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Messages - Elsa-Mary

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 ... 27
Tyrone / Re: Sorry--Alexander Robinson--Again
« on: Tuesday 18 November 14 20:36 GMT (UK)  »
 :) So sorry  Mod,

It has been quite awhle since I posted here--please forgive me.

Since I  last posted--some info via relative- -albeit a 36hr genealogy search regarding Rebecca Irwin?--mentions on Alexander's birth cert as present--but named as Mitcheltree?
Also--the harps coveredby crown on Alexanders uniform-which means he was either RIC/RUC.
i DO APOLOGISE--I just get carried away :-[

Tyrone / Sorry--Alexander Robinson--Again
« on: Tuesday 18 November 14 18:32 GMT (UK)  »

Some confusing info I have received re my grandfather Alexander ( Harold) Robinson born approx 1896-  I believe Co Tyrone ? to mother MARGARET Robinson--family stems from Irwins.-or so I was led to believe .
A relative has had a genealogy report- that has birth cert for Alexander(-and she was present at birth) !sadly very short 36  hrs!!--but it brings forth the name Mitcheltrees- for the  his grandmother (Rebecca )not sure of this spelling-WHEN i WAS almost   CONVINCED IT WAS iRWIN-(IRWEN)
Is anyone able to add to this info-please.
Also-after many-many searches re Alexanmders alleged  career as B Special???--there are no records to back this up--WHY???
How strange is this--as I have--and I am quite happy to put a picture of Alexander in uniform UP --that seemingly cannot be confirmed as---RUC/RIC--.
FOR ME VERY FRUSTRATING! Uniform is complete-apart from so called webbing!
So why is there no record of this man!!? anywhere.
Also-he died in 1958 in Liverpool----seems there is no record of his burial place.
Ok so lots of questions---this man I have been told was--Sniper--and a very Special B?? Special--would records be withheld?
Would be so grateful for any thoughts on this xx

Warwickshire / Re: Wards of court--HelpPlease
« on: Thursday 30 October 14 18:57 GMT (UK)  »
 :) Thanks Jim,

I am afraid anyone who may have had answers has died.
The only other piece of info just found was date of my parents  divorce  on 15/05/1953,I assume in Birmingham.
Not sure where to search --or even what to google!!

Warwickshire / Wards of court--HelpPlease
« on: Tuesday 28 October 14 19:11 GMT (UK)  »
 :)Hi, Been quite awhile since last on---sorry have been hospitalised due to pnuemonia and gall bladder removal!!

Ok, As a child in 1950's I was told I was a ward of court in Birmingham(Edgebaston ) Warwickshire.
How would I FIND OUT--Why? Where etc.
Hoping someone will be able to help.
Thank You as Always

Lancashire / Re: A Robinson Pawnbroker
« on: Thursday 28 August 14 18:04 BST (UK)  »
 :)Thank You!

Lancashire / Re: A Robinson Pawnbroker
« on: Wednesday 27 August 14 12:33 BST (UK)  »
Thank You--I have already looked at that site today-but I cannot see or find  him-were you able to see what Road/Street?? and would that have been a pawnbroker?

Tyrone / Re: Robinson Family
« on: Wednesday 27 August 14 12:09 BST (UK)  »
Since such a long time!!
Well, strangely enough it seems we maybe related??--my grandfather was the Alex Robinson born to Margaret Robinson (daughter of Rebecca)
I have had many doubts about Alex being the child born c1896 Fermanagh-but have been convinced that he is the one !
Some of this info has been researched privately by UlsterAncestry--for a cousin of mine,and as yet do not have full details.
It seems he ran a pawnbroker shop in Old Swan in Liverpool.
I DO NOT KNOW IF --you still have an interest in the branch,
Elsa-Mary--now in Brittany France

Lancashire / A Robinson Pawnbroker
« on: Wednesday 27 August 14 11:56 BST (UK)  »
Longtime no post-because I have changed Countries!!
Just obtained some new info re Alexander Robinson(  b approx 1896  Fermanagh).

I am told he was a pawnbroker,in the Old Swan area of Liverpool,would anyone have any info to back this up-or even a picture of shop,whatever.
Many Thanks

Lancashire / Re: JP LUNT &CO wholesale varnishes--wall st
« on: Friday 09 August 13 15:34 BST (UK)  »
 :-[ Sorry,in my haste I posted Wall St----it is Wall Road!!-sorry,still cannot find it,tried Wallasey,very odd.

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