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Messages - Les de B

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 ... 173
Catherine R

Unfortunately, the surname KNOTT, does not appear, but there is mention of only the surname NOTT under the heading of "Grocers".



Sorry, just noticed your post from 2016! Not really worth the wait, but in the book there are certain heading and names. Under the joint title of "Barbers and Perfumers" are these names only;


It doesn't indicate who was what.


Europe / Re: WATTS - French translation of pistol duel
« on: Monday 29 January 18 10:22 GMT (UK)  »
That's okay Roger - I appreciate your effort, and at least I have some understanding of this document now, whereas I didn't before  ;)


« on: Saturday 27 January 18 12:37 GMT (UK)  »

Thanks very much for the translations - much appreciated.

Regarding Page 430, are you saying you can't translate it, or can't read it i.e. poor photo quality/bad handwriting?


Europe / WATTS - French translation of pistol duel
« on: Saturday 27 January 18 11:18 GMT (UK)  »
Just wondering if any one is able to translate this account of a pistol duel from 1796 involving my ancestor Stephen WATTS. It happened on Jersey Island, but is recorded in French.

I have read English newspaper accounts of the duel, but don't know what this document is about. The person who advised me of it says there are 2 parts to it, he thought the first was the description, and the second part was a Court outcome?



Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark / Re: Pistol Duel Jersey Island 1796
« on: Wednesday 24 January 18 10:47 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Stewart

Thanks for finding those references for me. I did find the relevant references on the Jersey Heritage site, but having a little difficulty in working out how to view/purchase a copy. I've emailed them for some advice as what to do, though are you one of the members who assist there (you may receive my email  ;D )?

Anyway, thanks again for your time and effort - most appreciated!


Wiltshire Lookup Requests / Re: Joseph & Mary CORFE interred Salisbury Cathedral
« on: Sunday 21 January 18 09:01 GMT (UK)  »
I see we have communicated before, though 3 years ago!

I can only go one generation beyond the Robert CORFE you mention. These are my scant notes 

Whitfield CORFE - estimated b. early 1600's.

Only details recorded of him are found in grandson's 1743's Will (John CORFE d.28/4/1743) -  ".........books legacy of my grandfather Whitfield CORFE of Amesbury". Two of John's children have the name Whitfield.

Records that far back are very far and few between........and not that reliable  ;D

Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark / Re: Pistol Duel Jersey Island 1796
« on: Tuesday 09 January 18 09:11 GMT (UK)  »

All is not lost however as it just means I have removed these as a source and I shall look further over the next few days.


Thanks for your time Stewart - much appreciated.

Yes, a bit of a mystery as to why 15 English newspapers had the story, but no Jersey papers did? I thought there may have been something reported, as WATTS did receive a serious head wound, with the reports indicating SANDERSON, his aide, and WATTS' aide all fled the scene because they thought he was dead, and dueling was illegal. Apparently, he lay at the location for an hour before he was found by his brother-in-law, Dr.HERIOT. I was hoping that a Jersey newspaper may have reported the location, or whether SANDERSON was arrested - I guess that is not to be.

Just as a side note. I indicated WATTS was left an hour before his medical treatment. That is nothing compared to his injuries he received in the Battle of Orinskay in New York State. He was bayonetted in the throat, shot in the leg, and suffered a third non-described wound. Abandoned on the battlefield for 2 days, he was rescued by friendly Indians, returned to the British Camp, where his leg was amputated below the knee. Yep, certainly a survivor!


Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark / Re: Pistol Duel Jersey Island 1796
« on: Monday 08 January 18 21:34 GMT (UK)  »

Will of Stephen Watts, Captain on His Majesty's Redneed List of Invalids of Southampton , Hampshire 22 February 1810 ?

Do you have his will?


Stewart, thanks for that, but I do have his Will.

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