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Messages - dedted29

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Surrey Completed Look up Requests / Re: Kingston Workhouse, 1859, PARKER
« on: Wednesday 21 February 07 10:10 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you everyone for your replies and help!  It is most appreciated!

Surrey Completed Look up Requests / Re: Kingston Workhouse, 1859, PARKER
« on: Friday 02 February 07 12:47 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you both for such quick replies!  Jacob most likely was at Kingston due to ill health since his death certificate cites a diseased lung.  I still wonder at the conditions within and will do some more reading.  Again my thanks!  Dawn

Surrey Completed Look up Requests / Kingston Workhouse, 1859, PARKER
« on: Friday 02 February 07 10:03 GMT (UK)  »
Can someone please tell me where the Kingston Workhouse was located and what parish it was in in 1859? Where should I look for records, if any exist, of my GGG-grandfather Jacob PARKER who died there.  I am wondering if other members of the family were also "incarcerated" or just him alone.  Thank you!

England / Cousin Found on Rootschat!!!!
« on: Tuesday 02 May 06 23:07 BST (UK)  »
I am so excited!  I began my  "family history" project a year ago searching and hoping for a connection to my grandfather's family in England.  Admittedly  I was beginning to despair of finding someone (ANYONE) who was related.  Over the weekend I visited the SIT board to check possibilities.  There she was PARKER and FRYER in the same vicinity as mine.  Fryer and Parker are common names so I figured it would be another dead end.  The next day a reply came and I could not believe it- a CONNECTION!  Turns out her husband's gg-grandfather's is my g-grandmother Lydia's brother.  Apparently we're 3 cousins, 1 removed or so it seems.  We knew nothing of Lydia's family except for recent discoveries in census', etc.   Our FRYER cousins in England knew of Lydia's marriage to Reuben Tricker but didn't have much about her family.  In my excited state I fired off what must have been a 20 page email regarding Lydia's descendants here in the US and Canada; then worried for the next 24 hours that my email might have frightened her off.  Thankfully it did not!   In only 3 days we've exchanged photos, documents, heirloom letters and more.  I am still walking on cloud nine!

Thank you very much Rootschat!  ;D

The Common Room / Re: RootsChat Cousins
« on: Sunday 26 February 06 05:32 GMT (UK)  »
Finally!  I have at least located someone who was at some point and hopefully still is researching my TRICKER line.  While it was not on Rootchat itself that I found their information, the link that gives me such hope was from a Rootschat post!!! :D  YIPPEE!  I just hope that the connection is not so old that they've changed email's twice or more :-\ or given up entirely!   It certainly is exciting at finally having at least chance to exchange information with this elusive family of mine.  Thanks you very much Rootschatters!! ;D

The Common Room / RootsChat is A-1!!
« on: Thursday 23 February 06 01:31 GMT (UK)  »
I just wanted to say what a terrific site Rootschat is!  While I've yet to find someone researching along my lines I've had wonderful responses to my posts!!! Even posts that were too broad to find what I was seeking have elicited kind and patient responses!  Thank you Rootschat and everyone here!  Sincerely, Dawn :D

Census and Resource Discussion / Re: Incorrect Census transcriptions on Ancestry
« on: Thursday 23 February 06 01:24 GMT (UK)  »
I have also run into problems with my TRICKER surname.  I have found it as TUCKER/TRECKER/FRICKER, etc.  The most frustrating aspect is when you do find a mistake and submit a correction for one person in the household it doesn't apply to all members.  You have to go back and enter a correction for each member.  Sometimes it does feel as if Ancestry could care less about quality and service after all, while not the only game in town, they are the largest! :P

Essex Completed Lookup Requests / 1841 census Look up for TRICKER/TUCKER/TRECKER
« on: Wednesday 22 February 06 10:52 GMT (UK)  »
In 1851 on High Garrett? in Bocking, Essex there is a Sarah TRICKER/TUCKER/TRECKER.  Would it be possible to check the 1841 for this household.  Sorry about multiple last names but I've seen it misread repeatedly on various sites.  Thank you for your help!!  Dawn :)

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