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Messages - Viktoria

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Thamks Louisa, I shall have to be careful that I don’t get delusions of grandeur !
Nice that Sarah has been shown our sincere appreciation .

I like Fuchsias ,so varied ,look like little ballerinas ,actually I think one is named “ Ballerina”

Off to bloods clinic,actually I must check, it is a Bank Holiday.
Don’t want to go if only urgent bloods being done.

Sunny but still chilly here..

So now I must start phoning !

Grandson,(F.H and Kyra’s daddy )is 33 today .
I sent a message last night as they are probably akready out somewhere interesting this morning .

Hope everyone has a nice day.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Saturday 25 May 24 18:07 BST (UK)  »
Oh dear, my OH was not a handyman and knowing that would not even attempt any DIY.
The week before our wedding I asked him to put up a shelf in the kitchen of the house we had bought .
He came to Mum’s after several hours and said he had put the shelf up .
“ It was difficult, it would not stay up at first but is O.K as long as you don’t put any weight on it!”
He had nailed it to the wall.
I did all the DIY , but he was fair and washed up and brewed up etc so I hadn’t got it to do .
He once cut the toe off his shoe when sawing wood for me, but was left handed but right eye dominant ——- was a crack shot doing National Service but rubbish at practical things .

It was our family joke , his total incompetence.
Our sons can do all sorts of things ,not at all like their Dad.
We would have him back.

Lovely afternoon ,but I decided to sort out a bit of a muddle re two hosepipes joined so I can water the front garden and not take the hose through the house, go round the outside.
It leaks so needs disconnecting ,can I fathom out what I have done wrong.?———I was saturated , and still no idea what goes where.

Pizza and salad for tea and M/c United won the FA Cup Final !

Daughter sent an email naming her friends who remembered me from her schooldays ,they sent Birthday wishes and a customer ,a German chap,I chatted with at her BMW Franchise ,he remembers me because seemingly I asked was it he who bombed our chip shop?
I don’t remember that and he was far too young to be in the Luftwaffe or any other of the armed forces.But we did have a laugh I remember .
Well the oven to put on, table to set,salad to prepare etc etc etc ,is there no end to this slavery!
Cheerio .Viktoria.

Cheerio , hope it is a nice day tomorrow for everyone.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Saturday 25 May 24 11:33 BST (UK)  »
Yes Candleflame, it is funny ,sent it to my sister who refuses to grow old also.
She looks good at 90! However she  did have HRT .

.My Dr. said I was not a suitable candidate ,my sister stayed on for longer than the advised time, so I managed without ,the dreaded “ Change “ was nothing much ,but I know I was fortunate ,some of friends had a tough few years.

Washing out so off to shops.
A few clouds now so perhaps some of that wet stuff- what is it called ? OH YES—- RAIN!
So better shop and hope I am back before it teems down and washing all dripping.
Also before I change my mind re the new clothes ,never worn but now far  too big I have ready for the Charity shop.
Cheerio .Viktoria..

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Saturday 25 May 24 08:35 BST (UK)  »
Thanks again folks,the different time zones - so more kind wishes !

The sun is “ cracking the flags “ — meaning it is so warm there is a danger the York stone paving flagstones might crack!
Not many real flagstones left now, composition ones or asphalt!

Washing in ,and soon on the line , I like “ pegging out” .
Fish to feed, greedy one is being naughty again,I have to isolate it for a day then it behaves but reverts to bullying again  ::)

Well I am now officially 87 ,about 200 physically but 8-10 in the head.

Cup of tea first though whilst I do my shopping list then escape with my trusty trolley before son “ helps” me!
He parks further away than the bus stop ,at Morrison’s ,but I shop mostly at Tesco which is very near the bus stop ,so I sneak out .
He works long hours on the computers, time zones etc so has a lie in at weekends .

I know there are many not well, tired and worried , but hopefully by comparison they may feel things are not so bad .
We are not in war zones are we.

Cheerio, many thanks again ,I am very touched by your kindness.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Friday 24 May 24 23:03 BST (UK)  »
Many thanks folks for your wishes for my Birthday.
A quiet day ,but cards ,presents and phone calls .
Flash Harry and Kyra phoned as I had made a point of thanking them ( and their parents) for my cards and presents,F,H, was at school but I had sent him an email and he replied by phone when he got home.
His parents are very keen on them saying thank you so  I had to be sure to do the same .

Off to bed soon, finished a good book but won’t start another tonight.
Had a partial sort out of clothes much too big for me now, so Charity shop tomorrow before I put them back in the wardrobes !!!

