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Messages - icini

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The Common Room / Parish records pre 1553
« on: Wednesday 29 July 20 21:04 BST (UK)  »
Hi. I also asked this question to scotlandspeople as i am  very curious
The government website has records starting in 1553. I realise  at the time the reformation was beginning.
What about records of baptisms and marriages before that ? I’m sure they were recorded somehow. They were so  interested in illegitimate births and bigamy.  Shouldn’t there  be something ?
Where would they be found ? Or kept ?
Just asking

The Common Room / Re: Assumed name
« on: Monday 01 June 20 13:27 BST (UK)  »
Hello: thank you for your reply.  In the records Liverance disappears quite suddenly so I sometimes wondered if they changed it on purpose due to the dangers of being associated with the Covenantors, or if there was an even more sinister reason.
I have a couple of wills and they seem to be all related. I’m still trying to read them ( even took a course in deciphering the old writing and words).

The Common Room / Re: Assumed name
« on: Monday 01 June 20 06:58 BST (UK)  »
Hello: thank you for your response when I looked up the name it said that Liverance in Scotland was assumed meaning it came from the job.  Also I was able to use Scotland’s people to go back to James Liverance as the father of Lilias Liverance who married James Murray. Of course I can only use what I find as to the patents of James.  The only James being born/ baptised at a date to be old enough to be a father was the one I found in SP.
Yea I know I would have to keep going back and back. But I was just wondering if there was a source which would give the identities of those men who had worked in that capacity. I found a couple but well out of range
The surname Liverance first appears in that 1610 record. It is not a common name.  And given that the reformation was still in its infancy I also wondered if they could have been catholic previously and lost that job.  Maybe a fall  from grace if you will. The Linlithgow family appear in other data bases related to their occupations, land grants  and hearth taxes.
   There is also mention of Liverance being friends of the Covenanters at some point in the 1600s.
But my idea was it was going to prove difficult if not impossible to research if indeed it was not their original name, without some kind of alternative record perhaps indicating whether or not there was this change of name.
Just fishing as SP isn’t much help related to that

The Common Room / Assumed name
« on: Monday 01 June 20 02:11 BST (UK)  »
Hi everyone : i’m looking for where I could search for more information. One branch of my family tree has the surname Liverance
Supposedly  the surname Liverance is an “assumed” name from the clerk of the livery in the Royal household. 
In my limited research I have found notations that might say John of such and such a place clerk of the Livery.
The first recorded name is from the parents of a James Liverance in Sterling 1610 - Andrew ( spelled Androw)  Liverance amd Katherine Bying.
So is it possible then that Andrew’s real name isn’t Liverance at all? If i  could find farther back would i find a previous person  “John of such and such a place“ ( made up for this post)  Clerk  of the Liverance  and then when he leaves that post he became John Liverance?
And if this is a possibility, where would I be able to find more mentions of who may have held this post ? The name is also present in Linlithgow as kings messengers.
Later on James Liverance was in charge of the Covington farm and ferry  post. No idea how one gets to be in charge of a ferry post. 
So long question short - is there a place where I could find more names of who were the clerks of the livery  in Scotland?

Please and thank you

The Common Room / Re: professional genealogist resources
« on: Monday 28 October 19 21:24 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you.  Cost a lot though.  I don’t just copy info off trees without going to scotlandspeople for confirmation.  And even then I’m aware that  it may be incorrect due to a variety of issues.

The Common Room / Re: professional genealogist resources
« on: Monday 28 October 19 16:03 GMT (UK)  »
Wow! Thanks everyone for the quick replies. What about the rich folk? knights, lords and ladies et al? Is there a specific collection for them? The Liverance surname comes from clerk of the livery in the king's court some of them were King's Messengers in Linlithgow. So even though they appear in related records they are not in the kirk sessions.  Although my James Liverance is mentioned numerous times  in the kirk records  for Covington with his friend John Murray for " drinking and blaspheming on the sabbath"!   I downloaded some wills but can only look at the old writing for a few minutes at a time before i get cross-eyed.  Thanks again

The Common Room / professional genealogist resources
« on: Monday 28 October 19 13:13 GMT (UK)  »
H everyone: I have managed to trace loads of branches in my tree using online resources and the Mitchell. Do professionals have access to collections that an ordinal person like me would not? Or are there other sources on Scotland for example other than scotlandspeople? 
  I have managed to trace my Liverance surname to James born 1610 and have the paperwork, which includes his parents. However the trail stops there.  I also found a paper written by a man living in one of the small towns belonging to me who checked gravestones and church sessions before writing his  paper. However some of his data contradicts data from cousins who have done research as well.   I am also aware that many people were less than honest ( or just ignorant)  about their parents , birth dates , names, whether or not they are married  etc.  So sometimes a physical search in some records are a good idea.
My question is -if I hire a professional will they have access to records that I do not, especially for dates before 1600.



Lanarkshire / Re: Mossman Handyside Sterling and relationship to Duncan Family
« on: Monday 21 October 19 01:45 BST (UK)  »
Hi All: It is strange how some people are related. In some of the census I find a person marked as a boarder or errand boy but it turns out they are cousins or nephews or something.  It drives me crazy because I want to know how folk are connected.  So I go around looking for relationships in the background.  I had a James Greenaway from Ireland living with my great grandparents - my great grandfather's mother has Greenaway as her MS, and they were from the same little town in Ireland . James was listed as a boarder but I know there is more to it than that.

Roxburghshire / Re: Jane Main, living with the Sutherland family 1841 census
« on: Wednesday 28 November 18 02:41 GMT (UK)  »
I don’t know.  I saw that The new wife  was also from Kelso so he may have gone back home. Or to England. He may have hired somebody.  They had money.


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