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Messages - kate*k

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Somerset / The Hall, Berrow Rd, Burnham on Sea
« on: Monday 16 July 07 13:26 BST (UK)  »
I've just received the death certificate for my great granny.  She was a resident of Nuneaton, Warwickshire but died in 1951 at The Hall, Berrow Road, Burnham on Sea.  The is no house number with the address on the death certificate.

Can anyone tell me whether The Hall would have been some sort of hospital (she had pneumonia) or was is a hotel or something similar?  Is it still there?

If anyone knows where I might find a photograph of The Hall please let me know.

Many thanks


Canada / Re: New to Canada - some local knowledge appreciated
« on: Friday 13 July 07 18:14 BST (UK)  »
Thank you all for your help.   I'll start searching through those websites this weekend. 

The last big Gold Rush was the Klondike - c1899 - sure he didnt go before marriage and family in 1910 ?
Just like my family to miss the rush!  I'm certain that he was in England until at least 1910 because he was busy fathering babies from 1889 until 1910.  I suppose that he could have gone quite soon after 1910 - perhaps my living relative contact is remembering something he heard from his parents rather than something he witnessed himself.  Those that knew his deserted wife say that he only went after the birth of his final child so I guess 1910 has to be my starting point.

Thanks again

Canada / New to Canada - some local knowledge appreciated
« on: Thursday 12 July 07 14:06 BST (UK)  »
My great great grandfather went to Canada in search of gold (or so the family story goes).  He was Peter John Everitt born in Warwickshire in 1863.  I know that he fathered a child in 1910 in England and by 1936 had returned and had died a pauper (so he never found the gold).  He abandoned his wife and family in England so he was probably travelling alone - although not necessarily so.

We have a living relative who can vaguely remember him going and given the age of this relative I would imagine that I have to look at the move to Canada being sometime after the mid-1920's.

Unfornunately my knowledge of Canada is not very good.  Can anyone suggest whereabouts in Canada Peter might have been heading in search of his gold and whether I can narrow down the time period?


Sorry Graham should have been 20th Jan.  Event took place in January just gone to commemorate the first publication of Scenes of Clerical Life.


The Lighter Side / Re: Fed Up With Genealogy Tree Thieves
« on: Saturday 26 May 07 06:51 BST (UK)  »
... it should not matter to you that a "thief" simply copies your information to populate their tree.

I reiterate Fisherman - it is not that they are using the information to populate their own tree, it is that they then pass it onto others explicitly claiming it as their own research.  I have no problem at all with the genuine researchers who "share" or even who "copy" for their own use.  My tree is out there on my website for anyone to look at if they so wish.

And if you are the new family authority who amazes everyone with the fact that they have found 20,000 relatives in  just six months of researching - you must be prepared to admit that you have had enormous contributions from others researching the same name.

Well no actually, very many years of research! - and those who have helped me along the way are properly credited.

The Lighter Side / Re: Fed Up With Genealogy Tree Thieves
« on: Friday 25 May 07 18:56 BST (UK)  »
Oh Fishman I think that it is perhaps you that is missing the point made on this thread by many of us. 

It is not so much that we don't care for those who's goal is to have the largest possible tree but what we dislike are those folks who do no more than copy data then claim it to be their own research.  Yes the information is out there in the public domain for anyone to research if they like but when it comes back to you complete with your own references, spelling mistakes and errors, then it is plagarism pure and simple.

.... And as for site administrators stepping in where others post personal details of me and my living family - well I've tried and I'm still waiting for a response! 

Can you send me a PM with your personal e-mail address and I will ask a colleague of mine who has losts of research on the family to contact you.


The Lighter Side / Re: Culling of inactive members! Wot u tink???
« on: Thursday 17 May 07 13:55 BST (UK)  »
Hi everyone

I would think that quite a lot of people register on this site without actually realising what sort of site it is.  Lots of folks who are new to genealogy find lots of info out there on the web and register with every site they can find....but not everyone likes chat sites so maybe this is why some register and never log on again.  These folks wouldn't even know if they've been culled.

Then there are people like me who only use the site seldomly.  My reason? Well it's because I'm busy working or looking after a family and when I do have precious free time a lot of it is spent looking at historical documents.  So there's not an awful lot of time to chat.  I also believe that if you are helped on this site then you should try to give something back in return and for this reason I try to keep look up requests, for instance, to a minimum.  Bear in mind that there are lots of apparently active members on this site who's contributions are limited to "look up request for..."

I think that RC is a great site to learn from and if "lurking" enables someone to learn then that's a good thing isn't it - surely not a reason to kick someone out.

This is only my 70th post but it doesn't mean I'm inexperienced - I've been researching for about 20 years and I'm on the committee of my local FHS.

So please - cull those who have never posted but leave the rest of us to enjoy the site.   :)

The Lighter Side / Re: Fed Up With Genealogy Tree Thieves
« on: Saturday 21 April 07 10:12 BST (UK)  »
Hi Springbok

I do agree with you - we are all trying to find our families but my annoyance is with those people who copy your tree and your hard work and then hold out to others that this is their own research.


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