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Messages - dorset_nomad

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Ann Tweedie dob 1798, Margaret Tweedie dob 1801, William K Tweedie dob 1803, Janet (Jane) Tweedie dob 1805, Jean Tweedie dob 1807, Elspeth (Elizabeth) Tweedie dob 1809, ????, Cecilia Tweedie dob 1813 and James Tweedie dob 1816.
The Rev. Dobbs account of Scots emigrants to Argentina says that John Tweedie and wife Janet, along with 6 children, left Leith Scotland on the Brig Symmetry, to arrive Buenos Aires late 1825. This too is clouded in mystery since the Argentine authorities do not list any Tweedie's disembarking the Symmetry.  Accounts do show that William K Tweedie was left behind. What is not mentioned is that one daughter (Ann or Margaret) was married and likely stayed behind as well, living in Birkenhead England. Had she also left for Argentina the count would have been Parents plus eight.


Thanks Coombs.
I am looking for the birth/ baptism of a woman who married a William Henry Summers in Liverpool on 18th May 1834. The marriage record shows Anniple Tweedie spinster. William died in 1839 and in his will he appointed the Rev. William King Tweedie as guardian of his children by Anniple. He also appointed the Reverend as trustee in the event that Anniple predeceased him. W.K. Tweedie's parents were a John and Janet Tweedie. John was a head gardener/ landscaper at Castlehill, Sundrum Blairquham Castle and latterly Eglington Castle 1800 through to 1825 when he took most of his family to Buenos Aires, Aregentina. To help confusion Anniple seems to have used different names throughout her life. She married as Anniple, sometimes used Annabelle or Annabella and is buried in St Andrews church in Buenos Aires as "Summers, Arabella Tweedie" in 1889.
The Tweedie's appear to have had eight children, all born at roughly two year intervals. 1798, 1801, 1803, 1805, 1807, 1809, ? , 1813 and 1816. All the children seemed to have been baptised around John's workplace.

Added. I also have an 1841 census record for Anniple Summers, living in Duncan Street Liverpool. She is listed as a lodging house keeper with her children, Janet Mary and John Howard. She is 30 years old so a birth of 1811'ish.

Thanks for that Looby. I'll follow that one up for Monday.

I have tried Scotlandspeople, Archives in Edinburgh, Kew RGO, some of the commercial sites and many more methods. Either she had a record that was missed during digitising or was adopted. I have her marriage record, 1841 census record and burial in Buenos Aires in 1889. Birth/ Baptism not a trace so far. The archives of the church just might prove fruitful if I can find where that is. Hence the question.

I am looking for the birth/ baptism records of a family member, born I calculate 1811 +/- 3 years. The family were living in Castlehill Ayr at the time. The siblings born prior and after were baptised Ayr and Straighton. Sadly The Scots records and UK records in Kew are no help since central records date back to 1855 only. The "Auld Kirk of Ayr' figures strongly with this family.

Ayrshire / John Tweedie (1775-1862) & family
« on: Tuesday 10 September 19 01:21 BST (UK)  »
Can anybody shed light on when John Tweedie (Botanist), his wife Janet and his family members actually left Scotland for Buenos Aires, Argentina? Vessel and names of who accompanied him would be very helpful. I believe one son (William King Tweedie) was left behind so it should be parents, five daughters and one son
The Rev. Dodds list says They all sailed on the Symmetry, departing Leith to arrive late 1825 yet Argentine arivals does not list them on that vessel. A footnote on Dodds list admits they might have arrived on an earlier vessel. The pax list for the two earlier vessels that year, Scotland to BA, does not show them either.

Goldie. That makes perfect sense. I had thought about a similar work around but concluded too much for a single thread so two threads. Male logic?  ::)

I take your point on the finer details of transcription. For me though it was not about the will or who left what to whom. It was about the content and looking for clues and links to another events far away from UK. That it has done in spades.
I tried hard to put both copies of the will on one thread but had repeated messages that the combined Kb was to large and exceeded the maximum. Likely a zip or hjsplit would not be acceptable. These two threads seemed appropriate.

Goldie. I had not realised that and in fact I posed this question to PCC, sadly no reply.
For me though this has been about what information the will contained. Actually this information dovetails in nicely with the wisdom of a Great Aunt back when I was a young fella. Still though there is goal that is elusive, for the moment


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