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Messages - Taylor0123

Pages: [1]
Gloucestershire / Re: Isaac FOOTE & Mary Ann HARDING
« on: Tuesday 27 March 18 21:19 BST (UK)  »
Brilliant, thanks Capetown.
Charles sounds very much like my father ;)

Gloucestershire / Re: Isaac FOOTE & Mary Ann HARDING
« on: Tuesday 27 March 18 06:47 BST (UK)  »
Tonnage - 1402
Contract Price per Statute Adult - £14-19s
Departed 15 Aug 1857
Arrived 11 Nov 1857
Voyage - 88 days
Surgeon Superintendant - George E. Farncombe Hatch
Male Adults - 115
Female Adults - 259
Male Children (<14) - 34
Female Children (<14) - 36
Total - 444
Deaths - 1 Female Child.


Nov. 13, 1857.
By the ships "Shalimar," and "Jessie Munn,"
about 750 emigrants have entered this port
during the week. A large proportion of these
are of the 'assisted' class, and consequently,
will not be thrown immediately into the market.
The remainder are open for engagement, and, as
hay harvest is commencing, will doubtless in a
short space of time be usefully employed.
Shearers are now becoming plentiful, and the
demand is falling off. Married shepherds, and
pastoral servants generally, are offering in
Wages are as under -
WITH RATIONS. - Married couples for home
stations, farms, &c per annum, £65 to £75,
ditto for hotels, &c., &c., £70 to £80 ;
ditto, for shepherding one flock, ditto £40 to
£45, ditto, two flocks ; ditto, £65 to £70, shep-
herds, per annum, £35 : hutkeepers, ditto
20L to 30L ; bullock drivers for stations, ditto, £50
to £60 ; cooks for hotels, do, 25s. to 35s. ; waiters
do., 25s. to 35s. ; weekly labourers, 15s to 20s ;
carpenters for stations 25s. to 30s. ; shearers per
100 15s to 16 ; sheep-washers 18s to 20s ; garden-
era per annum, from £50 to £60 ; grooms
do ; L.52 to £65 ; able seamen, per month, 4L 10-
5L - Rations according to authorised scale, viz. :
- 10 lbs. flour; 12 lbs. meat ; 2 lbs. sugar ; and
¼lb. tea each person per week.
WITHOUT RATIONS. - Carpenters for town, 11s
to 12s. per day ; masons, bricklayers, plasterers
blacksmiths, 12s. to 14s. per day ; unskilled
laborers, 6s. to 8s. per day ; quarrymen, 10s. to
11s. per day ; splitters, posts and rails, per
100, 20s., to 25s. according to timber ; fencers,
3 rail, 2s. per rod.
FEMALE SERVANTS - Laundresses and cooks
from £25 to £30 per annum ; housemaids, and
general servants, from £25 ditto ditto ; nurse
maids, £15 to £25 ditto.
Victoria Labor Market, and Shipping Office.

Gloucestershire / Re: Isaac FOOTE & Mary Ann HARDING
« on: Tuesday 27 March 18 06:14 BST (UK)  »
Am also a descendent, through Maria.  Knew little about the family beyond my grandmother (Maria's granddaughter), and have just traced back to the early 1800s today.
Wasn't expecting to find this level of detail on the first day(!), thanks for posting.

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