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Messages - colee

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Europe / Re: Judah Cohen from AMSTERDAM in mid 1700s/early 1800s
« on: Tuesday 28 May 24 14:11 BST (UK)  »
It seems William de Brodam/Issachar had a wife Cecilia who died in 1829:

Europe / Re: Judah Cohen from AMSTERDAM in mid 1700s/early 1800s
« on: Tuesday 28 May 24 13:36 BST (UK)  »
More information about William Brodum/Issachar Cohen:

He apparently died in 1824, his address was Great Coram Street. So it definitely isn't 'my' guy, who lived in Whitechapel Road and died in 1815.

The most intriguing connection with 'my' guy still remains this 'Dr Leo' mentioned in the article. It appears both Issachars knew him. But I haven't been able to find out anything about him. He is mentioned in Synagogue Scribes as the first husband of Sprinsi Leo who married 'my' Issachar after he died. This is the info in Sprinsi's record on her marriage with Issachar in 1813:

Forenames   Sprinsi
Hebrew Name   Shprintsa (widow of the Doctor Leib Kassel (Casse

Europe / Re: Judah Cohen from AMSTERDAM in mid 1700s/early 1800s
« on: Tuesday 28 May 24 13:19 BST (UK)  »
...although if the article is right, and Issachar did convert or change his name, I guess he might not be in the Jewish records. I wonder under what name he is buried. And again, if he did earn a lot of money as the article suggests, if he didn't lose it all, he might have left a will. Then of course there is the question of whether he married and had children.

Europe / Re: Judah Cohen from AMSTERDAM in mid 1700s/early 1800s
« on: Tuesday 28 May 24 13:16 BST (UK)  »
Right, brilliant ok thank you, yes you probably said that before. Lucky you if you're able to read Hebrew :)

I don't think a 'Ber' or 'son of Ber' are in the Synagogue Scribes lists. There are no Ber or Bears in the UK part of JewishGen, although it comes up with some people called 'Barry' and 'Barnet'. I wonder what his 'Given name' would have been.

Europe / Re: Judah Cohen from AMSTERDAM in mid 1700s/early 1800s
« on: Tuesday 28 May 24 12:52 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Thimblewheel.

Looking at the original again, it says Issachar Bear Cohen, alias Issachar son of Cohen - maybe there is confusion between Ben and Bear...

Good idea - I'll post the Hebrew equivalent on the discussion part of the JewishGen site, as you say it's an invaluable resource (I've used it often) - or maybe someone on here can help, but I'll post it in both places just in case. It would be good to check properly what the Hebrew says.

For your Cohen research, have you looked at Synagogue Scribes? I find the site a little hard to navigate, but it does have a lot of useful information. Part of the problem with 1700s/early 1800s British Jewish research I think is that the Hebrew/synagogue records are less accessible and mostly in Hebrew. I have had a look at some at the London Metropolitan Archives but a lot of it is in Hebrew. I may at some point have to enlist some help from a Hebrew/British Jewish history expert.

Europe / Re: Judah Cohen from AMSTERDAM in mid 1700s/early 1800s
« on: Tuesday 28 May 24 08:32 BST (UK)  »
Wow Thimblewheel, how amazing that you found the original unredacted version! (how did you find it out of interest?!).

The date of 1805 places it in 'my' Issachar's lifetime. The mentions of Rosemary Lane, Dr Leo (Issachar married his widow) and the name Issachar (there can't have been that many around Rosemary Lane) are quite tantalising coincidences. But at the same time there is no mention of the name Jacob (which 'my' Issachar) was definitely known as. So maybe it is wishful thinking on my part. He may be a relative I guess, so it's still worth looking at the Copenhagen link.

Does anyone know about Copenhagen records?

Europe / Re: Judah Cohen from AMSTERDAM in mid 1700s/early 1800s
« on: Monday 27 May 24 19:04 BST (UK)  »
Maybe this version is better. The author of the article may have been a doctor, which could account for him being so irked. I wonder if the letter mentioned in the article, that Dr Leo wrote to the Royal College of Physicians to seek admission for Issachar is hidden away in the archives. It would make great reading if it exists. I may have to make some enquiries.

Europe / Re: Judah Cohen from AMSTERDAM in mid 1700s/early 1800s
« on: Monday 27 May 24 18:55 BST (UK)  »
I don't think the pdf is clear enough to read, so I'll try to post another version that isn't a pdf. In the meantime, here is the direct link to Find my past for anyone interested that has access:

Europe / Re: Judah Cohen from AMSTERDAM in mid 1700s/early 1800s
« on: Monday 27 May 24 18:40 BST (UK)  »
Hi Thimblewheel

Fascinating to read your thread about John Cohen and Catherine Cohen/Knight. So there were a few branches of European Cohens that came to London, it could well be that John is somehow connected the Judah/Edward branch. There was another one, in fact another Judah Cohen who had a brother Hyman and they were very involved in the sugar (read also slave) trade in the Caribbean. I'm trying to map them all out and see if they're related.

I was actually going to post a fresh question about this family, as I have come across a pretty mysterious newspaper article which might shed some light on the origins of the family. However, since I am replying to you here anyway, I'll post the newspaper article here and see what happens.

The more I read this article the more I think it cryptically relates to Issachar/Jacob, who was Judah and Edward's father, and points to him coming from Copenhagen. Even though the article is written in the 1820s after Issachar's death (1815), there are just so many coincidences in it: textiles salesman in Rosemary Lane, his name Issachar Cohen, the link with Dr Leo (I think Issachar married Dr Leo's widow after his death). The article seems completely fantastical, but I think I could validate some of the details in it (eg existence of an Alexander Donaldson at the right epoque, ie before Issachar's death). I have tried to attach it but I had to reduce the size to keep within the size limit.

Is this all wishful thinking by me? Or will I actually be able to pinpoint Issachar's birth in Copenhagen? Has anyone got any ideas? I would be unbelievably grateful!

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