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Messages - foxjohnstone

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Family Bibles / WASHBROOK Album has gone missing
« on: Tuesday 22 July 08 23:55 BST (UK)  »

I have posted a message on "Lost and Found" regarding various items which , I can only presume, have been stolen from a lady before or just after her recent death. The lady in Question was my father-In-Laws step-mother. This lady lived in the house owned by my father -in -laws father, as requested in his will. The contents eg family heirlooms,jewelry belonging to my F-I-L's mother and grandmother, albums ect were in the house.
My father in law has just accessed the house ( the lady died a short time ago) and absolutely none of the items can be found (not even the old morris minor car !).

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep a look out for any WASHBROOK/MATTHEWS family albums, Last seen in Old Marston, Oxford).

For Sale / Wanted / Events / My Upset Father In law requests help.
« on: Tuesday 22 July 08 23:26 BST (UK)  »
Hi Everyone.

My father-In -Law is very sad at the moment. He is a fantastic elderly guy with a heart of gold. The situation is this;-

His father re-married after his mothers death. Then unfortunatley his father died quite soon after this marriage, however he had changed his will to state that his new wife could live in the house until she died rent free. ( but the house deeds and ownership were passed to my father in law and his brother.

Sadly my father in law and his stepmother were not close. The lady died ( God Bless) a couple of months ago,and all the possesions of my father in laws parents eg photos , jewelry, family heirlooms have vannished into thin air. We have no idea if they were stolen behind the ladies back etc, and they could have been missing for the last 20 years or even just in the last 2 months. Either way,I cannot believe that the step-mother would have thrown these items out, she certainly could not have thrown away the old morris minor which was in the garage !.I feel that it is possible that she was taken advantage of towards the end of her life, which makes my heart sink.

I am sure many of you empathise with this situation, I myself would give anything for just one photo of my grandfathers family,and have searched high and low for years with no avail.

Please would anyone look out for any photograph albums and the family bible etc belonging to Theodore Charles William WASHBROOK and his first wife Evelyn Margaret HAINES. The Washbrook family had lived in the Villages of Islip, Kiddlington, and Old Marston which are all in close proximity too each other in Oxford.

God Bless

Gemma xxx

Longford / Re: re-new going to Longford..i'm a wally
« on: Saturday 03 November 07 19:44 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Christopher

The dreaded question ............ my family's religion..... where do I start ????

My g-g-g-g-g- granny Margaret Johnstone of Lisleen was supposed to be John Wesley's patrioness ( She was a converted Catholic apparently ).

We then  have seven brothers ; - 2 Catholic, 3 Chuch of England ( one was a vicar), 1 church of Ireland and 1 Presbyterian. My particular line tends to show Catholic marriages, though there are a few rogues !

Hence , now you may understand why my research in Ireland has not been quite plain sailing. It really would have been much more courteous of my ancestors to stick to one this would certainly have aided my research.

God Bless

Ireland / Re: Frantic for furtherance of research
« on: Tuesday 14 August 07 21:28 BST (UK)  »
Hi Christopher.

Yes,I am still trying to find the resting place of dear g-g-g aunt Emily.

Farmers need not be reported.... bless them. I spoke to a friend who says that many men don't stop for strange women wandering country lanes...apparently through fear that the woman may later on get murdered and they would be the main suspect. This is the modern society we live. What on earth will happen to the fantastic romance novels in the future, where a beautiful lady falls in love with rugged soft voiced Irish farmer???.

The Common Room / Re: HELP - My is playing up
« on: Wednesday 27 June 07 19:20 BST (UK)  »

Thank you for all of your replies
Best wishes

Longford / Re: re-new going to Longford..i'm a wally
« on: Sunday 17 June 07 01:18 BST (UK)  »
Hi Christopher

Oh boy did I have a fantastic time!. As I walked round Dublin, Longford, Ennybeggs, Killoe, Ardagh, Corboy ........ and many other places ( I got a bit carried away with the walking!!!)  I felt like I was "home".
 I had never been to Ireland in my life , yet I  must have  a deep routed gene of an ancestor , possibly a great explorer, as I always  felt like I knew where I was going . Ask any of my friends and they will tell you that I ony drive a 5 mile round trip to my childrens schools, don't do motorways, and frequently lose my direction when cycling in the area I have lived in for 32 years !!!.

Ps;- Unfortunately I still have quite a long way to go to get to the bottom of my " really annoyingly illusive ancestors ", even though I have gone through over 2 thousand birth, death, marriage, newspaper, army ect records.

The whole Fox - Johnstone - McCutcheon saga , along with the Latter Day Saints Penny's worth, is making my brain very sore!.

Ask me in a hundred years time and I may have got to the bottom of it.

God Bless
Gem x

Derry (Londonderry) / Re: Foyle College help please
« on: Sunday 17 June 07 01:00 BST (UK)  »

Thanks for replying.

I telephoned the college some time ago and they told me to follow up my queerie with a letter. This was over a month ago, so I presume the staff are very busy. The thing is that even when I was in Dublin I could not find where the archives for the schools were kept, except the Trinity records which had a few family members dating back to 1822.

God Bless

Dublin / My missing Cannon and Deans Vicar
« on: Sunday 17 June 07 00:31 BST (UK)  »

Can anyone please help

I am attempting to find out ANY info on my g-g-g-g-g grandad.

The Rev Edward MARTIN of Dublin was Canon and Deans Vicar of St Patrick's Cathedral, rector of Crumlin and of Tullagh. All I know is that he was born circa 1770 and married Grace Eustace.

Thanks in advance for any help

Gem x

Derry (Londonderry) / Foyle College help please
« on: Sunday 17 June 07 00:15 BST (UK)  »

Could anyone please point me in the direction where I can obtain records relating to my g-g-g- uncle.
Andrew Johnstone was a Science master at the College in 1871, but I have no idea how long he was there for. He died whilst teaching at another college in Dublin South in 1882.

Many thanks in advance


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