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Messages - fishy

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Cheshire / Re: home births
« on: Wednesday 10 October 12 05:57 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for your email Lizzie,

Yes I will have to try that I suppose, might be worth trying to ask  older people arround Hyde if they know or knew where there may be records kept on midwifes that delivered babies locally in Hyde in 1946.


Cheshire / Re: home births
« on: Wednesday 10 October 12 05:50 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for your email millie,
Yes if I can trace the correct midwife.
I'm sure you are right about the midwife delivering lots of babies, and may not remember.
I am now 66.  when my mother gave birth to me she was about 18 years  old.
I suppose it depends on the midwifes age , when she delivered me.


Cheshire / Re: home births
« on: Wednesday 10 October 12 05:38 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for your email, Stan,
Yes  I have my address on my birth cert. but just would like to find out if its possible to find  the midwife who may have delivered me & others babies perhaps in 1946 in Hyde.

The Common Room / could a home birth be baptised in 1946
« on: Tuesday 09 October 12 02:54 BST (UK)  »
Hi there,

Does anyone know if   a child is born at home , would or could they be baptised, this is in 1946, and a child in 1907.  the area probably Hyde Cheshire.

appreciate any  help thanks.


Cheshire / home births
« on: Tuesday 09 October 12 02:02 BST (UK)  »
Hi there,

I would like to know if you can find out  my home birth,  I was born in a house in Hyde Cheshire England  on 13th Jan 1946, at about And /or the midwife who may have delivered me at that particular time.
It was snowing very heavily ,when the midwife came to the house on her bycle.  Mum almost lost her life as she haemoraged, I was 6lbs. in weight.

Appreciate any iformation if possible thanks.

Barbara (fishy)

p.s.I have been watching " Call of the midwifes' on channel 2  it got me thinking of my own home birth.

Hi Norma  Jess,

T,hanks you so very much for the information you got for me, yes the fittons look like they must have married brothers. I know one I remember Mum saying was a wilfred  Belcher, they all seem correct , I checked everything out.
good when there is a date for a marriage or a birth easier then to look up.  thanks again,


Hi Heywood,

Thank you so very much for that information on fittons with Belcher yes they look correct, mum always said there was a Wilfred Belcher.  Mum   had a cousin called  Lillian Belcher. the Harry I found him actually on a 1911   census I must have got some time ago, now I have lost it again , I m sure it said he was then 14 yrs old, He is 4 on the 1901 census I have, so must try and find it again,  so  it looks like he is definately a son of either  Amy  or Mary like My Mum said .
and Amy or    Mary was there to about 33 yrs old, So looks like she must have married much later or not at all hey!
anyway checked all records out for them births and marriages , so look correct.  thanks again.


Cheshire / looking for any sisters of my grandad James fitton born 1892 Hyde cheshire
« on: Saturday 15 October 11 07:46 BST (UK)  »
could somebody be able to help me please find any sisters of my Grandad. His name was James fitton born  31st  January 1892 13 Hall st Hyde Cheshire.  He started up as a clerk then later had is own furnisher bussinessn on the corner of Elizabeth st and Manchester rd Hyde
His father Isaac ,  Mother Mary ann, fathers occupation cotton weaver.
I have the 1901 census they were living at 11 Lumm court/shepley st Hyde
Issac fitton Head   47      Hyde
Mary A fitton wife  42      Haughton
Mary fitton daughter 23   single   Cotton Spinner   Haughton 
Amy fitton       "        21     "        Cotton Weaver   Hyde
Samuel fitton   son    16      "       Cotton Spinner   Hyde
Martha fitton    daughter 14 "       Cotton Weaver   Hyde
James fitton      son          9                                  Hyde   this is my grandad
Harry or Henry fitton         4yrs                              Hyde

I was told by family that Harry or Henry  fitton was Mary or Amys  son .

I would probably like to find If it was harry or Henry and who's child it may have been, and if they were on the 1911 census or not.  I know that the boys mother may have married so dont know the surname of him.
would like to know if the daughters were on the 1911 census and if they married or not.

appreciate any  information if possible thanks.


Hi Sandra,
Thanks for birth dates and death of  Elizabeth H Tondreau.


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