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Messages - Brickwall Demolisher

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Family History Beginners Board / freebmd site info.
« on: Thursday 04 January 18 20:57 GMT (UK)  »
Information when using the freebmd site.
 When you have only one name and looking for a potential spouse's name that has been mistranscribed. Spouse's other halves are showing listed, just enter into the page no.
Regards J.

Family History Beginners Board / Brickwall at last removed
« on: Thursday 04 January 18 19:41 GMT (UK)  »
Had a request asking for help to break down a same name researcher's brick wall. I had a same name in my family history but did not think at first of any connection, but for some reason kept his info. on/in my file mainly for him having a same name descendant.  Whilst I was out of hospital and being told by my Doctor / Family not to exert myself  / don't do to much of anything, got researching back into the family. Not doing any researching for awhile of the family. I decided firstly to try and see if I could offer any help on his brickwall. 5 to 6 years had passed since we had last e-mailed. I eventually contacted him, and he informed me that he had not made any further headway since our last contact. He told me he had records of other descendent's but was unable totally to find anything on this one. The main thing hindering his progress was the descendant had appeared on records as being German born on 2 census's but then disappear's totally. ( Marriage ????? ) The German birth born bit is what was confusing. The ages on the two census also were different which also confused his research, giving him a greater varying degree to research into. With Germany being thrown his face he had totally gave up on this descendent of his. The person that I had was within a few years but I new definitely that they were born in the U.K. It had me thinking also that there couldn't any connection. He told me he had got as much as he could from surviving family - documents / Info. etc, but again the brickwall was still there, totally unmoved. He was giving me also other names, but felt were of no connection. I then asked him for all his records that he had on the family name, he sent me his census & Marriage cert details.
 The 1911 census info. that he had sent unbeleiveably had my Grandfather / Grandmother on she was infact was carrying my mother who was born later in the year entered down as Boarders. Five other people on the census were from his family. Children were entered from the family's. One of the wives was found to be in her 2nd marriage. The other was the daughter, of my Grandfather's Uncle, who totally just left his family in England, name changed, bigamously remarried. Until now within our family it's not known if he ever returned. This infact was his supposedly German born relation that he had been searching for. When her father left her mother she bigamously remarried under her married name and on the following census started to enter her birthplace as Germany. Not until she married was her father truly entered, and the fact she was married, the next census on, No.3, entered now under her married name.
  Her mother's 2 marriage certificates is how we made the connection, having the same christian name of father and he has the same occupations, only her maiden name of her first marriage did she not reveal. Unfortunately she took her own life.
          With family history you never know who / what will you find.
             Surprise's are always possible in the next e-mail you receive
                                    Happy Hunting Everyone
Confirmation of breaking the brickwall comes from the 1911 Census and finding the same similarity on the two marriage certificates
Regards J

   Mistranscription - can be one hell of a holdup in your research. We all have
   them don't we? What's been your oddest / funniest ?
   The name which has given me most headaches is WENTZELL as follows, -

    No doubt you will have experienced far worse?
    Regards J

Family History Beginners Board / THANKS EVERYONE.
« on: Wednesday 03 January 18 05:34 GMT (UK)  »
 Just a thank you for everyone regarding my request on my WENTZELL,s. Appreciate everyone's curiosity. What a good outcome. It always helps I believe to get other eye's looking at your findings. -  quite often they find avenue's  missed / open by ourselves.
   My first posting regarding the WENTZELL family and what else can I say but it's just brilliant to what info has come from my first posting.

  Special thank you to TAZZIE & ANNETTE7.

Regards J

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Unable to find birth / Marriage Registration's
« on: Tuesday 02 January 18 15:59 GMT (UK)  »
Well, Thank you everyone for you taking the time to answer my enquiry. Apologies to everyone if I do not answer you all individually. I have only recently got back into the F / H after a six year break because of family illness and with myself suffering two strokes within the last three years. Family history research to some people may not seem to be the best therapy, but it certainly helps you to find out if you still have what's needed for it. As I've found with F / H you need mainly patience by the bucket load and more,..... also when you find that you have made error's, accepting them and find it in yourselves in getting back on the right track. I find that you cannot check the records enough to get / find the right result.  We all individually find our own specific favoured sites for obtaining our ancestor's records but just bear in mind, I think what hinders us most when starting is mistranscription / missspelling of names, i.e ELLIOTT name for instance, one with one L and two T,s / also one T ..., two T's with one or two L's. Then we have the common names of the likes for JONES / DAVIES in WALES.  Best known in their local areas as JONES the fish, or JONES the butcher but when you have unfortunately a collection of these names to contend with in your family, unless you have yourself something passed down in the family it can be really hard to get started. Then other things that you have to decide on is whether / who you inform of your findings of a wrong doer in your history because they tried to cover up and forget, move on, hoping that over time, the past will get forgotten, but because of what you have decided on doing your bringing it all back. You personally have to adjust as to what you find. There are the moments of finding that piece of record in your family history which is uplifting, and has given you pleasure in finding what you found and just pushes you on to getting back further evermore. With me it has / is becoming a bit of a obsession.
  I only found / registered with Rootsweb  just before Christmas, and cannot praise all of you on the site highly enough, your time and knowledge freely given, it's just unbelieveable.
  On finding a new name, in my history, I came across on this site, one person who was doing a One Name Study into the name that I had found. On supplying him with the info. that I had, he has quickly now taken be into about the mid 1500's with the knowledge that he has.   Just unbelieveable.
  On another posting I have put on info regarding a Brickwall Syndrome that I have hit upon in my family, you people again should all congratulate yourselves, your response to it has amazed me, all of you. Those who gladly comment with all sorts of information. Information that comes from the board that will also be helpful for other's within their research.
  From this enquiry came a result of findings that pulled down a semi brickwall scenario of the 1841 census resulting in the family being split. I had one half of the family in London, Father and one son, but had not been able to find the wife and another son,  low and behold up comes the answer from you beautiful, helpful people again. Two posts, and two results what more could one ask for, Thank you all again for you hard work, much appreciated
Best Regards, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all, J

