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Messages - short_rach

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The Lighter Side / Re: Suppressing the truth
« on: Sunday 08 October 06 15:44 BST (UK)  »
Naturally I take everything you've said on board Bob and I'm not talking about sharing information about named people on a website or willy nilly with complete strangers.

My point was merely that I found it odd that my Mum was all for family history until the point I found something she concidered shameful.

It's all well in the past now, I just didn't think my Mum would be that selective with what she wanted to know and what she didn't IYSWIM?

Unfortunately people do die of things other than old age, people do commit crimes, people do fall on hard times, people do suffer mental illness etc. That's a part of life (and death) and always has been.

The Lighter Side / Re: Suppressing the truth
« on: Sunday 08 October 06 11:51 BST (UK)  »
My Dad doesn't want to know anything I discover about his ancestors which is hard to get my head around at times concidering he knows absolutely nothing about his roots  ::)

The thought had crossed my mind that maybe there was a huge skeleton lurking in the closet just waiting to fall out but so far nothing...

My Mum is very intersted in all the 'good' bits I discover about her side of the family, but blatently ignores any 'scandals' - like the fact her Grandma died in a lunatic asylum. She had depression for crying out loud, she wasn't a certified axe-murderess!

My take on genealogy is you have to take the rough with the smooth, the good bits with the bad. You can't complete your family tree by missing out the dodgy bits now can you?

Nottinghamshire / Re: Rempstone, nottingham
« on: Thursday 05 October 06 12:20 BST (UK)  »
Or try this little site about Rempstone -

Nottinghamshire / Re: Rempstone, nottingham
« on: Thursday 05 October 06 12:16 BST (UK)  »

It's someone's geneology page about the surname WOODROFF (from Rempstone) but there might be something of relevance to you...

Hope this helps.

Will carry on looking  :)

Nottinghamshire / Re: Rempstone, nottingham
« on: Thursday 05 October 06 12:13 BST (UK)  »

Hang on, let me see if I can find it again!

Nottinghamshire / Re: Rempstone, nottingham
« on: Thursday 05 October 06 12:01 BST (UK)  »
I just did a search and found a site that states parish records for Rempstone only go back as far as 1570....

Not sure if that actually  helps your quest or compounds it!

The Lighter Side / Re: How many have relatives who actually care?
« on: Friday 22 September 06 21:57 BST (UK)  »
I'm researching both my tree and that of my DH.

He gets just as excited as I do with new finds etc and he's my chief gravestone finder! Honestly this man can scan a graveyard and spot all possible stones far quicker than I can!

My Mum's still very interested with every little snippet I find out about 'her lot', my dad however couldn't care less. Not bad for a man who professes to know nowt about his roots and clearly doesn't want to either  ::)

MIL is fascinated with the things I'm discovering. Then again she has a habit of 'remembering' snippets of info AFTER I've worked things out for myself lol

The Lighter Side / Re: What professions do you have a lot of?
« on: Friday 22 September 06 11:07 BST (UK)  »
Quarry workers
Ag Labs

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