as it was known
« on: Tuesday 05 February 19 18:56 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Indiana,
The River is the Conglass, so the valley that Stoneavaich, Delachule, Delnalyne, Lagganvoulin etc are in is all kind of 'Glen Conglass'.  There is a farm though, further north along the river that is/was called Glenconlas/glenconglass/various other corruptions like all the others have.

That is useful info about the set up of Catholic church in the 1800s.  That level of knowledge always help inform the conclusions we draw.

I have similar batches of Confirmations which seems to have been done by a Right Reverend Alexander Paterson and then later by Right Rev and Dr James Kyle.  They were done in 1818, 1821, 1825 and 1830 (haven't looked at later ones yet).  I think mine are fairly evenly matched for men and women.   It is from these entries that state "AD 1825" that I can see the capital A and D are the same as the mark next to one of the missing names in the 1824 Status Animarum.  So I am drawing the conclusion that it stands for adultery and daughter in same way as they record bastard son. 

From checking dates of the listed family member confirmation and comparing to the marks on the SA, I think that 'Com' is actually 'confirmed' and 'not Com' is then not confirmed.  The C with a dot symbol  is probably communion.  Seems the wrong way around, but Paul Stuart was confirmed in Sept 1825.  On the 1824 Status Animarum he has the C dot, but not the Com, whereas on the 1828 Status Animarum he has both.  May never know for sure.  But it has helped me work out that I have 2 separate daughters - Elspet and Elizabeth/Betty.  I never thought one parent would give such similar names to daughters, but actually I have since found these two names in other families too.

Could they have received communion without being confirmed??


Just looking again and I don't think it is Scotland.  Looking at the middle record there is the C with dot symbol and then a work which looks like juart, or suart, can't work out the first letter.  But that is what is in the first record, with the Com squeezed in afterwards - making it look like Scotland.


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