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Messages - IJDisney

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How long ago did Bernadette join Ancestry, and how long ago did she last log-in? Are her results linked to a tree (private or otherwise)? All this could be quite overwhelming for her, even if she is interested in her family tree. Or she might have no mystery herself, and know exactly how she fits into the tree (in or outside of wedlock), and might not be interested in/have time for connecting with you. So much else is going on at present in people's lives, even in the best of times! She might also have had her DNA uploaded by a third party (even if she has a separate account) for some reason. I have a friend who got people to test DNA, not all of them blood relatives to her, just out of her own curiosity.

One thing about the results is that maybe she is much closer to the siblings then anyone else. She could be a surviving child of one of the siblings (i.e. your father's cousin). Her genetic distance to the rest of you is therefore less, which might explain the high results in some of the matches.

Devon / Re: Fire Beacon Home Tiverton
« on: Tuesday 12 May 20 20:30 BST (UK)  »
Firebeacon was a convalecent home in Cove, Tiverton. It was run by Mrs. Unwin, wife of the local J.P.

It might be the same home mentioned in the 1890 Charities Register as Mrs. Unwin's Incurable Home, Haynes, Tiverton. This was established in 1888 for "the reception of destitute girls, between the ages of 4 and 12" who had a chronic illness. Admission was free, but a medical certificate was required "together with a statement as to the pecuniary position of the parents." It had room for 8 permanent beds.

As the Unwins seem to have been rich philanthropists, I would assume they had connections in the large towns and cities who would recommend children from poor families to be sent there.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: Date stone on chapel
« on: Tuesday 05 May 20 19:28 BST (UK)  »

Thany you shanreagh. That seems to clear up deciphering all the handwriting.

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Dna result - No Viking
« on: Monday 04 May 20 18:28 BST (UK)  »
It just means you haven't inherited those bits of DNA that the company you tested with have labelled as Scandinavian or Germanic.

This could be because different companies have different categories that they label, and will change the labels themselves. I used to be labelled as over 20% Irish, now I am under 10%. But clearly my DNA/ancestry hasn't changed.

You also don't inherit all the DNA of your ancestors. There will come a point when some ancestors just won't have contributed any DNA to the markers you are tested for at all.

Difficult to see, but "Maria Edith"?

I'm a bit late to the party, but how are they going to explain the gap in time? Will they just resume as if no time has passed, or will some events just fail to happen? Jolene's performance on the cricket pitch, Ambridge's V.E.Day celebrations, Robert & Linda's B&B guests, etc..

I had been wondering about that, too. Not only because I am still not convinced that it reads "crew".  ???

I would assume that Ab = able-bodied (seaman), which would have been preceded by ordinary seaman, as shanreagh says.

If it does indeed say "Ord." then maybe - just maybe - it might have something to do with "in ordinary":

According to WiKi, HMS Daedalus was launched in 1780, but was paid off only 4 years later (July 1784) and in 1790 underwent a "great repair" at Rotherhithe, that lasted until 1793.

Just a little food for thought...

Best regards,

Could it be that since the information Mckha489 provided shows John Disney was a carpenter, he was employed to repair the ship? He might have been on "Carpenter's Crew", but I can't see the abbreviation "Crp" or suchlike in the mystery word. He might have also repaired the HMS Canceaux when it was in the dockyards in 1775. Could "under the name of" mean that John Elliott sanctioned the work?


Folio 25: John Disney, aged 50, carpenter's yeoman; disease or hurt, asthma. Put on sick list, 27 March 1798 at Portsmouth. Discharged 29 March 1798 to Haslar hospital.

Thank you very much! This is from the Medical and Surgical Journal of the HMS Vanguard for 23rd Dec 1797 to 17th June 1798, kept by Michael Jefferson, Surgeon.

John Disney entered the hospital 29 March 1798, and wrote his will 25th April, so he must have been pretty ill.

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