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Messages - Bridge48

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Lincolnshire / Re: Quarry maternity home,
« on: Friday 06 April 18 00:38 BST (UK)  »
My Mum had my eldest sister at the Quarry in June 1951. She was only 16, thankfully unlike most of these poor girls her family were understanding enough and let her keep her baby girl.

Even though she never really reflected much on the day to day workings of the place, she did often recall the fun she had with the friends she made while she was there.

One girl in particular was named Anne, my sister was subsequently named after her and I'm proud to say every female in the generation since has Anne in their name somewhere!

Unfortunately neither my Mum nor my lovely big sister are with us any longer but the bond they had from their challenging start was like no other I've witnessed between a parent and a child.

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