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Messages - Gillg

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The Stay Safe Board / Diary summary week ending 9th June
« on: Sunday 02 June 24 15:45 BST (UK)  »
What a glorious sunny and warm day!  Just had the delightful view of a parent blue tit teaching its young to eat from our bird table.  At first the babies just perched there with open beaks, expecting to be fed, but their mother/father decided to let them serve themselves and they soon learned what to do. But then a greedy blackbird came and chased them off.  We also have a family of 4 blackbirds, a pair of sparrows and a pair of robins.  Would-be participants are a pair of fat pigeons, but they can't reach the feeder, so have to make do with what falls onto the ground.  Nothing exotic, but still very interesting to watch. 

The Common Room / Re: Baptisms
« on: Saturday 01 June 24 11:28 BST (UK)  »
Sometimes families were baptised in a "job lot", maybe because they had been travelling around and not settled long enough to have their children baptised.  Also, if a child had been very ill at birth and had been baptised at home in case he/she didn't survive, the child would then be baptised again later in a church.

Have you been able to find the other child's name and trace his/her parents? 

Lancashire / Re: Shipwright/Cabinet maker.
« on: Friday 31 May 24 13:38 BST (UK)  »
My daughter lived in a house which had formerly been occupied by a shipwright.  He had used his considerable woodworking skills to fit out the house with cupboards which made use of all kind of nooks and crannies. They were skilfully made, too.  He had worked on boats and was used to making the most of awkward spaces.  Whether he had worked on big ships, I don't know.

I make the names to be

John  34 years
Jessie  deceased
Marion  27 years
Susie/Josie?  23 years
James  deceased
James 20 years
Daniel  19
Ellen  17 years

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 2nd June 2024
« on: Friday 31 May 24 11:04 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for your concern, folks.  I have had lots of tests and have more to come, but no one has any answers yet.  Otherwise I am feeling fine and carrying on with my usual activities.  What else can you do? ::)

Lancashire / Re: HORSFALL - Todmorden, Nelson & Colne, Rochdale
« on: Thursday 30 May 24 11:07 BST (UK)  »
As a former Rochdalian the name Horsfall is familiar to me, but can't think at the moment why.  Perhaps there was a family business of that name.  It does seem to have been the name of the architect of some of the Victorian buildings in the town.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 2nd June 2024
« on: Thursday 30 May 24 10:58 BST (UK)  »
There's a really cold wind here this morning.  I have to confess that we are still having the central heating on for the last half hour or so of the day and we still put our electric blanket on at night....and it's almost June!  Next weekend is supposed to be warmer and drier, so we can only hope.

The weekly shop has now been done and put away.  We have been enjoying the asparagus, but I think the season is just about over now.  It's a real treat for me.  We usually visit Germany in May, when the asparagus season (those fat white spears) is in full swing, but can't do so this time.  It's all my fault - I had a "funny turn" and am awaiting hospital tests, so the travel insurance company won't cover me until I get a diagnosis. :(  >:(

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 2nd June 2024
« on: Wednesday 29 May 24 14:54 BST (UK)  »
Despite the weather forecast we have warm-ish sunshine here in Devon and so far no rain.

Earlier today our community choir sang at a coffee morning, along with the village shanty choir.  We had planned to do a bit of busking on the sea front later, but it was pointed out to us that we would need a licence, so we didn't do it.  Otherwise all went well and there were some delicious home made cakes to be had, too.  It's surprising how tiring singing can be, when you give it your all, but it also raises the spirits, see 

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Sunday 26 May 24 10:11 BST (UK)  »
Auto correct did embellish things a bit, but I did enjoy your story  ;)

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