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Messages - Wred

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The Lighter Side / Re: Rag and bone man
« on: Friday 30 July 10 18:36 BST (UK)  »
Here we go again. Whats wrong with pigs trotters???? ;D ;D ;D

Granny had no teeth ::) The noise was terrible :'(

The Lighter Side / Re: Rag and bone man
« on: Friday 30 July 10 00:21 BST (UK)  »
Just caught up with this subject. My step great great grandfather was a rag and bone man until he died in1926. One of his granddaughter told me  that after becoming a widower he would have lunch at his daughters house but first put the meal bag on the horse she  found it amusing that horse and man would work and eat together. He had another business which was as proprietor of swings at local park. These were the large boat swings don't know how much he charged.

His son in law (my g-grandfather ) was described as a ' scavenger' in one document so must have worked for him at one time.  I'm big on recycling so perhaps its hereditary :-\

I'm surprised your friend from Scotland didn't also use the word scavenger as I have heard this word in the North of Scotland. My OH has family from Orkney who were also described as scavengers but for the local Roperie.

MY worst food memory is of my gradmother eating or rather sucking pigs trotters. :-[ :o :-X

The Lighter Side / Re: Great grandparents.
« on: Wednesday 28 July 10 00:08 BST (UK)  »
taidgazacaz you asked :
Wred, which bit of you do you reckon is Welsh

I would say the part that was lucky to be born Welsh.

The Lighter Side / Re: Great grandparents.
« on: Wednesday 21 July 10 23:09 BST (UK)  »
Emilia–Romagna, Italy times 4

Wiltshire (Pewsey), Hampshire (Vernham Dean), Devon (Uffculme), Bristol

Think taht makes me an Anglo-Saxon Italian Welsh person. :-\

Monmouthshire / Re: Monmouthshire Warriors
« on: Wednesday 30 June 10 23:56 BST (UK)  »

Being from Nupert thought I would check out your site. I have recently knocked down a longstanding brick wall and discovered family amongst your photos(the Bennett brothers).
We knew nothing about them but they were were my granny's cousins and stepped in when she and her siblings were orphaned.

I will be sending photos to your site of granny's merchant marine brother who was lost after his ship was torpedoed and whose name is not inscribed locally. Thanks

Scotland / Re: What Does Inmate Mean?
« on: Thursday 17 June 10 00:51 BST (UK)  »
That also answers a question for me. I recently found in 2 households in the census (in Scotland)  a non family member  listed as an inmate. I had thought this might have meant that they were being looked after by the family - sort of care in the community- but now I see that they must have been lodgers of some sort. Thank you.

Somerset / Re: parish records on cd
« on: Wednesday 16 June 10 01:11 BST (UK)  »
Yatton and Clutton parish registers have been transcribed at

New Zealand Completed Requests / Re: John Smith - genealogist hell!
« on: Wednesday 02 June 10 19:54 BST (UK)  »
Ok Taonga

Cameron is not particularly Caithness name and no Ann on 1841 census that I can see.

There are 20 John SMITHS in 1841  interesting one staying at toll collectors house , Thurso, age 25, not born in county, no occupation given.

Caithness / Re: assistance appreciated on ancestry roots in Scotland location visit
« on: Wednesday 02 June 10 01:26 BST (UK)  »
Hi Chisholm

Find EMJAYE name on a post (try search) click on name and her personal page will come up . At the bottom click on post personal message and away you go. You need to have posted 3 messages first which I think you have just done.

Still looking for your Ross family in Caithness but no luck yet

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