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Messages - Catherine Wait

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South Africa / Re: Daniel VENABLES family and descendants
« on: Sunday 20 January 19 17:36 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Lyn, did you look at the tree on also information on



Family History Beginners Board / Re: Subscriptions to Commercial Family History Sites
« on: Wednesday 03 October 18 16:50 BST (UK)  »
Hi Walter, try for passanger lists, not all have been transcribed, but well worth a look and also for other resources in SA.


World War Two / Re: Jack Akers Royal Navy
« on: Thursday 27 September 18 10:28 BST (UK)  »
Thanks MaxD, I was expecting as much.  Just thought I would ask, you never know what might pop up. 


World War Two / Jack Akers Royal Navy
« on: Thursday 27 September 18 09:11 BST (UK)  »
Morning, I hope someone can help me with the following:- All information I have is oral without any references.

Jack Akers, Royal Navy, chef, born 1910 to 1920 possibly Yorkshire.  He was in Durban, South Africa Feb/March 1943.

The story:  During the time Jack was in Durban, either shipping in and out or RR?, a illegitimate child was conceived, I doubt he even knew about the baby. At the end of the war, the mother could not explain to her husband returning from war, that a baby had miraculously appeared, so a friend "adopted" the child and raised it as her own.  The child (still alive) only found out just before the adoptive mother passed away, and the above info is all that remains.  I wonder if they assumed Jack came from Yorkshire because of the accent?

Any help would be great.  Unfortunately don't have Ancestry.


South Africa / Re: Problems accessing the new South African Archives Index
« on: Saturday 15 September 18 07:43 BST (UK)  »
Apologies, didn't read your post correctly!!!  I can't access the site either.  Just out of curiosity, has the site ever worked at all?


South Africa / Re: Problems accessing the new South African Archives Index
« on: Friday 14 September 18 15:48 BST (UK)  »
Hi, try this Just opened it in SA and working.


South Africa / Re: BROTHERTON
« on: Friday 14 September 18 10:27 BST (UK)  »
I also noticed a wife buried with husband that belonged to you as well.  At the top of the page it will give you the province and town were buried, you could try and contact local museums for any further info. 
Keep in mind: 1. Many graves in South Africa have been damaged / decimated, so not always head stones. 
2.  Local town municipalities should have maps of plots BUT in many cases no interest is shown and queries not replied to, so do not expect much!! On the other hand, you might be pleasantly surprised.
3.  Noticed the families had settled in Orange Free State and  Transvaal areas, both were independent Boer republics at that stage.


South Africa / Re: BROTHERTON
« on: Friday 14 September 18 07:57 BST (UK)  »
Morning tancor1,

Suggest having a look at the following site  Definitely some graves that belong to you.  Some might be sons of sons - only had a quick look.  If you struggle with the site, I'll send you step by step instructions (there is one small hiccup in one spot.).


South Africa / Re: Constance Groom dead end
« on: Monday 03 September 18 09:54 BST (UK)  »
Hi again, Death Notice for her son Robert Wilfred Ivan B1910 D1942.  He is unmarried when he dies and address is 68 Grandborough C(?)owel, South Beach, Durban.  Constance is listed as his mother and living at the same address as him.  So, in 1942 she is alive and has not remarried.  Marriage for sons George and Claude (both in Durban) witness seems to be the brothers. 

Timeline: 1906 Marriage in Durban
          by 1917 Birth of 3rd son in Vryheid
          by 1942 Death of Robert back in Durban.

Not much, hope it helps


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