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Messages - kaydeeceee

Pages: [1]
Scotland / Re: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?
« on: Friday 22 March 24 13:21 GMT (UK)  »
Thank You! That will was just gibberish to me. 

Europe Resources & Offers / Re: Deciphering german handwriting
« on: Friday 08 March 24 00:06 GMT (UK)  »
Is the attached a German Letter? I think my American may have been a Hessian Soldier who 'changed' his nationality after settling in America.

Scotland / Re: QUESTION: Did 'Huguenots' settle in Scotland?
« on: Saturday 02 March 24 23:47 GMT (UK)  »
I got a copy of Thomas Pagane died 1689 will. Here is an AI transcription of page 2. Sorry I can't read secretary handwriting.
If anyone else wants to compare it and have a go, here is a link to the will.

Followeth ded lastd will and Legacie
At Glascow the fyften day of June 1689 yeirs This all day
Thomas Pagane mite ye being feble of bodie but sound in Judge
ment and understanding and Resolved to settle his wordlie affairs
does he heirby make his testament and Lastd will as followeth
Imprimis ne nommais makes and appoynts Johne Wallace
tad yeomen in Glasgow, James Wallace merchant ye and
Johne Grenle uter them his onlie executors sele and vniveefall
onromettors with his hail goods ger debts and sommes of money
Item be heirby nommats and appoynts the said thrie persones
his excts, To be tutors to marie david and Johne Paganes
his childrine Item his debts being payt he herby leaves in
Legacie To the said thrie executors and tutors Thrie fonmed
of ffourtie pound feeling equallie amongst them for the paie
in executing of the said offices of exeoerie and tutorie Labors
It is heirby providit That In caice It shae happine all
the childrine of the said Thomas Pagane Shall happen
To depart this Lyfe before Lawfull marriage or before they
attaine to the age of twentie and heirs complent which of them
shall first happine To occurre That then and in that caice
of the said hade childrines decease as said is exprestie and no bte
Crayes The said Thomas heirby Leaves in Legacie to the
persons ffeespect the sommes of money following viz in the first
To david and Anna Kirpatrick childrine to Johne Kirpa
trick in karmicie equallie betwixt them The somme of
Thirce Thousand meekled stots may Item to Johne Rodge,
Mexl, telea, and marion Pagans mbarbronghe mylne
equallie amongst them The somme of one Thousand.
mil ret mone aforsaid Item to Johne, Alexander helen
hoodie childrine Land to Thomas Elses and
Goddre in Closburne equallie amongst them The somme of
Two Choldfand mil Ros money forsaid And all no Tholl
sand mee lo moe is hemrby rrdaunt to be Lyfrented by the
fo Thomas Goldre himself during his Lystyne Item to marion
and Jonet mades daughters to Robert made in Wanfurd
inchore equallie amongst temn Taie fonme of ffive hundred
midles money forsaid Item to Thomas, Jonet and marrion
Pagans Childrine to Johnes Pagane in Closeburne equallie
amongst them The somme of Tine Thopsand onie bid not
forsd S ddso the siy Thomas Soe herby Give full pollid
and Commissione To the said Johne and James Mallaces and Johne
Srenle ext and tutors aforsaid To domnnishe or ang ment his
childrines portione at he shall find the mnselves necessite swas
to doe Providing awanes that any ateanne the sholl said them
felves necessitat to make shue be to the behwove of ane or ait
of the saids childrine and not vthe wayes In Artnes of her puss
Brattin be the said pusprente) are subect an day yeir & pa
forsd Refethes Cornessy Wm doig las, and Thomas Brill

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