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Messages - Doroti

Pages: [1]
Hello again Phipps,
Being such a newby at this, I haven't yet found my way round it. Will tomorrow see if I can find your email and then we can share family info. Yes, I do know of Frances but she is on your side not mine. It was through her and the family of Samuel Junior, who was also a medic and who went to Aus around the same time as Gertrude did, that I have been able to get another generation back.

looking forward to sharing our researches!


Phipps, I have just joined Rootsweb having found your interest in Samuel Secker of Wakefield. He was brother to Charles Secker, Veterinary surgeon,  my x2 great grandfather. I have been researching my family history for 8 years and have included those who went to Australia in doing so.
If you would like to get in touch I may be able to help fill any gaps you may have.

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