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Messages - CarolG

Pages: 1 [2]
Stirlingshire / Re: PARK family of Stirlingshire
« on: Sunday 17 December 06 20:09 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you so much folks for taking the time to look for me.  The rumour was that Gabriel was a child of Mungo, but these things sometimes get garbled as they go along.  It's possible it could have been another of the family and not Mungo at all.  This guy seems very elusive!  Thank you all again.

Stirlingshire / Re: PARK family of Stirlingshire
« on: Monday 11 December 06 23:45 GMT (UK)  »
Many thanks for the information.  Thanks for the link too, I will take a look at that tomorrow.

I have Charlotte Louisa Park, widow of the said Gabriel Park, died 11 Jan 1864 at the age of 68, which would mean she was born about 1796.  I assume Gabriel would have been about the same age as her or perhaps a few years older.  He seems very elusive as I haven't been able to find any info on him at all.

I will keep looking, thanks again.

Stirlingshire / PARK family of Stirlingshire
« on: Monday 11 December 06 15:27 GMT (UK)  »
Does anyone have any information on the family of Mungo Park the explorer please?

I am stuck with Gabriel Park whose occupation was given on certificates as Captain of a vessel or Captain in the Navy, but I have been unable to find out his relationship to Mungo Park the explorer.

He was married to Charlotte Louisa Park and his daughter Charlotte Maria Park I have found, but her place of birth is unclear, sometimes given as Scotland or it could have been America.

I would be grateful for any information at all. 

Armagh / O'Hagan or possibly Hagan
« on: Thursday 07 December 06 10:16 GMT (UK)  »
My gr gr grandmother was Catherine O'Hagan.  I was always told she was from County Armagh.  She was born about 1823 and married Charles Leadbeater.  I would love to find more information on her if anyone is able to help.  Thank you in advance.

Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark / Le Gallez family
« on: Thursday 07 December 06 10:10 GMT (UK)  »
I have quite a good family tree for the Le Gallez family - which I would be delighted to share if anyone needs my info.

Someone has asked me about a MORNINGTON LE GALLEZ.  I do remember this family being mentioned as distant cousins, but I've no idea where they fit in.  There were two or three of them with 'odd' names.  I wonder if anyone else may have come across them.

Any information would be gratefully received.

Gloucestershire / Re: EMMS - Dowdeswell
« on: Sunday 07 November 04 08:49 GMT (UK)  »
Don't know if any of my Dowdeswells are the ones you are looking for, but I have a tree going back to the 1500s with Dowdeswells in Bushley, Tewkesbury areas of Gloucestershire.  Happy to pass on the information I have if you are interested

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