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Messages - pughcd

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Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: DNA Test
« on: Wednesday 31 August 22 20:12 BST (UK)  »

Yes I would agree with Gadget that Ancestry DNA is probably the best one to test with as it has the largest global membership.

However from your post it appears that you have just one Italian grandparent so theoretically only a quarter of your matches could be Italian. You may find that you have many more Italian matches from USA than from Europe since DNA testing is not as popular outside the States.

Once you have tested at Ancestry you can transfer your raw data to MyHeritage and GEDmatch to get extra coverage.

PS Wait for a Sale event if you want to save a little money.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: DNA Test Done But No Further Forward
« on: Wednesday 31 August 22 12:05 BST (UK)  »
Hi @606missy,

If you are looking for professional help, particularly for Scottish roots and help with DNA, I would recommend you visit the LinkedIn website and search for Scottish Genealogy or Genetic Genealogy. There are some professionals who have a mix of skills. In cases where there are doubts about paternity then DNA is the only one truth that you have.

Good luck!

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Possible great grand father....?
« on: Wednesday 24 August 22 17:25 BST (UK)  »
Hi Steve,

I would recommend that you take your case to a professional family historian or genetic genealogist. You can find a number of such experts on platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook. One would need access to all areas of Ancestry, My Heritage, GEDmatch and your family tree to make any sensible conclusions.


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Ancestry DNA update
« on: Sunday 21 August 22 18:04 BST (UK)  »
Hi Gadget,

Yes it's always interesting to see the latest tweaks. I am fortunate in having four grandparents with very different backgrounds. Consequently I only have 96 4th Cousins or closer. It's certainly worth checking out your matches ethnicities. One could easily put this data into a spreadsheet.

Thanks for the suggestion!


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Ancestry DNA update
« on: Friday 19 August 22 22:07 BST (UK)  »
Hi @Gadget

I can confirm that both Norway and the joint Sweden & Denmark are still Ancestry ethnicities in the August 2022 update. I am 6% Norway and my wife is 4% Sweden & Denmark.


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Ancestry DNA update
« on: Wednesday 17 August 22 22:17 BST (UK)  »
Oh my wife is 16% Nativism & Regulation 17

Have they been hacked?

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Ancestry DNA update
« on: Wednesday 17 August 22 21:55 BST (UK)  »
Is it April 1st??
My Update shows my Parent split results as;

36% Growth of Aguascalientes
17% England and NW Europe
15 % Khoisan, Aka & Mbuti people
10% Eastern Europe & Russia
7% Early Connecticut & New York
6 % Class Conflict & the Social Gospel
1% Town & Country


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: RECORDING NEW LINE
« on: Sunday 29 May 22 09:54 BST (UK)  »
Hi ray70,

I myself had this same dilemma, when after a decade of research a DNA test revealed a family secret. The most accurate tree will be, as Gadget suggests, one reflecting multiple partners. This will allow genetic cousin matches to understand how they match and will also reflect historic events such as subsequent marriages and half-siblings.

Best of luck!

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Y37 DNA Testing
« on: Monday 16 May 22 20:33 BST (UK)  »
You can do a Y-DNA 37 marker test with an American company called Family Tree DNA. They are the market leaders in this field. This is an entry level test which can be upgraded to 67 or 111 markers at a later date. The ultimate Y-DNA test is the Y700. Check out the FT-DNA website for current prices in your region, but you can save by waiting for one of the many holiday sales.

Y-DNA can be very useful in studying surname inheritance. You can learn all about Y-DNA by reading "The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy", 2nd edition 2019 by Dr Blaine T Bettinger or by watching one of the many YouTube videos on the subject.
Making the most of your Y-DNA test by John Cleary, Apr 2019
Family Tree DNA; Y-DNA test (The Father's Line) on Genealogy TV, Sept 2019
DNA Concepts for Genealogy by Dave Vance, Oct 2019

I have taken the 111 marker STR test and upgraded to the Y700 STR (short tandem repeats) and SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) test. I am an administrator for two surname projects and co-admin for a large regional project. There is a McCord Y-DNA surname project at Family Tree DNA with 85 members. Perhaps it is worth writing to one of the current project admins for advice.


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