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Messages - epiphany

Pages: [1]
Gloucestershire / Re: Shakespear family in Bagpath and Devizes
« on: Thursday 11 September 14 10:45 BST (UK)  »
Yes, that's right. They were most helpful, but a bit mystified too I think. I was wondering whether anyone had got any further with it. Thanks for your reply.

Gloucestershire / Shakespear family in Bagpath and Devizes
« on: Thursday 11 September 14 09:19 BST (UK)  »
Thank you John Bell,ChasH,vazzycat and dale_i for the information about the Shakespear family in Bagpath/Ozleworth posted in 2010 and 2011: it has been most invaluable to me. I have been trying to find evidence of the marriage between William and Harriot, and whether William is the son of William and Mary, born in 1800 in Ozleworth, but I can't find any evidence. Nor can I figure what happened to William after Harriot died in 1839 and before his death which I think may have been in 1854. Margaret Shakespear, daughter of William and Harriot, is my great great grandmother. Also, is the 'Stratford' part of his name a red herring, as the only William Stratford Shakespear, apart from William who was married to Harriot and subsequent William Stratfords, seems to be William Stratford Shakespear son of James and Amelia who married Sarah Ann Griffith, not Harriot. Any help on this would be gratefully received.

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