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Messages - McVitie

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Inverness / Re: 1851/61/71 Inverness census lool up please
« on: Monday 08 September 08 16:12 BST (UK)  »
Hi Gadget

Thanks for all your help here - the 1871 Benbecula census is definitely my 2x grandfather Angus, Ronald's son, as Angus was a joiner/carpenter. The children also appear the same as the 1881 census, so everything ties in nicely.

Angus was indeed a miller in Lionacleit, Benbecula, and so the 1861 you kindly found him in is most definitely him, as his wife was Mary Macrae, from Harris.

I have never managed to get across to the Western Isles, but have spent a lot of my summer hols in Ardvasar, Sleat, Skye where my dad was born into the Kennedys there. I must try to get up to Kilmuir though, since it would seem Ronald, the Ground Officer, may have a grave up there, but whether he had a headstone is probably doubtful, but they were in charge of a lot of land so who knows....maybe he was buried in the same graveyard as the famous Flora!

Thanks for helping me piece this all together Gadget - I've learned a great deal in just a matter of a few hours.

Kind regards


Inverness / Re: 1851/61/71 Inverness census lool up please
« on: Monday 08 September 08 15:07 BST (UK)  »
My brain's not in gear Gadget! Thanks again for clarifying - he was born a NU man, and moved at some point to Skye - and married a girl from Portree.

Yes indeed, Alice could well have been Annabella - it could be down to what the enumerator heard/interpreted? The 1871 South Uist connection is certainly an interesting route - thanks for searching here.
Kind regards

Inverness / Re: 1851/61/71 Inverness census lool up please
« on: Monday 08 September 08 14:36 BST (UK)  »
Hi  Gadget

Thanks for the clarification - so Ronald was born Kilmuir, Skye, which now at least certainly makes things clearer.

Although Alice doesn't appear in the 1841 census, it's a name that was given to my nan, Alice Mary Alex Maclean born Benbecula 1901, and we could never find out why Alice had been given as her first name - her mother Mary Bell Macdonald was Angus's daughter, and lo and behold Angus had an aunt Alice! Think you may have solved the missing link here Gadget - great stuff.

Thanks also for checking on Ronald's death - pity he wasn't post 1855 but at least his wife Margaret was alive so she should be on Scotlands People...

Many thanks


Inverness / Re: 1851/61/71 Inverness census lool up please
« on: Monday 08 September 08 14:19 BST (UK)  »
Hello Gadget

Thanks for your 'swift' response.

It's very interesting that Ronald has a farm of 35 acres - on his son Angus's death cert in 1901, it states that his father, Ronald, was a 'Ground Officer' but it didn't say where. Certainly having 35 acres would seem to match the title of a 'GO', but not sure where his other children have got to? Also interesting they are in North Uist, as their son Angus married in Harris, in 1855, which is quite near to NU, so they must have moved from Skye at some point after 1841 census.

Regarding the 1861 census, they seem to have moved back to Skye, and the names shown certainly fits the family, as their 2nd eldest daughter was called 'Binny' in the 1841 census and is now Benny, which seems likely to be her.

Dilista was also the place on the 1841 census - but I can't locate that place on a map?

Thanks for all your help here.


Inverness / 1851/61/71 Inverness census lool up please
« on: Monday 08 September 08 13:34 BST (UK)  »

Hello to you

Would be most grateful if anyone would be so kind to see if my gt gt gt grandfather's family were in any of the above census of Kilmuir (Isle of Skye).

I've managed to get details of the family in the 1841 census:-

Ronald Macdonald - age 56 Tenant (gt gt grandfather)
Margaret  49 wife
Donald   28 Joiner
Janet 25
Annabella 20
Binny 15
Alex 13
Angus 14
James 9

Any information on Ronald's family would be gratefully received.
Kind regards


Inverness / Re: Unusual christian name?
« on: Thursday 28 August 08 15:35 BST (UK)  »

Many thanks for your kind suggestions Kate and Gadget.

Funnily enough Gadget my grandmother's middle name was Alexanderina - her father being of course Alexander!

Benita is certainly an option Kate, but why they would have chosen this is a mystery. Binean, again seems plausible as it's a celtic derivative...

Binny on the other hand is also shown on the site as a variant of Bianca....all I seem to get is an image of Rickkkkkkyyy....!

Thanks again for your suggestions.


Inverness / Unusual christian name?
« on: Thursday 28 August 08 12:27 BST (UK)  »

Hello to you,

I recently came across my Macdonald ancestors in the 1841 census in Kilmore, Skye.  Ronald Macdonald (aged 54) and his wife Margaret (aged 49, m.s - Macdonald) named one of their daughters 'Binny', a name I have never come across in all my scottish ancestors, and wondered if anyone out there could shed some light on how such a name may have been chosen as it's not one I would associate with the highlands.

Kind regards


Inverness / Re: Marraige of gt gt grandparents Benbecula/Harris
« on: Wednesday 18 June 08 13:17 BST (UK)  »

Many thanks for your detailed response - I never considered their religious background, and wasn't aware that the SP OPRs were specific to 'COS' dominations - I've learned something new already!

I know that Angus Macdonald was originally from Kilmuir, Skye as he was a witness in the Napier Hearings in 1880s, at Torlum, Benbecula and he actually says he was born on 'Major Frasers Kilmuir estates'. I wonder what the north Skye religion would have mainly been - I'll try 'googling' and see what I can unearth.

I will definitely check with the GROS site as you kindly suggest - thanks for all your help suggestions.

Kind regards

Inverness / Marraige of gt gt grandparents Benbecula/Harris
« on: Wednesday 18 June 08 12:25 BST (UK)  »

Good afternoon to you all,

I wonder if I may ask for some guidance...

I have recently obtained a birth certificate for my gt grandmother, Mary Bell Macdonald, born 1866 Benebecula, on ScotlandsPeople. :) What's more, it also gave me some further info on her own parents marriage,  Angus Macdonald and Mary Macrae, and shows them married in Borve, Harris on 14th Dec 1854.

Knowing the date/place of marriage, I then tried searching for their marriage cert on Scotspeople, but without success.  So I tried the IGI site and lo and behold they are recorded on there as married on 12th Dec 1854 (different date!) and in Benbecula, not Harris. Loaded with this info, I then went back onto the Scotspeople site and searched under the new date but again without success.

I've read on here that the IGI may not be 100% accurate,  but could anyone suggest how I could determine if the marriage was Benbecula or Harris.

Best wishes

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