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Messages - mike175

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The Stay Safe Board / Re: Milk being poured away
« on: Friday 10 April 20 09:16 BST (UK)  »
Our household milk consumption has halved during the lockdown but because of short supply, not lack of demand! We have learnt to manage with less by not making milk puddings or milk based sauces and by eating less breakfast cereal.

All these shortages are short term logistics issues; people will eat much the same quantity of food whether in the home or out. Unfortunately, giant corporations are not as flexible as small business and take longer to change course, but I'm sure they will eventually. Probably just as things are returning to normal and they have to change back again  ::)

Technical Help / Re: Microsoft Home and Business 2019
« on: Tuesday 07 April 20 09:15 BST (UK)  »
Glad you got LibreOffice working properly. As you say, it really is an excellent suite of software; I still haven't explored all its features after many years of using it. I have also used Linux Mint and would use it exclusively but, needing to use certain Windows software, have abandoned it for now. But I do use third-party open source software wherever possible.


Technical Help / Re: Microsoft Home and Business 2019
« on: Monday 06 April 20 23:11 BST (UK)  »
I use OneDrive as a secondary, off site, backup and as a means of accessing some of my files from my Android 'phone when away from my desk. If it is set up correctly, it stores a permanent copy of the OneDrive files on the PC as well as in the 'cloud' so they are all available offline.

OneDrive is linked to your Microsoft account so the files should be available on any device linked to your account. Of course it is your responsibility to keep a record of your account details and password, but that applies to all such accounts. Unfortunately too many people, understandably, know very little about the technology but expect to be able to use the devices anyway, which is why modern systems try to manage everything for you whether you like it or not  ::)


Technical Help / Re: My Family Tree Maker is 839 gygabytes
« on: Saturday 04 April 20 10:14 BST (UK)  »
Having never used FTM I will leave the details to someone who knows about it, but I think it is really important to find out what is using all that disk space before doing anything else.

It's difficult to analyse a problem with limited information but I have assumed you are saying that the FTM folder is using 839GB. If you open that folder and there are multiple similar files, that would support Ian's "Save As" theory. If the 893GB is the whole of the drive there could be something else filling it up.

I found this web site which should help in locating the FTM files on your computer if you're not sure:


Technical Help / Re: My Family Tree Maker is 839 gygabytes
« on: Friday 03 April 20 14:54 BST (UK)  »
It's hard to imagine what could be using that much space, even with 7,000+ people. I'm using RootsMagic (but it can't be vastly different in storage requirements) and my tree has only half that number, admittedly, but my whole data folder is only around 45MB and the media folder around 6GB including some 7,000 files in 250 sub-folders. Most of these hold downloaded image files of source docs and photos.

Might be worth running a full virus scan just in case there is something else filling up the drive  :-\


The Common Room / Re: What order to collate my tree
« on: Friday 03 April 20 10:34 BST (UK)  »
... Can I ask if you have found a program to help you collate this information or if you are making your own up?

Everyone will have their own preference but I use an old copy of PagePlus. I find a proper desktop publishing program makes it easier to arrange the layout of text, pictures, charts, etc. and to rearrange them when you get it wrong or find something else to include.

A lot of family tree software will produce a narrative but I find it soon becomes very repetitive if there are more than a few individuals.


Technical Help / Re: Microsoft Home and Business 2019
« on: Friday 03 April 20 09:19 BST (UK)  »

While I share some of your concerns about Microsoft, and about working and storing data online, I have used the free Office Online on occasion without problems. I also normally use LibreOffice but found the odd formatting issue using .docx files which caused some confusion when sharing files with others. Until recently I had a very slow rural broadband which made online working difficult, but even with that it was possible.

I have been using OneDrive for off-site backups for some years, also without problems, although I also use a second hard drive for Windows File History backups. My feeling is that so many business users rely on Microsoft that they cannot afford to have an insecure system, whereas I would be very wary of some of the third party 'cloud' storage providers.

Obviously I have no idea what sort of work you are doing. If you are working with highly sensitive documents, maybe this is not the answer but, bearing in mind the inflexibility of your co-workers I would be inclined to give it a try if possible.

You can set up OneDrive to keep a permanent copy of all files on your PC.


The Common Room / Re: What order to collate my tree
« on: Thursday 19 March 20 08:45 GMT (UK)  »
There are many possible layouts, but one possibility is the way I'm trying to do it. After years of research I found some ancestors seemed to have had more interesting lives and families with much information available, so I give them their own chapter. Many others have little more than dates of birth, marriage and death with little else to be found, so they only get a passing mention. Even though they may have had interesting lives, if the details cannot be found you can't write much about them.

I also include snippets of general history to give context, e.g. "At this time there were no railways so his journey would have taken several days ..."

A section for pedigree charts, descendant trees, etc. will tie it all together.


The Stay Safe Board / Re: State of Emergency, Coronavirus (part 2)
« on: Tuesday 17 March 20 09:53 GMT (UK)  »
Well, being public-spirited I thought I would try ordering my groceries for home delivery. I am over 70 but reasonably fit and well, in the sense that I'm not on any medication. All went well until I came to the 'checkout' . . . I won't be able to eat for the next ten days as the next available delivery is 28th March  :o

Luckily I can go to the shop myself or send my son but it does highlight the problems with this self-isolation proposal. We can only hope the shops quickly adjust to the new situation.

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