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Messages - WHS1899

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Oxfordshire / Re: Looking for Rothesay House Scool oxford and failing miserably!
« on: Wednesday 28 October 15 21:28 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you so much for that :)

Oxfordshire / Re: Looking for Rothesay House Scool oxford and failing miserably!
« on: Tuesday 27 October 15 19:54 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Igrowald, Thank you for your reply. How amazing that your mum and sisters went there too. I was really after a photo of the school as it was in the past. Mum says the headmistress was Mrs Edith Salkeld. Mum and her friend were once caught by her in oxford eating ice cream while in school uniform and got into terrible trouble!!!Mum remembers one or two names of people there at  the same time as her and I am trying to just get any information I can.

Oxfordshire / Re: Looking for Rothesay House Scool oxford and failing miserably!
« on: Tuesday 27 October 15 19:48 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Thornwood,
Thanks for your reply, I will check the library out. I have managed to find an image on Google Maps but am unsure if this is the same building as the school. I will have to send it to my Mum and see if it rings any bells!

Oxfordshire / Re: Looking for Rothesay House Scool oxford and failing miserably!
« on: Monday 19 October 15 20:13 BST (UK)  »
Hi Sc00p,
Thanks for your reply and the information. I'll have a look at the link.

Oxfordshire / Looking for Rothesay House Scool oxford and failing miserably!
« on: Sunday 18 October 15 21:07 BST (UK)  »
Is anyone able to help me trace my Mum's old school? I am looking for any information, a photo would be wonderful! She went to Rothesay House School ,Frenchay Rd, off the Woodstock Rd, Oxford. She attended in the late 1940's to the early 1950's. It was a private school and she was a boarder. I have only found one piece of info on the net regarding an ex teacher who was a poet. If anyone can suggest anything or direct me to somewhere I'd be very grateful.

Armed Forces / Re: Organ 91st Highlanders Sealkote India
« on: Thursday 28 June 12 19:30 BST (UK)  »
That's great, thanks for the information.

Armed Forces / Re: Organ 91st Highlanders Sealkote India
« on: Wednesday 27 June 12 16:48 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for your reply. If I want to do it the old fashioned way by post, is ordering a regimental birth cert the same asordering a normal one do you know?

Armed Forces / Organ 91st Highlanders Sealkote India
« on: Wednesday 27 June 12 16:18 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone help?
My 2x great grandmother was Catherine Organ (she married my 2x great grandfather Robert George Osborne 24.9.1866 in India, he was in the 91st Highlanders, she was a widow and Organ is her surname from her first marriage)

Catherine Organ already had a child, Ada Alice.E.Organ when she married Robert.
I have 2 lots of information regarding Ada's birth from the GRO Regimental Birth Indices:

Place: Sealkote
Date: 1865
Regt: 91st
Vol:97 Page:31

Regt:AH & M Corps
Vol 620 page 90

What I need help with is:

1. Who was Mr Organ to whom Catherine was married, and the father of Ada. I assume from the above information that he was a soldier in the 91st Argylshire Highlanders and was in Sealcote when Ada was born?

2. Can anyone suggest where I can check records for him, I'm hoping Organ is an inusual enough surname, as I don't have his first name. I'd like to trace his marriage to Catherine, and his death.

Thanks for your message, and thoughts about Emma Audley. I must admit I haven't got any further with this family at all, and remain as baffled as I was in 2007!
Perhaps going through my notes again may inspire me!

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