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Messages - karenb

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 ... 90
Hello Carolyn,

Certainly another stunner and I just love the colours !
 :) ;) :D ;D

Thank you,

Oops - China - I always forget the ring finger is on the left hand ::)  I've been in Germany toooooo long and always look at my ring on the right hand and forget to think the opposite for North America- sorry.

Who knows what is in her hand - I can't enlarge it enough to see anything.  Were women graduating from school with diplomas at that time?


Thank you China and Jim,  ;D

It certainly does look like tweed but I bet she had a full petticoat/slip which saved her from itching too much  ;).

bearkat - no idea if she is pregnant and we can't see her ring finger either.  I don't know who she is but I'll could check my tree if any babies were born late 80s ....    ;)


PS. I have one Bell (this is from the Bell family album) who had children born 1880,'82,'86 & 1889.  If she is preggo I might know who she is ...

Here is another unidentified picture which I would love to have dated please.

A nice cleaning would also be appreciated!  ;)

Thank you very much,

Hello OR,

How and earth can you see that?  I also blew it up and I agree it looks like a portrait but I certainly can't see what pose the person has .....


Hi China,

There really isn't chimney but perhaps it broke or something  ;) ?

I honestly don't know where to begin tracing Mrs. McMartin so I'm not sure that the directory would be much help.  I don't know her name or her husband's name and can't find any Mcmartin marriage to a familiar family name.

The photo album with this picture is the Bell/Collins family album.  I am only familiar with the Bell part but the intermarried Collins who have ancestors such as Prout, Gray, Upper and probably more that I am not too familiar with.  So far after a quick search I can't find any of those ancestors living in Quebec.  ARGG!


Hi old Hippy,

He's looking dandy indeed.  Very nicely done  ;) :D ;D

Thank you !!   :D :D

Thanks China,

What a relief  :) ;)  I can't wait to get a better scan of the woman!  BTW - yes it is a velvet jacket -  I do have a much larger copy of that picture to study!

Carolyn, your colourings are stunning as usual and you have certainly done them justice !!  ;) :D ;D

Very much appreciated,

Thanks Harieta,

1900 wouldn't work even if it were the son of the person I thought -  he would only be 14 and his wife 16.    If it is really around 1900 then I am completely back to the drawingboard  ;)  Wouldn't be the 1st time though ;) :D ;D !


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