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Messages - Les de B

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Europe / Re: WATTS - French translation of pistol duel
« on: Wednesday 27 February 19 11:14 GMT (UK)  »

The ancestor was Charles Henry (Henri/Harry) BELIN b.abt.1755 (France?). First record of him is in 1789 as a French Master teaching at Winchester College, England, and marrying in Salisbury. He leaves England with wife in 1828, and moves to Valognes, France. Wife dies within months, and he remarries again 1830 on Jersey Island where his surname is now de BELIN. He dies 1836 in Paris, committing suicide after losing his fortune in the Royal Casino.

Its around this time his only child from his first marriage, Charles Joseph BELIN (b.1790 England), also changes his surname to de BELIN.  The only child from his second marriage (b.1731 France) also uses the surname de BELIN.

The surname has remained unchanged since then.


Les (de Belin)

Europe / Re: WATTS - French translation of pistol duel
« on: Wednesday 27 February 19 10:14 GMT (UK)  »
Christophe - thank you for that extra bit of translation.

Malcolm - bit sceptical about that video after watching it  :D

As far as being an "Aristocrat" - my 3 x great grandfather was described as "of noble blood" in an obituary, and apparently fled France to England at the beginning of the French Revolution. However, even with his French surname and backgropund, I have no idea how to speak French.


Europe / Re: WATTS - French translation of pistol duel
« on: Monday 25 February 19 05:19 GMT (UK)  »
Malcom  -  As my old records are from Jersey Island, their French languauge may be a little different. I did read that even some French from Normandy is different to the rest of France.

I will have a look at the Youtube link when time permits.



Europe / Re: WATTS - French translation of pistol duel
« on: Monday 25 February 19 03:27 GMT (UK)  »
If your are looking for help regarding old french documents.
I can do it.

Christophe - thank you very much for your kind offer. Are you able to re-translate the documents just to re-confirm Joger's original translation as there was a little trouble with some of the words.


Thanks BookBox - Yes, I can see now, it my mistake. It wasn't so much the calendar that had me scratching my head, but the actual entry itself. As you indicated, the date comes first, then the names - I was reading it as the names came first then the date. Better give myself an "upper cut"  ;D

Thanks Carol - It was not so much the old calendar that was giving me the problem, but as BookBox pointed out, I was reading the information on the record incorrectly.

Both replies appreciated!

England / ANSWERED: Correct Date of Marriage for David Bandinel and Elizabeth Stallenge?
« on: Wednesday 20 February 19 12:53 GMT (UK)  »
I wonder if somebody could enlighten me in relation to the London marriage of David Bandinel and Elizabeth Stallenge at St.Olave, London?

The original church records has their marriage as the last marriage of the year 1599, that being 30 March 1599, then the year 1600 then commences from April immediatley after. I do understand that is the way calendar worked back then, but the company that transcribed the marriage have the date of 31 January, 1599, and I have also seen the date recorded as 31 January, 1598 elsewhere.

I know the year could be mixed up because of the old style calendar, but this shouldn't affect the month...........should it?

I know RootsChat are bit hard on Copyright breaches, but am I allowed to attach a copy of the original 2 line entry of this marriage just to confirm my reason for thinking the correct date of marriage is 30 March, 1599, and not 31 January?


Canada / Re: Causes of Death for Gordon Watts and his wife Mary, One Day apart?
« on: Thursday 14 February 19 10:03 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Sandra and Jossey

I can't find any anything further about epidemics for around this period other than what Sandra has already mentioned. I did check Quebec Coroners Reports for 1840, and although Gordon and Mary were not mentioned, looking at other deaths around that time, there was nothing to indicate anything about an epidemic sickness being a cause of death, just the general accidents, drownings, falls, heart etc,

I'm wondering if the Quebec link you supplied is for Quebec Province or City, as they died in Montreal? The Province would cover Montreal.

Thanks Sandra for those records you posted, but as you indicated, I was aware of those - nice thought anyway. The Robert Nugent WATTS you mentioned was Gordon's brother, both being born on Jersey with the rest of their siblings - "Nugent" being their mother's maiden name.


Canada / Re: Causes of Death for Gordon Watts and his wife Mary, One Day apart?
« on: Wednesday 13 February 19 12:50 GMT (UK)  »
Bitzer - I haven't researched Mary SPONG, however, on her 1832 Marriage Cert it does say of "........"? -  it could be Sandgate(?), but pretty sure its not Chobham.

Also says, she is the daughter of the late John SPONG of Maidstone, Kent.


Canada / Re: Causes of Death for Gordon Watts and his wife Mary, One Day apart?
« on: Wednesday 13 February 19 12:00 GMT (UK)  »
Sandra - Thanks for that link. I found the correct Gordon WATTS on a few records, but nothing in relation to his, or his wife's death. Theirs names didn't appear in the Coroner's Records, so their deaths may have just been through sickness?

The newspapers weren't much help either. Funny, but out of all the newspapers available, there were only just a few for 1840.

Les  :)

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