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Messages - annabelf

Pages: [1]
Norfolk Lookup Requests / Re: 1851 lookup please
« on: Thursday 21 July 22 09:02 BST (UK)  »
Hello woodyw and Finch. I don't know how old this thread is, and if you are still active, but I have only just found it (2022). I believe, if I have it right, that Cornelius Welton was the brother of my 5x g grandfather, and Susanna Drane the half sister of my 4x g grandfather John Welton. There are some parish's records not yet online in Suffolk, notably Hoxne which does not seem to have ever been indexed. It makes it very difficult to find the right family when they moved around between Norfolk and Suffolk doesn't it

I wonder if any further progress has been made on these Weltons, and if what I have fits with that. I have also got my family's DNA on various sites, hoping for a match to confirm this branch

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