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Messages - amberdog

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Lanarkshire / Re: Glasgow Electoral Registers 1857-1962
« on: Monday 10 October 16 07:32 BST (UK)  »
I tried using this recollection over the free weekend on Ancestry. It was a nightmare.  Has anybody else used it?

I had very common surnames to research and even selecting the areas I knew they lived in didn't help reduce the number of choices. I was most disappointed.  Some I found by trawling through until I discovered the address or ward.

But some I did find and as usual raised more questions than answers hee hee.

Lanarkshire / Re: marriage
« on: Monday 10 October 16 07:26 BST (UK)  »
Tosh, if you have a Facebook account it might be worth posting on the Coatbridge past and present page too.  Great bunch of folks and were very helpful even about my questions regarding relatives from the 1840's. Good luck win your search.

Scotland / Re: ScotlandsPeople(Launch date Mon. 26th Sept.2016 , now the next few days).
« on: Wednesday 28 September 16 15:24 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone know if they will have any new records on there ?
I think someone said the Kirk session records as for any other records not sure will just need to wait and see  :D

They responded to someone of Facebook that Kirk records will be released in next couple of months. I was so hoping they would be released with the new website.  Somewhat disappointed, but more time to save the pennies to view them. Hope there is a free index search initially when the Kirk sessions do get added.

Lanarkshire / Re: Will Decipherment Needed Bridgate & Hamilton
« on: Tuesday 27 September 16 08:44 BST (UK)  »
Where did he die?

Hi Sancti, I believe he died in Glasgow. I'll need to double check my file though with Scotlandespeople still being down.  I cant remember if I ever found his death entry and I got the date from the Will and Inventory.  Will update later. Cheers.

Edit:. I did have his OPR Death details.  Buried 14 May 1833, age 67 Gorbals Lair 172.  Wonder if that's the Cathedral?  My other gx4 grandfather is buried there.

Had a look again at the Google newspaper archive of the Glasgow Herald and I found issue 10 May 33 "yesterday morning at Merchant Lane, Bridgegate Street, William Allan snr. age 67 years

Lanarkshire / Re: Will Decipherment Needed Bridgate & Hamilton
« on: Monday 26 September 16 21:11 BST (UK)  »
Thank you all very much. Away to get a look at a Hamilton map now that you've homed in on it. I was struggling.

Must find out where he's buried before coming down next year.  His son carried on the business and had premises in Jamaica Street and lived in Carlton Place but also Clyde Mount House over in Gourock.  William jnr was involved in the Clyde Navigation Trust up until his death in 1868.

Lanarkshire / Will Decipherment Needed Bridgate & Hamilton
« on: Monday 26 September 16 10:53 BST (UK)  »
The father of my gx3 grandmother left the attached property in his Will 1833.  I think I've figured out what area the slaughter house was in.  Here's my very feeble attempt at interpreting it. I've seen his firms name William Allan & Son hamcurers listed at candleriggs in the old post office directories.

"Firstly All and Whole the east most shop and dwelling house above the same of the front tenement (after tenement) after described as lately p? by myself and presently p? by James Ralph with the open area (formerly a dung hill) immediately behind the said shop and the three story brick building (erected by me on the site of what was formerly a stable) adjoining thereto likewise p? by the said James Ralph which subjects are parts and portions of the lands sometime belonging to the deceased Andrew McKie Dyer thereafter to the deceased Richard McKie thereafter to Andrew Dalmahoy and thereafter to Robert Alexander and which are described in the original Titles thereof All& Whole high & ? back & fore with close and pertinents? Lying within the Burgh of Glasgow on the South side of the Bridgegate bounded between the lands of Colin Campbell (now of Robert Clark & others) on the east of the common vennel? on the west  the River Clyde now the public slaughter house on the south and the Bridgegate Street on the north parts.

