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Messages - joger

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 224
The last portion.
Procureurs généraux

Pouvoirs impériaux

Fait sceller


Third :

Et à venir
de ce lieu
Thibault Kaupf

The second portion.
La meilleure forme possible

à charge néanmoins

Hello Rootschatters,

I am currently tackling the marriage contract as noted above and have 98% completely transliterated.  There are about a dozen words that have me stumped with which I need assistance, please.

Because the words are spread out so far over the entire contract I'm going to post each section in a separate post.  That way it may be easier to answer one or more parts individually.

The first section is posted here.

Thank you.

A tous présents et à venirs ( should be written à venir)


The decennal tables for births , marriages and death are compulsory since the Revolution .

Alexander Etheridge's  death is in the decennal tables of Auderville  (1913-1922)  department La Manche, 9 april 1915 ( on line) and his death certificate ( acte de décès) is in the deaths register of Auderville 9 april 1915 ( not on line yet) . So you will have to ask for a copy of the acte de décès (Auderville's mairie ), and ask for the death of Etheridge ALEXANDRE ( he is registered as if his surname was Alexandre).

Madame , monsieur ,
Pouvez-vous me faire parvenir la copie de l'acte de décès  survenu le 9 avril 1915 , d'ALEXANDRE Etheridge ? Il est en effet enregistré ainsi dans les tables décennales , bien que son identité ait
 été Alexandre ETHERIDGE , nom et prénom ont été inversés à l'époque.

En vous remerciant , je vous prie d'agréer madame, monsieur , mes sincères salutations.

Give your address and email, some mairies send the certificates by mail but some don't.

Mairie d'Auderville
68 rue de l'église
50440 LA HAGUE

My apologies .

here's Alexander Etheridge in the death decenal tables in Auderville.

You can ask the mairie for his certificate ( not on line yet)

First name and surname are inverted, he is to be searched with the surname Alexandre.

Here's George Marc Allen's death  St Germain des Vaux . only the decennal tables, the registers aren't on line yet.

I can't send the photographs , the rights are reserved.

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