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Messages - ginnerboy

Pages: [1] 2 3
Family History Beginners Board / Re: death certificate, george brumpton
« on: Wednesday 04 May 16 08:23 BST (UK)  »

this is the condensed info along with the snaps of the muster books themselves, i received this info from a researcher i hired at the time

Family History Beginners Board / Re: death certificate
« on: Wednesday 04 May 16 07:48 BST (UK)  »
i believe the info is for the same george brumpton/brompton who was with the 89th foot regiment and number 2448, i got the info from the national archives at kew, It states that george enlisted in 1846 at hull,in 1861 the regiment are in india and george is sent home for discharge, in 1861george joins the regiment depot at fermoy and is on leave until 16th may 1861, in 1864 george is with the depot at fermoy, in 1865 the depot leaves fermoy and arrives at shorncliffe then it states that george dies at shorncliffe dated 7th sept 1865, hope this helps as i believe the two georges are the same person.

Cork / Re: fermoy parish churc
« on: Wednesday 30 March 16 07:18 BST (UK)  »
thank you for that information, looks good

Family History Beginners Board / Re: death certificate
« on: Wednesday 30 March 16 07:10 BST (UK)  »
tried there and no luck

Family History Beginners Board / Re: death certificate
« on: Tuesday 29 March 16 06:10 BST (UK)  »
i got the date from the muster books at kew

Family History Beginners Board / death certificate
« on: Monday 28 March 16 12:55 BST (UK)  »
i found that my great, great, grandfather died at shorncliffe camp in sept 1865, i requested a death certificate from the GRO but they replied to say they could not locate. his name was george brumpton/brompton and he was with the 89th foot reg and the information came from the muster records at Kew.

Cork / fermoy parish churc
« on: Monday 28 March 16 12:51 BST (UK)  »
i am looking to find a picture/photo of the parish church in fermoy, co cork, my ancestors were married there in 1862 and i believe it was a united church of england and ireland church. any help to locate this would be great

Armed Forces / Re: shorncliffe barracks
« on: Friday 27 November 15 06:10 GMT (UK)  »
sorry, i should have made things a little clearer, i know he was in the 89th foot regiment (service number 2448) and he served the regiment for 18 years, he died at shorncliffe on the 7th sept 1865, i would like to trace a record for possible married quarters as this will tell me more information on names of his children as his wife and children were with him at the time of death.

Armed Forces / shorncliffe barracks
« on: Thursday 26 November 15 15:09 GMT (UK)  »
I am trying to trace any records of soldiers who were at shorncliffe around 1860s who lived in married quarters at that time, plus also trying to trace more on a george brumpton who died there on the 7th sept 1865 and would he have been buried locally. any help would be great

thanks all

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