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Topics - chris753

Pages: [1]
Dublin / Peter Martin
« on: Sunday 02 September 12 16:59 BST (UK)  »
I am researching Peter Martin, born in 1878. He may have been born in Ireland or possibly even in Boston USA. I know that he served in the Worcestershire Regiment and saw action in the Boer War, and also in Salonika in WW1. Before and after WW1, he worked in the brewhouse for Arthur Guinness in Dublin.

I believe that he had various cousins in Canada (Hamilton/Burlington) and Birmingham UK, by the name of O'Toole and Burgess.  Any info would be greatly appreciated  :)

Cavan / Name - John TRAYNOR
« on: Sunday 02 September 12 16:48 BST (UK)  »
I am researching John Traynor who was born in Cavan (possibly Bailieborough) around 1861. I understand that he moved to Liverpool when still a boy, and subsequently served in the merchant navy and then in the marines. He also spent seven years in Australia, before returning to the UK.

I believe that he had family in the Liverpool area and was related to another member of the Traynor family who was famous for being cured of first world war injuries at Lourdes.

I would be very grateful for any info about him  :D

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