Secondly All and Whole that piece of ground consisting four falls? or thereby and buildings  thereon bounded the said piece of ground on the north by the church and belonging to Burgher Congregation in Hamilton on the south side by the property of David Torrance on the west by the property of David Torrance Main Street leading past the parish Church of Hamilton to the Leechlee? and on the east by that part still belonging to William Adam and his wife of the piece of ground now disponed which piece of ground above disponed is a portion of All & Whole these thirteen falls?and two tenths of a fall of ground or thereby as presently described in my title thereto p? by my author William Adam Weaver in Hamilton with Consent of Catherine Riddle his wife and his tenants fued? but by the heirs of John Campbell Saffranhill? to John Martin Weaver in Hamilton conform to and as described in the full Charter dated the 14th day of September 1796 and acquired by me from the said William Adam with consent foresaid by Disposition dated 30th March 1826 all lying within the town and parish of Hamilton and shire of Lanark.  Together will all right title and interest which I have or can claim to the several subjects above conveyed with the rents and mails and duties of the same which may be due at my death and to become due in all time coming thereafter and the writs titles and securities thereof and all action and execution competent for recovery of said rents and for exhibition implement and delivery of said writs.  But these presents are granted in Trust for the ends uses and purposes after specified viz".

I told you it was a feeble attempt!!

Lanarkshire / Re: john livingstone blain
« on: Sunday 25 September 16 18:19 BST (UK)  »
Hi Chris, I believe most army records have to be ordered via Mod in Glasgow.

Scotlandspeople should be back up and running tomorrow.  Then you can check for birth, marriage and potential death details.

Have you ran his name through Ancestry's free search engine to see if there are any family trees that include him?

Lanarkshire / Re: john livingstone blain
« on: Sunday 25 September 16 15:55 BST (UK)  »
Hi Chris, this could be him on the Casualty list from 1945.  Does not mean he was killed though and his name doesn't appear in the Commonwealth Grave Commission data as one of the fallen.

Birth entries from 1916 will be viewable next year using 6 credits at Scotlandespeople, otherwise you will need to order the birth certificate.

If you can establish death details and it's 25 years post death you can apply for a basic copy of his service record from Glasgow. Service number not necessary, but correct date of birth is required.

Donegal / Re: Burial of 4 year old in 1868
« on: Thursday 22 September 16 18:16 BST (UK)  »
Hi folks, sorry for delay with this.  The GROs haven't sent up any family connections I can make with the area or the lady that registered the death.

I may not be able to rule out he was buried back in Scotland until more detailed burial records come on line or I physically get down to the Mitchell Library in Glasgow.

If Alexander's father, William,  took him back for burial I'm pretty certain I know where.

Alexander's father, William Allan Gilmour, was a Merchant Navy captain.  I have toyed with the idea the family may have been sailing with him, but whether he still had his captains licence at that point is debatable.

William was the captain of a barque called the Stratleven that ran aground off the coast of Scotland in December 1867, just a few short months before Alexander died.  He was returning with a cargo of rum and sugar from Demerara when they hit rocks in Float Bay near Port Patrick.

The life boat at Port Logan was used for the very first time to rescue the crew.  The ship was barely a year old when it was lost.  I assume William would have been stripped of his Captains licence until a Board of Trade enquiry.

William died two months after Alexander's death in Donegal of nervous prostration at the family home of Watt Street, Glasgow.

William is buried in his grandfather's plot at Glasgow Cathedral and if they had taken Alexander's body back to Scotland I would expect to find him buried there also.  But the marriage was mixed, his mother RC and William I assume is UP.  So mother Helen may have put her foot down and insisted on a RC burial for her boy whether it took place in Donegal or Glasgow.

I have to say it's only the second time in my research I've come across a non relative register the death.  Maybe there are too many unknowns, were they on a holiday or just passing by boat and docked to seek medical help for Alexander.

I hadn't stopped either to think of them returning with the body to Scotland.  I suppose it was possible.  Should I close this thread until I've completely ruled out he wasn't buried in Glasgow? Don't want anybody thinking I'm ungrateful for the help so far or by leaving the thread open while I poke about other potential a to conclude the matter?

Edit: just read that Scotlandspeople website maybe adding non conformist Presbyterian parish records and Kirk session records after their new website is up and running.  Maybe able to rule out the burial at Glasgow Cathedral sooner than my visit to the Mitchell Library archives next year. 

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