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Messages - Barbara F

Pages: 1 ... 403 404 405 [406] 407 408 409 ... 417
The Common Room / Re: Catholic Records
« on: Sunday 27 February 05 17:37 GMT (UK)  »
Where have you looked for the birth and marriage registrations?
Whatever their religion if they were born or married in England or Wales you should be able to find them in the GRO indexes  Could the births and marriages have taken place, say, in Scotland which has a separate registration system?

Although the IGI can be useful, and someone will correct me if I am wrong, there is not much coverage (if any) for the dates you are giving.


Looking at the birth places of the children between 1851 and 1861 I would think it highly unlikely that they were at the same address on 1851.  Even families who lived and remained in one geographical area moved house quite a lot as many of us have found to our cost!  Someone like James who seems to move about the country would, in my opinion, be unlikely to return to a former address.  Also, if Mary Ann, was born in London City that would not correspond with a Bromley address.

If you want to pursue a Bromley 1851 address I think from the info you have given that this would come under Kent, not London.

Have you looked at the Free BMD entry for Mary Ann Sandford, June 1850?  The Reg District certainly accords with a London City place of birth.


The Common Room / Re: Overseas Births
« on: Sunday 27 February 05 12:18 GMT (UK)  »

Thanks for that link. I have bookmarked it for future reference - although I'm hoping I won't need it ;D


Hello Brenda
The 1851 census is difficult to search unless you have an address.  There are indexes for particular areas which some people have access to.
You could try asking for a look up in 1851 of the 1861 address if you think the family could be there. You could also ask for people to look at their indexes. In either case it would be helpful to give ages, occupations and places of birth for each of the people you hope to find.
Were either of the children born, or did the parents marry, near to the 1851 census date?  Is so, get the certificate and this will give you another address to try.
So far as the birth is concerned was this before or after 1837 when civil registration started? If before, have you looked at the IGi: if after,have you looked at Free BMD for starters?

Give us a few more details and I am sure we will be able to point you in the right direction.


The Common Room / Re: Overseas Births
« on: Saturday 26 February 05 15:19 GMT (UK)  »
Hello both

I am struggling a bit here as I have only just started on  India research myself and my Lewin family were definitely Civil Servants which makes the options pretty clear.

I have had a look at the FIBIS site and Cathy Day's again to see if I can find anyting useful.

I think this sets the picture
(from Cathy Day's site)
Church Records
India had no civil registration (including  birth certificates) as such. The next best thing for a genealogist is to use Church Records. About 80% of all baptism, marriage and burial records have survived today, and the good news is that they are all indexed and available on microfilm. Records of baptisms, marriages and burials are available 1698-1968, and are housed in the OIOC in London. If you live outside London, then the best way to have access to these records is to use the LDS (Mormon) microfilms, which will be available in an LDS Family History Centre near you. For details on how to use the OIOC records on microfilm, some transcriptions, addresses and photos of churches in India, visit the webpage on Church Records.
Some regiments of the British Army (not the HEIC Army) chose to have their records included in the General Registrar's Office records at what was formerly called St Catherine's House, in London. If your ancestor was in the British Army and you are unable to find your ancestor's baptism record in the church records held at the OIOC or on microfilm, there is a chance that they will be available in the Army Ecclesiastical Returns of the General Registrar's Office. Indexes to these records are available in most genealogical libraries and family history societies.

I think that may answer your question Jen.  The India Office reading room is in The British Library. 

Details here:

I have had a look at my reference books to find out the position of overseas births generally.  The Family Tree Detective by Colin D Rogers says
" It has always been optional for British Citizens (males only until 1983) to register the birth of their legitimate or legitimated children born abroad with a British consul........"

"Those births which are registered with a Consul are recorded in the Consular Returns and/or the Chaplain's Returns from 1849 or occasionally earlier"

I have no personal experience of looking for Army Records or overseas births (other than the East India Company ones).

My inclination would be to try the Ecclesiastical Returns if other options have failed.

Incidentally Richard Lewin, one of the ancestors I am researching, died in Bellary in 1858 so I know it is in  the Madras Presidency.

Hope this helps


London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: NEWLYN "brickwall" in East London
« on: Saturday 26 February 05 12:15 GMT (UK)  »
I had a look at the 1891 census for Manderville Street.

William's age does look like 40 and his occupation does look like porter but the writing is not good.  Mark does appear to be a boy so perhaps the 1881 transcription is wrong.  His occupation is House ??

Just a thought.  I assume you have looked at Emily Hart's household in 1891?


London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: NEWLYN "brickwall" in East London
« on: Saturday 26 February 05 10:33 GMT (UK)  »

On the whole it looks to me that William was born about 1866/7 giving the ages of 4 and 14 in 1871 and 1881.
On his marriage he would have been about 24/25 and I wonder whether he added a few years to his age to minimise the fact that he was younger than his wife?

Have you looked at the 1901 census entry itself?  I wonder whether William's age might just have been mistranscribed.  On the other hand it could just be an error: I spent ages looking for the birth of one of my ancestors based on an incorrect census entry - he appeared 10 years younger on the census than he actually was!

I see that there may have been a mistranscription of the age of William senior in 1891: 40 instead of the more likely 46 or 48. Also some of the other entries are a bit odd eg Mark instead of Mary. Did your info come from a transcription or the census sheet?  I can look the entry up for you if this would be useful.

I have noticed that many ages on census sheets are difficult if not impossible to read because there are lines drawn through them.


Sussex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: 1871 Look up
« on: Friday 25 February 05 22:37 GMT (UK)  »
Nell and Janet M

Thank you both so much. 

Don't worry about Mary -  her second name was Estelle and that is obviously what her grandparents called her.

I now have all the Lewin grandchildren in the 1861 and 1871 censuses which is a real bonus.  They were all born in Madras between 1852 and 1857 and both their parents died in India in 1858 - now I need to find out from the Madras ecclesiastical records what the parents died of!


Sussex Completed Lookup Requests / 1871 Look up
« on: Friday 25 February 05 21:37 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for
William Carr, about 71, born London. living on own means/fund holder
His wife Mary Bird Carr,about 65, born London or Watford
Their granddaughter Mary Lewin, about 16, born India (Madras).

in 1861 they were in Kensington but they were in Hove in 1881 and I believe they moved in the late 1860s. Mary's sister Amy was at school in Hove in 1871 and Mary may be with her.

Can anyone help please?


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