Look after yourselves , we are a special band ,never meeting but very supportive and friendly .
Kind regards to you all.
P.S just found a message from Flash Harry and Kyra ,she is “ playing “a musical instrument ,all squeaks and whistles while he sings Happy Birthday” 

The Common Room / Re: Help from a Synagogue?
« on: Friday 24 May 24 16:22 BST (UK)  »
I went to the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue on Cheetham Hill Road,Manchester , to try to get some advice re tracing someone but one of the staff advised me that children are registered under their mother’s maiden surname——-,if that changes as adults I am not sure ,as I did not at that time have the mother’s name I could go,no further .

My name Viktoria, is from another baby girl, I was the only girl born closest to her ,there was a boy a little nearer.
Her father came to visit my mother after searching for other children via a local newspaper .
The family were Jewish and there was to be a sort of endowment .
We heard no more but this was 1937 and possibly assets the family  had in Germany were siezed.
I have found a birth and then the emigration .
I have not gone further as I am not interested in any endowment but feel sure they were the family who emigrated in the 1950’s .
I always wanted to meet her.
The German  spelling of my name has been quite a bother at times!
“ Say “ spelled with a k “ and I get Vicktoria ——-

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Friday 24 May 24 11:29 BST (UK)  »
Rena, things come full circle sometimes, from a Lancashire background when the mills were still in full production ,it grieved my husband when in the 1960’s on business trips to India,he saw Lancashire looms being unloaded on the Bombay docks for the weaving industry there.
Whilst others were being smashed up in the mills in Lancashire ,a very sad period .

The industry had no doubt mostly run on what was little better than slave labour ,long hours ,poor pay and Dickensian work rules and poor housing   - much built by mill owners .

It needed improving ,but why was it almost totally stopped?
Whole towns losing the mills and subsidiary industries that supplied the machines and maintained them .
As with coal mining ,when the pit closes it affects so much else,so with the mills.
Brigidmac, what a very interesting visit ,I love cemeteries ,usually so peaceful .
At Sunday School and Chapel we walked down the central path - the only path - through the graveyard of the little chapel , with old graves and more recent ones on both sides, so in a way always visitors on Sundays .
If we were early and Sunday School not yet open we would walk through
and were familiar with the names etc of the other children’s antecedents .
Not gloomy or gruesome at all.

Many thanks for Birthday wishes , some lovely flowers from grandson,Flash Harry,Kyra, and their mummy .
Cards etc and had my present from number one son-some perennials  for the garden( they are in Rhodes) sister,sister in law,work colleague I was at school with , number two son a new oxygenator for my little pond .

A cool but sunny day .
Gammon steaks for  tea ,so not much cooking .
Thanks again for the kind wishes
Am going to further sort  out my wardrobes ,get rid of things too big and not worn for a good while.You watch- I will probably gain weight - Sod’ s law!
Who was Sod?

Cheerio , best wishes to anyone else whose birthday is today .

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Thursday 23 May 24 09:59 BST (UK)  »
Many thanks , I am a bit sad though that the horses won’t be all decked out in rosettes, ribbons and brasses and bells for Empire  Day ——- as they used to be until the early  1950’s .
I thought it was because it was my birthday (-we lived opposite the Gas Works!  ::)
Milk float horses and those huge Shires that drew the beams of woven but unbleached cotton to the bleachers and dyers ,brewery floats also etc.

A dark wet morning and some high  winds in the night .

Well I saw a bird yesterday dunking a hard brown bread crust in the  bird bath/drinking water container, I have to clean it out every morning !
I think a pink mould that can grow is dangerous for birds .

Sent some photographs of pretty smock style blouses ,two never worn, to grand daughter .
We had to hide our expanding tummies but not nowadays ,so she probably won’t want them .

No news really ,but that can be good can’t it.
Look after yourselves folks and thanks for your kind wishes, my eldest son is now on holiday in Rhodes ,so we will go out for his birthday ( 67 ) and mine together when they are back .

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 26th May 2024
« on: Wednesday 22 May 24 22:28 BST (UK)  »
Whatever party gets in they never really do what they have said  they would do if elected or keep promises made pre election.

Unless you get an ordinary working person earning a modest wage or an unemployed person who has really sought employment in a position where they can make their real difficulties known to those in power so changes will be made ,there will always be gross inequality .
I don’t mind some people having a great deal,more than I have, I have enough for a modest lifestyle but really feel sorry for young people working hard who can’t get on the housing ladder and are at the mercy of greedy landlords .
Margaret Thatcher had a lot to answer for,selling off Council housing stock
and letting borrowing include the wife’s salary which raised house prices, and allowing Estate Agents to be involved in mortgages.
They had a vested interest in high interest rates !
She let down the class from which she came .

I voted Conservative in that election ,I thought a woman would be more attuned  to family  needs etc, ::)

Many thought ‘“Oh ,a woman,she will be more down to earth,”

Never mind ,we are not in Israel, Gaza or Ukraine ,for which I am very thankful.Viktoria.

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