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Messages - James Griffin

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 13
Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Cause of death
« on: Wednesday 29 May 24 13:46 BST (UK)  »
I see it too - now that you both pointed it out! It makes more sense to me than 'face' if I'm honest.

Thanks guys, I'm happy to go with that answer.


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Cause of death
« on: Wednesday 29 May 24 13:40 BST (UK)  »
I cannot make out the full cause of death in the attached clip.

The best I can see is Cancer of the Face but that doesn't sound right to me.

Any suggestions?

many thanks.


Many thanks for that result. I was beginning to get a wee bit worried when I saw so many people looking at the post but no suggestions were coming back!
At least I know it wasn’t just me having the problem of deciphering it!
Thanks again.


For the life of me I cannot decipher of find any trace of the place of death of my 3x great-aunt Mary Bell who died in Tundergarth in 1871.

It looks like it may start with a 'T' as it's similar to the 'T' in Tundergarth but I can stand corrected.

Hoping, as always, that someone out there can come up with the answer!

Many thanks.


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Cause of Death 1886
« on: Sunday 05 May 24 15:38 BST (UK)  »
That was quick!

And I do believe you're correct - that's a brilliant result so many thanks for taking the time to respond.

Take care!


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Cause of Death 1886
« on: Sunday 05 May 24 15:15 BST (UK)  »
Attached is a clip from the death details of a Jessie Wright Bell who dies in Dumfries-shire, 1886.
I think I can see Abscess & 2 years but I can't find the first word which possibly ends 'phritic'.
As always, looking forward to suggestions.
Many thanks.


Thanks to all who made the effort with this one.
I think everything has been deciphered now - Railway Cottage really makes sense as James' brother died at Railway Crossing in Closeburn. Hemiplegia Left also now makes sense - paralysis of the left side of body. Mothers maiden name of Hunter just confirms I've got the right guy.
Thanks again everybody!


Here I go again...
The attached file shows a section from a death certificate which I'm hoping refers to my first cousin 5x removed, James Stitt who died in Closeburn in 1883.
The writing is appalling (to me) and I'm struggling to decipher it. James's parents were John Stitt & Janet Hunter but I can't confirm for myself that Janet Hunter is the name on the document.
I'm also at a loss as to John's occupation (Coal Miner?), the location of his death (? Cottage) and the causes of death. All I can get from that section is ? 2.5 months & Debility (?) 2 months.
I'm not expecting 100% success with this but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Renfrewshire / Re: St Ronan's, Bridge of Weir.
« on: Sunday 18 February 24 20:11 GMT (UK)  »
Now that’s something I never considered (obviously). It certainly sounds like the only feasible answer and with regard to the lack of any other suggestions I’m satisfied that that’s got to be the reason she was out there.
Thanks for taking the time to respond!


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