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Messages - Siobhan Rainsford Hennessy

Pages: [1]
Limerick / Re: Mary O'Reilly birth
« on: Thursday 20 July 17 01:58 BST (UK)  »
Hi, I'm also trying to fine information on the 0 Reilly family from Ballyfuaskeen. I'm looking for any information on a john Ryan. John was raised by Hannah o Reilly who was his grandmother. Also I think by James and Molly O Reilly. James was his uncle. If anyone could help or if anyone know of any of the ,o Reilly family that may know or would contact me. (*)

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Limerick / Re: Mary O'Reilly birth
« on: Thursday 20 July 17 01:50 BST (UK)  »
Hello all

I am attempting to trace the birth record of a friend of mines mother, Mary O'Reilly (Reilly)

In her US Petition of Naturalization she gives her birthplace as Ballylanders, Ireland.

She married John McCorkell in New York, 22nd Oct 1916

Father Michael O'Reilly, mother Johanna O'Dwyer

She gives her DOB as 17th March 1894, I am wondering if this date is correct or maybe she didn't know so chose St Patrick's Day?

I can't find a Civil Birth record, and i'm unsure of the parish records in the area, also I don't see her in the 1901 or 1911 census in Ballylanders.

Any help appreciated


Limerick / Re: Mary O'Reilly birth
« on: Wednesday 19 July 17 23:51 BST (UK)  »
Hi, Joe.
Not relevant to your query as such, but just a note on the O'Reilly family in case your friend is interested.
Mary's brother, Michael, remained in Ballyfaskin and died in the early 1960s. He was one of the 12 hunger strikers in Cork prison in 1920. Lord Mayor Terence MacSwiney and two others died. Mary and Michael were my grandmother's first cousins. My mother has memories of Michael visiting her grandmother.
The family historian Patricia O'Dwyer Flores is a granddaughter of Mary's uncle Denis O'Dwyer. She has a website with more information on that side of the family.
hi, looking for information on O Reilly family also from Ballyfuaskeen, ballylanders. My email (*) if anyone could help.

Widow Johanna and family in 1911:

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Pages: [1]