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Messages - Eidde

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 ... 26
Denbighshire / Re: How many pubs in Ffrwd?
« on: Sunday 14 August 22 05:16 BST (UK)  »
Thanks to everyone for all the replies - could spend a long time playing with the side by side map!
There was a Black Horse in Top Road, Summer Hill (now demolished) - too far from Pentre Broughton to be the one mentioned?

Denbighshire / How many pubs in Ffrwd?
« on: Saturday 13 August 22 04:03 BST (UK)  »
I was doing some research in old UK newspapers when I came across an article from 1864 about an inquest in Ffrwd (Frood), near Wrexham. Apparently, a young shoemaker ‘far advanced in intoxication’ had tried to jump on a moving train, but was run over. What struck me was that out of the 17 members of the jury, 9 were publicans. There were also 3 shoemakers, a tailor and assorted others.
Was this a reflection of the number of pubs in Ffrwd (there was a large iron works nearby, presumably with a lot of thirsty workers)? Or were publicans over-represented among property owners in the region (I’m assuming jurors in those days had to be property owners)?
Also, 17 seems like a lot of jurors. The inquest was held in the Black Horse Inn – maybe there were free drinks afterwards as an incentive to serve?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: French: Word after Chevillard
« on: Saturday 01 May 21 10:34 BST (UK)  »
The word looks a bit like 'sans siege' - literally 'without seat', but 'siege' can also mean 'coffin'.
I should point out that this is wild speculation on my part  ;D

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: French: Word after Chevillard
« on: Saturday 01 May 21 10:18 BST (UK)  »
And there's no given name in the left hand column either. Could it be an unnamed child? A still birth?

Hi Tom
Do you have any context for this?

Line 1 seems to start with Katie
line 2 (at the end) Lettie should
Line 4 seems to include my dear ??? and I
Line 5 your ???

Do you know what the redacted bits say? I'm guessing you may be trying to protect identities, but there could be letters there which would help us to decipher the rest.

The Common Room / Re: Long distance romance
« on: Wednesday 10 March 21 04:48 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for the feedback, everybody, and for the interesting stories. I think I've traced Sarah back to Wandsworth, but I've had no luck with George Baker in Bristol. There's a few possibles around, but no way (yet) of confirming which one is him. Maybe they eloped and put as much distance between them and their families as possible.  :-\

The Common Room / Long distance romance
« on: Tuesday 09 March 21 12:43 GMT (UK)  »
I was prompted to make this post after seeing a question about travel in previous centuries. My story concerns my gg grandfather, George Baker, who married my gg grandmother, Sarah Anderson, in Aberdeen in 1831. He was from Bristol and she was from Wandsworth.*
I've no idea where they met - Aberdeen, Bristol or Wandsworth, or perhaps a service station just outside Penrith on their respective ways north ;) but I would think that going from the south of England to Aberdeen would have been a seriously long journey in the 1830s.
Interestingly, George became a mail guard and coach proprietor in Aberdeen, and ran a service to Peterhead. I thought this might be a clue as to how he got to Aberdeen, but I don't know whether any one guard/driver would do a journey as long as from Bristol to Aberdeen.
Any thoughts?

*In their marriage record it says Wanworth. I've always wondered if the person making the record misheard the name or was having a little dig at the English (wanworth = worthless)

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Headstone challenge
« on: Monday 08 March 21 11:23 GMT (UK)  »
Yes, I couldn't find them in 1841 either. And yes, thanks, I saw that she was deaf in the 1871 census.
BTW John's reputed father was a banker, only the surname Webster given.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Headstone challenge
« on: Monday 08 March 21 09:08 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks, GR2. I agree with all you've said. However, I was a little surprised that there was nothing on the baptism record to indicate illegitimacy.

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