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Messages - Lunula

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Surrey Lookup Requests / Re: Burial record help - Rogers (d. 1795)
« on: Wednesday 24 February 10 03:20 GMT (UK)  »
Hi there!

I actually went to the National Archives online and got a copy of the probate-- it's not much of a will, as he died destitute and the only thing mentioned is "one hundred and forty four days pay as Lieutenant Colonel of the Queens Regiment of Rangers." He was in and out of debtor's prison b/w 1771-1774, as well as being court martialed in 1767 (he was acquitted of all charges, but wasn't released  until two years later). He returned to America in 1775, only to return to England in 1782. It is thought that he spent more time in debtor's prison up until his death in 1795. My sources have his DOD as 18 May 1795 and the probate I have is from Nov 1795.

There is no mention of a burial, just that he is of the Parish of St. Mary Newington in the County of Surrey. I will check the records from 1794, just in case. Thank you!

And thanks for clearing up the location of the church -- one of my sources had that it was in Liverpool (but I think he meant that it was near Liverpool St, perhaps?) - and I thought that it might just be the Elephant & Castle locale rather than the Inn or pub -- just a lot of misinformation, which is why I am so determined to find out whatever I can about him! He is actually quite famous in military circles in America and I find it so sad that he died destitute and forgotten a country away, even though he expressed his desire (apparently) many times to return to America in his final years.

Surrey Lookup Requests / Burial record help - Rogers (d. 1795)
« on: Wednesday 24 February 10 02:11 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for confirmation of a burial for Robert Rogers - he is an American military pioneer from the French & Indian wars (he was a loyalist to the crown of England during the American Revolution). He was born in Massachusetts in 1732. He spent many of his later years traveling back & forth from England to the US - many of those years spent in debtor's prison in London (Fleet, I believe).

I have his probate record from Nov 1795 and it's a bit difficult to read; however, it does mention that he was " of the Parish of St. Mary Newington in the County of Surrey" -- I found these burial records on; however, I couldn't find an entry for Robert Rogers (or Rodgers) in ALL of 1795. I have sources stating he was buried in a church yard in what is now the Elephant & Castle Inn and from my research, it sounds like St Mary, Newington fits that bill perfectly.

Can anyone provide any assistance or advice? This man is my 6-great uncle.

Thank you!

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