 Hoping someone can help with our family's brickwall that has been confusing the family's of in both England and the U.S.A. The brickwall concerns the birth registration of my Great Grandfather's brother. HENRY ( HARRY ) WENTZELL b 1854 ?. We have him on the census's of 1861, 1871, 1881. He then left his family in ENGLAND, ( Newington, Walworth, Southwark area ) and started a new family in America. Both he and my Great Grandfather, ALFRED WENTZELL b 1856 were born in the Wirral and Liverpool area's. Their Mother spent / lived her life otherwise always in the Walworth, Southwark area of London....... I / We have found birth certificate for ALFRED, but not HENRY ( HARRY ).
      1854 & 1856, their birth years being in between the 1851 / 1861 Census's,.....records wise,..... seems to be the only time their Mother was ever away from the Walworth area.
  The birth certificate of ALFRED, and also word of mouth passed down, shows name of father of ALFRED as a JAMES WENTZELL. We have two JAMES WENTZELL,s in the family one born 1816, the other born 1839, father & son.
 We have also never found a marriage certificate for a JAMES WENTZELL & their Mother CHARLOTTE SADLER b 1836.
  1861 census has only Mother & 2 boys
  1871 census has Mother/2 boys & a ALBERT WENTZELL b1841 Head of Household.
  ALBERT WENTZELL (Stepfather/Stepbrother to the boys ????) Marries CHARLOTTE Sept Qtr 1871.
  CHARLOTTE dies Sept Qtr 1882.
  Our own sumise is the the marriage was a marriage of convenience for the WENTZELL name only.
  ALBERT WENTZELL is a PAUPER on 1891,1901, and 1911 Census's and dies a PAUPER in 1916.
  JAMES WENTZELL b 1816 dies Croydon, 1863
  JAMES WENTZELL b 1841 has approx. 20 year army career beginning November 1857 ( INDIA )

    Any help / info greatly appreciated,  Best Regards J


One Name Studies: H to M / Re: LEPINE
« on: Friday 29 December 17 08:03 GMT (UK)  »
   How / where and what words do I start with to thank you, firstly and mainly your knowledge and understanding of what family history is and what it holds for all of us individually. To me the patience that is needed to persist with family history, you must have in abundance, as a totally bottomless well. The amount of info. that you have put in front of me, is just unbelievable. Seeing what you have managed / knowledge of / supplied me with, I feel like I have suddenly been hit by a double-decker bus and hit by lighting,  -   I am totally gobsmacked by it all. I was just not expecting what you have supplied me with,  many, many thanks again.

Have a Happy New Year, make sure you celebrate well.

Best Regards to all your family,    J

   P.S.    -    Just out of curiosity how are we connected in the LEPINE line?.

One Name Studies: H to M / Re: LEPINE
« on: Thursday 28 December 17 16:10 GMT (UK)  »
   Many thanks for you answering to my enquiry.
Would I be right to assume  that the STEPHEN LEPINE b 1792 / d 1861 marriage to LUCY PAWLEY, that this marriage was his first aged 20. They married 25th Dec 1812. I have found another STEPHEN LEPINE marrying a MARY ALLEN 15/04/1827. I have not found a death certificate?? for LUCY. Marrying Mary I take it is his second wife?. Any help/info. on the above very much appreciated.
Best Regards, J

One Name Studies: H to M / Re: LEPINE
« on: Friday 22 December 17 17:25 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Jon,
     Have recently found you / site. Can you help on information regarding a GEORGE LEPINE b 1823 Boxley, Maidstone -  married ELIZABETH BARBARA DUNN b 1824.
    I have only just started my research into this family through WILLIAM ELLIOTT / ELIZABETH LEPINE marriage of Sept qtr 1874 St.Saviour,Walworth. ELLEN ELLIOTT b 1880.Their Daughter / my Grandmother.
 Any information that you can possibly help with, would be on GEORGE LEPINE b1823 parents STEPHAN LEPINE & his wife LUCY PAWLEY. I have them from on GEORGE LEPINE' S christening of JAN 1824.
 I have GEORGE'S history up to the 1881 Census.
 Any info. would be much appreciated.   
    Regards J.
   Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

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